Mentally Disabled * Trainable Class Syllabus

Trainable Mentally Handicapped/Neurologically Impaired Class
2011-2012 Syllabus
Teacher: Melanie Garrett
ABT Paraprofessional: Joy Varda
ABT Paraprofessional: Sandi Yaggie
Room 140
Description of Students
The students in my class have a primary disability of Autism and/or Mentally Disabled –
Moderate/Trainable and generally are mentally functioning on the pre-kindergarten /
kindergarten / first-grade academic levels. All students enjoy levels of independence in the
areas of bath rooming, academic related work, eating and socializing.
Each student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that was created for him/her by
their teacher last year, parents, related services as needed, a regular education teacher and
an administrative representative. The related services of speech therapy, occupational
therapy and physical therapy are provided to those students in accordance with their specific
needs as outlined in their IEP.
Students are mainstreamed for related arts to the extent indicated on their IEP: Music,
Library, Science Lab, Art and P.E. My class also receives additional related arts services in
the areas of Art, Music and P.E. from teachers from the Washington Center.
II. Instructional Materials and Resources
Research says:
 Reading aloud to children is the single most important activity for building concepts and
skills essential for reading success.
 Growth in vocabulary and oral language use is related to reading success.
 Phonological awareness is related to reading success and begins to develop through
traditional rhymes and word games.
 Children acquire knowledge of letters and sounds through writing as well as through
 A print-rich environment is critical for helping children incorporate literacy into play and
use literacy tools functionally.
Our main school field trip this year will be participating in the Special Olympic Spring Games at
Furman. We look forward to the opening ceremonies, games and Olympic Town.
The following is a list of some of the materials and resources I use throughout the year to meet
the goals and objectives of my students:
Classroom Promethean Board
Touch Window for the Computer
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Adaptive Computer Keyboard
Intelli-Keys and Related Software
Assistive Technology Devices (Go-Talk, Dynavox, etc.)
Boardmaker Computer Program
Speaking Dynamically Pro Program
Discrete Trial Trainer Software Program
Edmark Reading Program Software
CD and cassette music player
BIG MAC and Cheap Talk
Classroom Set of Children’s Books
School Library Books
Big Books
Teacher-made units
Glue, Scissors, Crayons, Pencils, Markers, Construction Paper, Paint
Variety of Craft Items
Electronic Piano Keyboard
Variety of Manipulatives
Variety of Puzzles
Playground Equipment
Handwriting Without Tears Program
Math Out of the Box Program
Touch Math Program
Every Day Counts – Calendar Math Program
Assessment Procedures
Evaluation data and formal/informal assessments are used to develop annual IEP’s with
appropriate goals and objectives for each student. An individual criterion for mastery of
each goal and objective is included in the IEP as well as methods by which mastery will
be assessed.
Every 4.5 weeks parents will receive a progress report/report card. Portfolios of the
student’s work will be compiled throughout the year. The students will not be receiving
numerical grades on their report cards this year. We utilize a program named EXCENT
in which all the staff involved in the child’s education can document progress. This can in
turn be printed out each 4.5 weeks for parents.
Teacher and Parent Communication
Every Monday I will send home a “Communication Sheet” with your child. Included on
this sheet is information about your child’s behavior, therapy received, related arts
classes attended, and written notes from the teaching staff. You are asked to sign,
date, and return this form each day. There is a space for parents to write notes as
well. The completed form will be collected on Monday mornings and placed in a file for
your child. This provides a strong communication link between home and school that is
essential to your child’s progress. In addition to this sheet, I will write more detailed
notes or call parents whenever necessary.
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Due to the nature of instruction in our classroom, homework is not customarily sent
home. However, the occupational therapist, speech therapist, and/or physical therapist
may send home assignments for you to complete with your child.
Units of Instruction
Each one of my students has an IEP that is unique to his/her special needs. Therefore,
the goals and objectives for the school year closely follow the guidelines set forth in the
IEP. Units of instruction will be developed to promote mastery and integrate these goals
across the subjects of Reading Readiness/Language Arts, Writing Readiness, Math
Readiness, Science, Social Studies and Adaptive Behavior.
To create a set of standards for special education students with significant cognitive
disabilities, the State Department of Education had a committee of special educators and
content specialists develop the South Carolina Alternate Assessment (SC-ALT). The
students are assessed beginning at age 8 based upon their IEP. Assessment
Standards and Measurement Guidelines were developed. They selected standards
that they felt would be meaningful now as well as in the future for our students. The
American Institutes of Research guided the development of these standards/tasks based
on grade level content standards at less complex and prerequisite skill levels. Students
who are age 8 by September 1 of each school year will be assessed in the spring of the
following year when SC-ALT is selected on their IEP (rather than PASS testing).
Below is a list of the objectives my students as a whole will be working on this year.
Each student is not expected to work on all of these. For objectives specific to your
child’s individual needs, please refer to your parent copy of their IEP.
Students will improve Reading Readiness / Language Arts Skills:
Will use their personal voice output device to identify at least 3 letters of the
alphabet when shown a matching flashcard
Will point to, match, and sequence the letters A-M
Will point to, match and say 15 sight words on a kindergarten level
Will read a sentence made out of the sight words (no more than 2-4 words)
Will read sentences using kindergarten sight words and environmental words
Will be reading on a 1st grade reading level with an emphasis on 1st grade sight
Will increase his/her sight word vocabulary by 24 new words
Will receptively identify 12 uppercase letters of the alphabet
Will increase visual performance/discrimination/attention from matching 0-20
objects/pictures to identical objects/pictures in an array of 3 answer choices, by
either touching or pointing to the correct object/picture
Will increase his/her sight word vocabulary by 10 new words
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Students will improve Math Readiness Skills:
Will point to, match sequence the numerals 1-18
Will count to 20
Will sequence numerals 1-10 without assistance (numerals presented in print)
Will be adding with sums of 8 or less
Will add with sums of 10 or less using manipulatives
Will subtract with 5 or less using manipulatives
Will receptively identify the numerals 1-12
Will match numerals to quantities for sets up to 8
Will receptively match the correct numeral to the amount representing numerals 1-5
Students will improve Science/Health Skills:
Will identify parts of a plant and what a plant needs to grow (soil, water, sunlight) –
SC-ALT Measurement Guideline for State Standard 3-2: The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the structures, characteristics, and adaptations of organisms that allow them to
function and survive within their habitats.
Will match basic weather symbols (sun, cloud and rain) with the observable
phenomena. SC-ALT Measurement Guideline for State Standard 4-4: The student will
demonstrate an understanding of weather patterns and phenomena.
Will identify forms of matter. SC-ALT State Standard 3-4.1: Classify different forms of matter
(including solids, liquids and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties.
Will identify materials as metals or non-metals. SC-ALT State Standard 3-4.3: Explain
how heat moves easily from one object to another through direct contact in some materials (called
conductors) and not so easily through others.
Students will improve Social Studies Skills:
Will identify teacher(s) and other members of the school community as well as
members of the larger community (e.g. police officers, fire fighters, doctors, etc.).
SC-ALT State Standard 3-1: The student will demonstrate and understanding of places and regions
and the role of human systems in South Carolina.
SC ALT State Standard 3.1.2: The student will interpret thematic maps of South Carolina places
and regions and show how and where people live, work and use land and transportation.
Will identify characteristics of regions of South Carolina in which on lives (e.g.
Upcountry, Midlands , Low country). SC-ALT State Standard 3-1.3: Categorize the six
geographic regions of South Carolina – the Blue Ridge Mountain Region, the Piedmont, the Sand
Hills, the Inner Coastal Plain, the Outer Coastal Plain, and the Coastal Zone – according to their
different physical and human characteristics.
Will identify major cities in South Carolina and the region in which they are located
(Charleston, Columbia, Greenville). SC-ALT State Standard 3-1.1: Identify on a map the
location and characteristics of significant physical features of South Carolina, including landforms,
river systems such as the Pee Dee River Basin, the Santee River Basin, the Edisto River Basin;
major cities; and climate regions).
Will be familiar with changes in technology: telephones, cell phones, radio, internet,
and television. SC-ALT State Standard 5-6.3: Explain how technologic innovations have
changed daily life in the United States since the early 1990’s including changes in the economy and
the culture that were brought about by computers, electronics, satellites and mass communication
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Will identify the use of specific technology (e.g. use of the phone to call people).
SC-ALT State Standard 5-4.1: Summarize changes in daily life in the boom period of the 1920’s
including improved standards of living, the popularity of new technology such as automobiles,
airplanes, radios and movies; the Harlem Renaissance and the Great Migration, Prohibition; and
racial and ethnic conflict.
Students will improve Writing Skills/Fine Motor Skills:
Will be tracing letters and numerals without assistance
Will write the letters composing first/last name given a model & writing cubes
Will write uppercase letters using a model and writing cubes
Will write a sentence using a model and writing cubes, using kindergarten sight
Will write a sentence using a model and writing cubes, using 1st grade sight words
Will trace and/or write letters, words and/or phrases with a focus on appropriate
neatness, spacing and line orientation
Will trace a vertical line, horizontal line, diagonal line down, diagonal line up, and
the uppercase manuscript straight line letters in his/her first name, given a model,
visual cues and/or manipulatives as needed.
Will trace/copy the uppercase manuscript letters of his/her first name within a
designated space of 2 inches or smaller, utilizing correct sequence and formation
Students will improve Adaptive Behavior Skills:
Will identify/request objects and actions, answer simple questions (including
yes/no), using sign, symbol, or voice output device
Will eliminate on a toileting schedule, remaining dry during school hours
Will follow one-step directions without assistance
Will follow teacher’s simple direction to the class
Will sit at a desk and complete work independently for 10 minutes (only 1 redirect)
Will respond to the rules and routines of the class and school environment
Will attend to a task/activity for 12 minutes, ignoring distractions and/or interruptions
Will follow one and two-step directions
Will engage in classroom activities, free-time and recess with only one redirect in 15
Will show that he/she understandings rights and responsibilities in the classroom
and school environment
Will show that he/she is comfortable when knows routines and can plan activities
around the daily schedule
Will attend to a task/activity for 15 minutes with only 2 redirects
Will receptively identify his/her age, first and last name, phone number and address
Will follow through on activities relating to working independently at his/her work
station by increasing from 1-5 (known educational) work tasks
Will, when given familiar objects/pictures and asked 10 questions about them that
require a “yes/no” response, will use a variety of methods to communicate his/her
response (cards, communication boards, communication devices, and/or shake
his/her head appropriately
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Will be eating using a fork and spoon
Will wipe hands and mouth without adult supervision
Will interact socially with peers in the classroom and/or general ed. classes
Instructional Approach –
TEACCH MODEL (Treatment and Education of Autistic and other related
Communication Handicapped Children)
o This model utilizes structured teaching basics in order to maximize a student’s
learning potential. Some of the advantages are:
a. Adapts the environment to make it orderly and predictable
b. Uses routines and makes things familiar
c. Capitalizes on interests to both engage and broaden
d. Focuses on the development of independence
o Structured teaching involves 4 basic concepts:
Physical Organization
Daily Schedule
Work System
Visual Structure
o Students benefit from the use of visual schedules using either real-life pictures and/or
picture symbols to help them better understand expectations, routines, and to
hopefully increase communication skills
Behavior Management – Within the Classroom
Classroom rules include some of the following:
Take turns
Help others
Eat Politely
Say “please” and “thank you” using your voice, talk board, picture book,
communication device, etc.
Raise your hand
Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough
Put things away
Keep your hands to yourself
I require respect from my students for my paraprofessionals, other school staff, and
myself. When a student is given an instruction, he or she is to comply with that directive
in an acceptable manner. We will be modeling respect in front of the children. They
cannot be expected to show respect if respectfulness is not taught and demonstrated.
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Monitoring of Behavior in the Classroom:
I have placed “FOUR FACES” in the front of the classroom.
Next – Yellow (Warning) Face 
Next – Red (Sad – Stop) Face 
Top – Green (Smiley) Face
Bottom – Black (Crying – Very Sad) Face
Each student has a clothespin with his/her name printed on it. At the beginning of each
day the student’s clothespin starts off on the green smiley face. We want each day to
be a “new day” with a clean record for behavior. During each activity period students
are expected to have compliant behavior, do their work, and follow classroom rules. The
clothespin is moved when a student misbehaves.
Students whose clothespin stays on “GREEN” may get a “TREASURE” from the
“Treasure Box.” This is done twice a day: after lunch (around 11:15 AM) and
before we go home (around 2:15). This allows students to redeem themselves if
they have had a bad morning/afternoon. They understand that the Yellow (Warning)
Face means no treasure and you had better start behaving. The Red (Sad- Stop) Face
means no treasure and a phone call to a parent. The Black (Crying-Very Sad) Face
means no treasure, a note home, and if serious enough, a call for the administration to
come to the classroom!
Behavior Management – School-Wide
We have adopted a school-wide behavior program called Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The entire staff is challenged to find five positives
for every one negative behavior being exhibited. Each morning the following is shared
during the morning announcements over the school system:
The school-wide High Five for Excellence statements are:
 Respect yourself and others
 Work towards your goals and always do your best
 Make responsible choices
 Build positive relationships
 Take pride in East North Street Academy
IX. Contact Information
You may contact me via email at or by phone at 3552900. Note that all phone calls go directly to voice mail. If it is an emergency, please
press extension “0” to get the operator and she will ring the classroom. I will call you
back at my earliest convenience. If you call before 3:00, I should be able to return your
call the same day.
EXCELLENCE IS EXPECTED and our class is on the road to EXCELLENCE!
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A Favorite Poem I Wish to Share with You…
Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte
If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with fear,
He learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with pity,
He learns to feel sorry for himself.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns to be confident.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to be appreciative.
If a child lives with acceptance,
He learns to love.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with recognition,
He learns that it is good to have a goal.
If a child lives with sharing,
He learns generosity.
If a child lives with honesty and fairness,
He learns what truth and justice are.
If a child lives with security,
He learns to have faith in himself and in those about him.
If a child lives with friendliness,
He learns that world is a nice place in which to live.
If you live with serenity,
Your child will live with peace of mind.
With what is your child living?
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