7420 Page 1 of 3 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL INTERMOUNTAIN REGION (REGION 4) OGDEN, UT FSM 7400 – PUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7420 – DRINKING WATER Supplement No.: 7400-2012-1 Effective Date: December 17, 2012 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: HARV FORSGREN Regional Forester Date Approved: 12/14/2012 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 7400-20042 to FSM 7410. New Document 7420 3 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 7420 (Supplement FSM 7400-93-2, 10/12/93) 8 Pages Digest: 7421.21 - Requires monthly bacteriological testing for all seasonal drinking water systems during season of operation. 7421.25 – Outlines chemical monitoring for non-public drinking water systems. R4 SUPPLEMENT 7400-2012-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/17/2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7420 Page 2 of 3 FSM 7400 – PUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7420 – DRINKING WATER 7421.21 – Microbiological (Coliform) Monitoring For public and nonpublic seasonal drinking water systems, perform microbiological testing for total coliform bacteria at a minimum frequency of one sample per month for every full or partial calendar month of operation. For microbiological monitoring only, consider each handpump a separate water system. 7421.25 – Primary Contaminants, Secondary Contaminants, Regulated and Unregulated Organic and Inorganic Chemicals, and Other Contaminants Testing Requirements for Non-Public Systems (All sources) 1. Non-Public Non-Transient Water Systems: NPNT (All sources). Conduct initial monitoring of newly developed and reconstructed NPNT sources for the selected contaminants listed below. Ensure that existing NPNT systems have baseline samples for selected contaminants listed below. Consideration of historical or current site and surrounding recharge area usage may indicate additional sampling requirements (for example, more contaminants, number of samples, sampling frequency, and so forth). Primary Contaminants Arsenic Antimony Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cyanide Fluoride Lead Mercury Nitrate Nitrite Selenium Sodium Thallium Secondary Contaminants Alkalinity Aluminum Calcium Chloride Color Copper Corrosivity Foaming Agent (Surfactants) Hardness Iron Magnesium Manganese Odor pH Silver Specific Conductance Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Zinc R4 SUPPLEMENT 7400-2012-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/17/2012 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 7420 Page 3 of 3 FSM 7400 – PUBLIC HEALTH AND POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CHAPTER 7420 – DRINKING WATER Specifically request each of the analyses listed above since laboratories will not have equivalent groupings under primary and secondary contaminants. 2. Non-Public Transient Water Systems: NPT (all sources). Conduct initial monitoring of newly developed and reconstructed NPT sources for nitrate and nitrite. Ensure that existing NPT systems have baseline samples for nitrate and nitrite. Consideration of historical or current site and surrounding recharge area usage may indicate additional sampling requirements. 3. After the baseline water quality of non-public systems has been established, reassessment of system and site vulnerability shall occur during each sanitary survey; adjustments to system monitoring requirements and sampling plan may be necessary.