Letter and Booking Form

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Netherton Village Hall
330a – 332 Meltham Road
01484 222374
Email: denise.bedford@kirklees.gov.uk
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Gold Cycle Expedition 2016
Dear Award Participant
Achieving your Award is an adventure from beginning to end and the expedition section can give you some of your
most memorable experiences! There’ll need to be between four and seven of you in an expedition team. With
your team, you’ll plan an aim for your expedition, decide on your location and do lots of fun training to make sure
you’re fully prepared and know what you’re doing! A qualified supervisor will work with your team to organise all
of this and help you plan your expedition.
The destination for the cycle expedition will be stunning North Yorkshire using some of the areas that have recently been
featured on the world stage with the two famous tours that have been held in this beautiful part of the country.
The minimum technical requirements to take part in a trip of this kind are a a thorough knowledge of cycle maintenance
and the relevant experience and fitness levels to undertake a four day venture whilst navigating and carrying all
equipment for a four day expedition.
Wednesday afternoons are when you will undertake the training which will include weekly cycle rides covering different
and varied terrain. Expedition training where you will learn about navigation, map reading, camp craft, cooking on light
weight stoves, food and nutrition and what & how to pack equipment for a venture on a fully equipped mountain bike. A
five day residential project during October half term where you will develop skills, agilities and improve your knowledge
through practical and theoretical training. A six hour Activity First Aid Course has been planned together with a Cycle
Maintenance Course that will cover all the technical requirements that may occur and teach you the skills to be self
The total cost of this project will be £395, for which a £100 deposit is required when booking. This includes Wednesday
afternoon coaching & training sessions, a five day residential project 23 – 27 October over part of the autumn half term
break, Activity First Aid Training, Cycle Maintenance Course, travel and accommodation for a three day fully supervised
practice journey and a four day qualifying venture in North Yorkshire during the Easter holidays. You must be able to
attend all the sessions.
It does not cover your DofE entrance pack, any food or catering as participants are expected to look after this part of the
project and camp site fees on the qualifying venture April 2016.
If you are interested in taking part in this opportunity, please complete and return the attached consent form with a non
refundable deposit of £100, by Wednesday 2nd September 2015. The balance to be paid in full by 12th February 2016 this
can be paid in instalments if desired. Training will start the following Wednesday 9th September from 2.00 - 4.00 at Little
Deer Wood Activity Centre Shepley Bridge Huddersfield Road Mirfield WF14 9HR
I must stress to all prospective participants that this is not an easier option than a foot expedition. It requires a good deal
more training and commitment as you will be learning a great deal in a relatively short period of time. Places are limited
to 24 cyclists and these will be accepted on a first come basis.
Yours Sincerely
Denise Bedford
Denise Bedford MBE.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Manager
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Mountain Bike Training & Expeditions 2015/16
Age in yrs. & months
Full Nam
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
Post Code:
Participant’s Telephone: Home:
Participants Mobile:
Parents/Guardians (inc. phone/contact details):
Alternative Contact (Relative/Friend):
Special Dietary Requirements:
Medical information:
Known Medical Conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy etc.):
Medication being (or to be) taken:
Known Allergies/Dietary Needs:
Known Phobias or Problems (travel sickness, sleepwalking, dyslexia etc).
Doctor’s Name & Surgery Address:
Date of last tetanus injections:
(Complete below if participant under 18 years)
I have completed the details above and authorise my son/daughter to take part in the above project
Signed………………………………………………………………………… Date:
Please return the completed form with deposit (cheques payable to Kirklees Council) to:
Denise Bedford MBE, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Manager,
Kirklees Young People’s Service, 330-332 Meltham Road, Netherton, Huddersfield, HD4 7EX
Tel: 01484 222374/222380/222384 Fax: 01484 222394 E-mail: denise.bedford@kirklees.gov.uk