Gov Research Article V of the Constitution

Article V of the Constitution
Directions: Use 3-5 minutes to double check this subject’s Power School for your class grade and work listings
verifying that all work is caught up. Read and heed embedded messages. Next, research your part of the
following topics and figure out answers to the questions. Write your questions and detailed answers on lined
paper or your notebook paper. These questions and related answers are required to be handed in, once the
class discussion is completed. You are expected to use the time completely, be through and become
knowledgeable. Write down any puzzles you have related to the material on your paper and bring them up
during the class discussion. Warning: If you are found to be using your research time for other things, it will
hurt your learning and grade. If you think or claim to be done, you are not! Once your assigned part is ready,
then help others on your team or study the test resources from Mr. Spitzer’s web page for the upcoming test. No
games, non-topic talk or other activities allowed during research time. The class will research as much as
time allows before team sharing and whole class discussion. Since there is always more to learn, Mr. Spitzer
encourages you to look into this topic more on your own time. Your class work grade includes: 1. Entire use of
time while researching. 2. Answer questions & pay attention during team sharing. 3. Paying attention &
participate during class discussion. 4. Turning in your readable questions & notes. Team members who do
not do their share, provide hasty sloppy answers, disrupt others and use time ineffectively in the four
grade aspects will be removed from the team and required to write out and turn in all answers on their
own for the grade.
Topics to Research:
Questions to be able to discuss
1. Describe the four possible methods of formal amendment of the Constitution.
Specify for each whether or not the method has been used to make the 27
formal changes which have been made in the Constitution.
2. How does the formal amendment process emphasize federalism and popular
sovereignty? What is the only one restriction placed by Article V on what
topics can be part of an amendment? Can a state change its mind after
rejecting proposed amendment? Can a state change its mind after approving
an amendment?
3. How many joint resolutions calling for amendments to the Constitution have
been proposed in Congress since 1789? How many have been sent on to the
states? Of those how many have been finally ratified?
4. List the 27 Amendments and their topics (plus year) which have been
approved to become part of the Constitution.
5. Give ten examples of failed proposals amending the Constitution.
6. By what other five means through informal amendment does constitutional
change occur? Explain each.
Critical Thinking
7. Why does the Constitution require an extraordinary majority for the
ratification of amendments to the Constitution?
8. Many say the Constitution is a flexible document or living document. Find
and cite evidence that supports that conclusion.