AQH-M1-9 Agreement for the Provision of a Placement

Quality Handbook
AQH-M1-9 Agreement for the Provision of a Placement in
the United Kingdom within a Degree Programme
Version 3.0 August 2013
The University delivers a range of taught programmes where students are required to undertake workbased placements as a part of those programmes. These placements can vary in length depending
upon the nature of the programme, the longest being a ‘sandwich year’.
The University seeks opportunities from providers in the workplace to deliver these placements and this
agreement sets out the terms and conditions governing arrangements for students to undertake such
placements. The University recognises that with longer term placements the student may also enter
into an employment contract direct with the placement provider and that such employment contract will
have priority over the terms of this agreement in the event of any conflict.
The University and the placement provider will work together to provide the placements under this
agreement but it is recognised by the placement provider that the University is not at any time obliged
to place a student(s) with the placement provider as there may be times when such placement is not
considered suitable in any academic year.
This agreement will be supplemented by a learning contract detailing an individual student’s workplace
activity as agreed between the placement provider, the University and the student (“Learning
Contract”). In addition, placement providers are asked to complete the Health and Safety Assessment
Form at Appendix 1 prior to the commencement of any placement.
A placement handbook has been prepared by the University to assist placement providers in the
operation of the placement (“Employer Handbook”).
Core information
Name and address of the Placement Provider:
Site(s) at which the placement(s) will be provided if different from above:
(if there is any change to the location the University must be informed)
Number and length of placement opportunities per year:
(for example: 1 x 1year; 2 x 3months etc)
Commencement of agreement: [insert date]
Duration of agreement: [
] year(s) (note: maximum duration is 3 years)
This agreement may be renewed for a further period by agreement in writing between the parties.
Responsibilities of the placement provider
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The placement provider will:
 notify the University by the end of April in any year of any variation in the above number and/or
length of placements it will provide during the coming academic year. Notice may be given at a
later date only in exceptional circumstances.
 provide the student(s) with appropriate opportunities, resources and facilities to undertake
meaningful work during the placement in line with the Learning Contract, to ensure successful
completion of the placement
 provide a placement supervisor who will manage and supervise the student(s) during the
placement to meet the objectives of the Learning Contract
 carry out an appropriate induction at the start of the placement to ensure the student(s) is
familiar with the premises and is competent in the use of any relevant equipment
 operate equality and diversity principles that are in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and
other relevant UK legislation and as far as reasonably possible comply with the University's
policies on Equality and Diversity
 carry appropriate insurance with a reputable insurance company covering its own business
interests (including the provision of the placement and the student(s)) including but not limited to
public liability and employer liability to a minimum value of £5,000,000 in respect of any one
event or series of events. Evidence of such insurance shall be provided to the University on
 comply with all relevant requirements contained in or having effect under UK legislation relating
to health, safety and welfare at work and ensure that the student(s) is adequately trained in
relation to its regulations and procedures
 work with and support the University tutor(s) responsible for the management of the placement
in reviewing student progress, providing feedback on their work and drawing attention to any
areas of concern, in line with any detailed requirements in the learning contract
 advise the University of any particular requirements of the placement - for example, CRB
checks, confidentiality undertakings etc
 co-operate with the procedures of the University in relation to the resolution of complaints
 abide by the provisions of the Employer Handbook (including any amended versions) provided
these do not conflict with or interfere with the convenient, lawful or effective performance by the
placement provider of its activities
 permit the student(s) to use knowledge and/or data gained during placement in any coursework
and/or reports and/or thesis (or similar) submitted in connection with the programme
Responsibilities of the University
The University will:
 ensure that the placement supervisor(s) are provided with a copy of the Employer Handbook
and are fully briefed about their role
 provide details of a member of University staff to whom queries or areas of concern surrounding
the operation of the placement may be referred
 provide the student(s) with information about the purpose of the placement, its relevance to their
studies and the processes which will be put in place for the University to support them during
that time
 visit the student(s) at agreed times to review their progress and obtain feedback from the
placement supervisor(s)
 act promptly in response to queries and concerns raised by either the placement supervisor or
the student(s)
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ensure that the student is aware of any particular requirements in relation to the placement – for
example, the need to undergo a CRB check, the requirement to sign a confidentiality
undertaking with the placement provider etc - and that will, where applicable, cover these in the
Learning Contract
review the operation of the placement annually taking feedback from the placement provider
and the student(s)
ensure that as a minimum the Learning Contract will include the following provisions for the
student(s) to comply with:
o be expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner
o be subject to University disciplinary regulations as well as to any relevant procedures of
the placement provider in the event of unprofessional or inappropriate conduct
o be expected to adhere to health and safety requirements, confidentiality undertakings
and any other specific requirements of the placement
o be asked to provide feedback on their experience and expected to contribute
constructively to the evaluation of their experience
o be expected to raise any concerns about the placement with the placement provider or
the University as soon as possible so that problems can be addressed
The placement provider acknowledges that all placements are undertaken by students of the University
as part of their course of study and that the University and the student(s) retain the right to use details
of the work undertaken and the results of the placement to write up and submit for examination any
coursework (or similar) in connection with the placement and the educational programme.
Each of the University and the placement provider will keep confidential all information it obtains in
relation to the business operations of the other unless it has obtained authorisation to disclose it or is
required to disclose it by any law, regulation or order of the Court. In agreeing to this provision, the
placement provider acknowledges that the University is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and may be required to disclose information pursuant to that Act and further the placement provider
agrees to cooperate with the University as requested to enable compliance with the Act.
Data Protection
The University and the placement provider agree to comply at all times with the Data Protection Act
(1998) (and any modifications or amendments thereto) and any other relevant regulations regarding
data protection and privacy and to observe data protection principles in their handling and processing
of personal and sensitive data under this Agreement, particularly with reference to the transfer of
student data between them.
If either the University or the placement provider wish to terminate this agreement before its expiry the
party wishing to terminate will advise the other by giving 30 days notice in writing. Any such
termination will take effect at the end of the notice period save that the placement provider agrees that
any placement currently underway at the time of termination will be allowed to complete as originally
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Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, a contract of employment or a
relationship of principal and agent between the University and the placement provider. Neither party
has any authority to make any representation or commitment, or to incur any liability (financial or
otherwise) on behalf of the other.
None of the terms of this agreement are intended to be enforceable by any third party. Any such rights
to enforce or rely upon any term of this agreement pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)
Act 1999 are excluded.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the parties
hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
Agreement signed
on behalf of the Faculty
Name ………………………
Position: ……..…………….
Date …………
on behalf of the placement provider
Position ………………………
Date …………
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Appendix 1
Placement – Health and Safety Assessment
Name of employer: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________
Fax: ___________________
Does your organisation have a written health and safety policy ?
a). Does your organisation have a policy regarding the provision
of health and safety training for persons working within your
undertaking ?
b). Do you provide all new employees with an Induction
programme, which includes matters relating to their health and
safety ?
a). Do you currently hold valid Employer and Public Liability
insurance ? Please provide proof of current cover.
b). Does your insurance cover any liability incurred by a
placement student as a result of his/her duties as an employee ?
Has your organisation appointed/identified a person with specific
responsibility for the management of health and safety within the
workplace ?
Please confirm (by ticking the appropriate box) that the following
statements are correct :a). This organisation has not been in receipt of any
enforcement notices from either the Health and Safety Executive
(HSE) or the Local Authority in the last 12 months
b). This organisation is not currently subject to any formal legal
proceedings relating to health and safety failings
nt is
nt is
(If you tick to state that the statement is not correct, then please provide brief details of the
reasons for either the enforcement action or litigation)
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a). Have you carried out Risk Assessments of your work
practices to identify possible risks to the health and safety of
your employees and others who may be affected by your
‘conduct of undertaking’ ?
b). Are the results of these risk assessments implemented ?
a). Do you have a procedure for reporting accidents and
incidents in accordance with RIDDOR 1995 ?
b). Do you have procedures to be followed by persons on-site in
the event of an emergency ? (e.g. fire, bomb threat, chemical
c). Will you inform the university of all accidents requiring
hospital treatment or ‘lost-time’ involving students on placement
d). Will you inform the university of any sickness-absence, which
may be due to work, involving students on placement ?
Will you provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment for
students on placement and train them in the correct use ?
Will you ensure that students will have access to a named
supervisor throughout their placement ?
Please outline here any additional information about your company or the working
environment, which may be helpful to the University when determining the suitability of
a planned work placement.
Please include any significant hazards to which employees may be exposed and any
specific features of the work you do, of which we should be aware.
Who is your nominated contact for compliance with the requirements of health and safety
legislation ?
Name and position: ___________________________________________________________
Tel: ____________
The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge:
Signed: _______________________________ Position: ____________________________
Date: _________
Please note: this assessment is normally valid for a period of three years, after which time you
may be requested to provide information for re-assessment purposes.
Thank you for your co-operation in completing and returning this form, your assistance is much
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Occasion of Change
Change author
Modifications made
S Sutcliffe
Date of
October 2011
Original placed in
Academic Quality
Annual review
A Roberts
August 2012
Clarification of process
Annual review
A Roberts
August 2013
Inclusion of correct hyperlinks;
clarification of acronyms
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