LAUGHTON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY 16TH JULY 2014 AT LAUGHTON PARISH HALL Present: Chairman Cllr Julie Gill, (JG) Cllr Jacqueline Breeds (JB), Cllr Alex Carey (AC), Cllr Mike Cook (MC), Cllr Miranda Dart (MD) and Cllr Nick Williams (NW) Also present Clerk Mrs. Karen Crowhurst (KC) Also in attendance: Cllr Barby Dashwood-Morris - Wealden District Council Cllr Nick Bennett – East Sussex County Council 1 Member of the public Item Subject LP/14/88 Apologies for absence Cllr Ben Burbridge. To accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 18th June 2014 Resolved - to accept the minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 18th June 2014, as a true and accurate record of the meeting. This was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Dart. The minutes were then signed by Cllr Gill. LP/14/89 LP/14/90 Declarations of interest None received. LP/14/91 Questions from Members of the public At 7.34pm the Chair suspended Standing Orders and invite questions or comments from Members of the public in relation to items on the agenda. Richard Maesfield who was in attendance on behalf of the Village Green spoke about the report distributed to Members of the Parish Council, he drew attention to some actions which may arise from the report that the Parish Council will need to consider in the future. In particular maintenance once the work has completed. Mr Maesfield informed Members of the current position of the Working Group as well as future actions and ideas and concepts it is currently considering. One of the main emphases being to obtain further funding through various sources and to try and get a speed reduction on the B1214 after receiving advice from an East Sussex County Council Officer. Mr Maesfield informed that he was advised that speeding loops could be used to establish speed of vehicles using the road. 7.40pm Orders were reinstated Members agreed to place actions contained within the report as an item on the next Parish Council meeting agenda. Page 1 of 4 Action by LP/14/92 East Sussex County Council and Wealden District Council reports Cllr Bennett in response to what he heard from Mr Masefield informed Members that they could make an application for 30mph speed restriction for part of the B1214. Cllr Bennett informed Members that use of speeding loops is an effective method of monitoring the speed of vehicles. He advised that it would be best to gage the reaction of the community to establish if they would want a reduction of speed near the village Green. Cllr Bennett then reported on: - The waste and minerals consultation - Bus services consultation - Education portfolio and its priorities and the rationale Cllr Dashwood – Morris reported on: - Planning changes to the Government Infrastructure Bill - Statistics and statistic comparisons for other wards regarding Laughton, obtained from 2011 census (Cllr Dashwood-Morris agreed to send a copy to the Clerk for distribution to Members.) - Her role in Friends of Crowbourough Hospital and informed that the birthing unit there has been retained - The Community Dividend Fund - Full Council agenda items - Her attendance at local markets - Her attendance Laughton flower and produce show LP/14/93 Planning a) Plans There were no plans to consider. b) To consider any planning applications that have been received after the agenda has been published There were no plans to consider. c) Planning applications refused, approved, referred or appeals Members noted that the application for Harben Farm has been withdrawn. LP/14/94 LP/14/95 Play equipment – update and any further actions This matter is still on-going. The Clerk advised that she is currently sourcing someone to undertake ad-hoc maintenance for another parish and suggested that they could carry out the work needed at Laughton. Members agreed that this would be a good step forward. School Car Park Members considered concerns raised about the current state of the school car park any plans to extend the car park in the future. It was agreed to seek clarification about any 106 agreement for the area, as well as seek clarification from the school any intentions to extend the car park, land ownership and request to know of any progress of the wildlife garden. Page 2 of 4 Clerk LP/14/96 ESCC – Draft East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals sites Plan – Consultation 4th July 2014 – 5th September 2014 Members requested further advice regarding this from Cllr Bennett. Therefore, Standing Orders were suspended at 8.09pm to seek guidance. Cllr Bennett advised Members about the purpose and content of the consultation document. Orders were then reinstated at 8.11pm. After a short discussion it was agreed that Cllr Dart prepare a response on behalf of the Parish Council for Members to agree by email to meet the deadline. Cllr Dart It was agreed to include how to take part in the consultation be included as an item in The Buckle Newsletter. Clerk LP/14/97 ESCC - Consultation on proposed bus changes Members expressed their deep concerns regarding the changes to bus number 143 which could be drastically reduced. It was then agreed for Cllr Williams and Cllr Gill to draft a response on behalf of Laughton Parish Council for submission. It was further agreed that the consultation regarding the changes to bus services be an item in the Buckle Newsletter in order to raise awareness and encourage Parishioners to respond. LP/14/98 WDC - Questionnaire regarding conservation areas in Laughton Cllr Dart informed Members that she has been in consultation with Officers at Wealden District Council regarding some areas of Laughton becoming a Conservation Area and informed Members of the pros and cons if they should agree to proceed. Cllr Dart read from a document she had prepared and circulated to all Members and the Clerk. Cllr Dart proposed the areas outlined on the list be submitted as Conservation areas to Wealden District Council. After careful consideration it was agreed to add a couple of further areas to the list for inclusion and Cllr accept the proposal made by Cllr Dart. It was also agreed that Cllr Dart Dart send a draft response to Members for approval and if in agreement submit the questionnaire to Wealden District Council on behalf of Laughton Parish Council. LP/14/99 WDC - Review of Polling Stations and places within the District of Wealden Members noted the review of Polling Stations as received by the Clerk and WDC Officer. LP/14/100 Road Matters Members agreed to request from ESCC speeding loops to be placed near the village green. Members also discussed that particular stretch of road which they all considered is dangerous for all residents from the very Page 3 of 4 young to the very old. Members made reference to the report submitted by the Village Green Working Group and agreed they have made remarkable progress with an improved sight line and agreed to support them with any actions to reduce the speed restrictions. LP/14/101 Financial Matters a) Payments and receipts Resolved to accept the Payments and receipts submitted. This was proposed by Cllr Dart and seconded by Cllr Williams. (Payments and receipts are recorded on separate pages attached) b) Bank reconciliation Resolved to accept the Bank reconciliation, which was then signed by Cllr Gill. LP/14/99 Report from the Clerk – Verbal if required The Clerk had nothing to report as items for action were covered on the agenda. LP/14/100 Staffing matters Matters were discussed regarding the Clerks Annual leave and arrangements in the event of an emergency for ensuring Parish Council payments are met. LP/14/101 Reports from Councillors by leave Cllr Breeds reported that some recently repaired road has collapsed and requested that this be reported to ESCC. Cllr Carey reported about issues arising from recent bike racing events, Cllr Carey advised that an ESCC Officer is looking into the legalities regarding the stopping of traffic. Cllr Williams reported on his attendance at the last Wealden District Association of Local Councils meeting and advised of funding available through the Joint Action Group. He also informed Members about East Sussex Fire and Rescue free smoke alarm testing. LP/14/87 No further reports were received Urgent items and items for referral to next agenda at the Chairman’s discretion 1) Action points from Village Green Working Group report. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm Date of next meeting Wednesday 17th September 7.30pm at the Parish Hall. Page 4 of 4