11th Grade Contemporary Composition Crenshaw High School Course Information: Spring 2015 Mr. Cornwell/ Ms. Miller Amiller@crenshawhs.org Corndaddy @gmail.com Tutoring Time—3:30-3:10 Welcome to Contemporary Composition! 11th grade students in this course will enjoy a highly engaging, student-centered, interactive, and standards based curriculum. The course is aligned with the English & Language Arts Common Core Standards. Course Description This is a theme-related, literature-based, integrated course that provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with a wide range of literary forms, themes, cultures, and periods while developing proficiency in the use of grammar/usage and mechanics in their compositions. Emphasis is placed on reader comprehension and higher order thinking. Scholars will analyze various works of literature (i.e. short stories, poems, song lyrics, etc.) through oral discussion and in written compositions. The Mission The mission of Crenshaw High School is consistent with the goals and expectations of the Los Angeles Unified School District: to inspire, connect, and prepare students for life-long learning and post-secondary success. The use of the 11th grade Springboard curriculum provides students an opportunity to read modern authors and materials that provides students with the awareness needed for competition in the 21st century. Focus The core focus of the course is the sequencing of activities based on the use of multiple learning situations and instructional strategies, all anchored by the standards. Periodical assessments within each unit will provide students an opportunity to showcase their learning and their progress toward meeting the learning targets. Student Outcomes/ Instructional Sequence Students will be exposed to different genres of reading and witting across the content area. Required Texts Students will be issued one textbook to be used throughout the school year: o 11th grade Springboard Textbook Required Supplies o 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder o USB Flash drive/ Jump drive o Black and/or dark blue ink pens and pencils o Index cards (4x6 and 3x5) and highlighters o College ruled notebook paper o Readers/Writers Journal Composition Book Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor. Classroom Expectations 1. Arrive to class on time and prepared. This includes in your seat BEFORE the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a disciplinary action. 2. Respect yourself, respect others, LISTEN and contribute. 3. RAISE YOUR HAND to speak! 4. Students must receive permission from teacher to use bathroom/ leave classroom. 5. There will be no other course work done during English class. 6. No Electronic devices. 7. Do not use foul language: This does include the “B” word and the “N” word. GRADING SYSTEM Your grade will be determined and broken down by percentage. Your grades will be based on the following: GROUP WORK (20%) During the 21st century, collaborating with others is an important and necessary skill to develop. Group work will allow each individual student to develop the ability to break complex tasks into parts and steps, plan and manage time, refine understanding of content through discussion and explanation, give and receive feedback on performance, challenge assumptions and develop stronger communication skills. Group work will be assessed using the following rubric and cooperative group work rules. Remember, in addition to earning a group work grade based on the rubric below, each individual student within a group has the opportunity to earn bonus or demerit points during group work. Cooperative Group Work Rules 1.) Respect the opinions of others 2.) Participate 3.) Refrain from engaging in off task or disruptive behavior RUBRIC *This rubric will be tailored to the objective of each group activity over the course of the semester. All students remained on task, activity was fully completed, and 4 respect for others was always exhibited. Most students remained on task, activity was fully completed, and 3 respect for others was always exhibited. Few students remained on task, activity was partially completed, 2 and respect for others was sometimes exhibited. 1 0 1 student remained on task, activity was partially completed, and respect for others was rarely exhibited. No students remained on task, activity was not completed, and respect for others was not exhibited. HOMEWORK (25%) Each homework assignment must be typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman and placed in the tray before the bell rings on the intended due date. LATE HOMEWORK WILL ONLY BE Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor. ACCEPTED ONE DAY AFTER THE DUE DATE. However, the assignment will receive a 25% penalty, unless special accommodations are listed in a student’s Individual Education Plan. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE/ QUIZZES (15%) Over the course of this semester, each student will have the opportunity to complete individual assignments in class that assesses their mastery of the lesson objective. Individual assignments include notes, and vocabulary quizzes. Monday’s are also reserved for college preparatory and content related vocabulary review. Students will have a weekly vocabulary quiz. CITZENSHIP (10%) Each student is expected to contribute to a positive classroom environment by holding themselves and their classmates to high behavior expectations. Classroom policies and procedures will be evaluated by an individual citizenship point system. Every week, each student has the opportunity to earn 20 citizenship points. Each week, each student begins with 15 citizenship points (75%). Every time a student demonstrates a positive behavior 1-bonus point will be added to the student’s current total for the week. Every time a student demonstrates a behavior that negatively impacts the learning environment, 1 demerit point will be deducted from the student’s current total for the week. A student cannot earn more than 20 citizenship points per week. BONUS The purpose of a bonus is to reward students who continuously demonstrate an eagerness to learn, cooperate with others, and actively participates in class discussions and activities. A bonus is a reward that recognizes students who follow classroom rules and demonstrate behaviors that contribute to a positive learning environment. DEMERIT The purpose of a demerit is to teach students how off-task behavior negatively impacts academic achievement and a positive learning environment. A demerit is a consequence that will be given to students who break classroom rules. Each rule broken will result in a specific amount of points deducted from the student’s overall grade. Both teachers can give a student a demerit. If a student receives a demerit from a teacher, they are not to argue or complain about it. Students are expected to reflect on why they received a demerit and take the necessary steps to change the behavior in the future. Here’s an example: Citizenship Grading Code Chart Bonus Code Demerit Full Uniform +1 Hair scarves (ladies)/ hats (gentlemen) Assistance Around +1 Moving without Classroom permission/ out of seat Peer Support +1 Sleeping/Eating in class Positively Impacting +1 Electronic Devices/ Code -1 -1 -1 -1 Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor. Learning Environment Turn in Lost Valuable earphones* Talking (at the wrong -1 time, foul language)/ disruptive *Electronic devices or cell phones may only be used if permission is given by teacher(s) for instructional purposes. Name Gina Frank Brad Zona Mon. -1-1 +1 -1 -1 +1 Citizenship Tracking Form Tues. Wed. +1+1 +1+1+1 +1 +1-1-1 Thurs. -1+1-1 +1+1 +1 -1-1-1+1+1 Friday Total 14 20 16 12 MIDTERM (15%) FINAL (15%) GRADING SCALE There are a total of 1,500 points to be earned over the course of the semester. These points include group work assignments (200 points), homework (400 points), independent practice/ quizzes (200 points), citizenship (400 points) the midterm (150 points) and the final (150 points). Academic Integrity Consent Statement Course: Contemporary Composition Teacher: Mr. Cornwell /Ms. Miller Term: Spring 2015 DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher. I have heard the teacher's discussion of plagiarism, and I understand that I must use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper. I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts: To submit an essay written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own. To download an essay from the Internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the original source. To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer without acknowledging the source. To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source. Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor. To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the source. To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another teacher. To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of cheat sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student, through verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and communicating information, including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular telephones, headsets, and portable computers. To copy another student's homework and submit the work as if it were the product of my own labor. I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for make-up, failure in the class as a whole, and possible removal from the course in extreme/repeat offenses. I understand that my enrollment in this course will help me develop skills necessary for college-level writing. Therefore, I will not plagiarize or cheat. Assignment Policies Course: Modern Literature Teacher: Mr. Cornwell/ Ms. Miller Term: 2014-2015 DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher. I have heard the teacher's discussion of the policies that will be enforced in Modern World Literature, and I understand that I must be aware of due dates and submit my assignments at the time they are due. I understand that if I have an excused absence, it is my responsibility to ask for my make up work the day I return to class. If I forget to ask for my make up work, I understand I will miss my opportunity to complete the assignments I missed while absent. I further understand that if I need additional explanation or help with any assignments, I can seek tutorials from my teacher. I have read and agree to abide by the policies set forth by my English 12 teacher. All assignments must be submitted at the time they are due, if not earlier. Late assignments will not receive credit. If there are extenuating circumstances preventing a student from submitting an assignment on time, the student must speak privately with the teacher to explain the circumstances surrounding a late assignment beforehand. The teacher will discuss private issues with students on a one-to-one basis only. When a student shows proof of an excused absence from the attendance office, it is his/her responsibility to ask for make up work or missed assignment on the day he/she returns to class. As per district guidelines, the student will have as many days as he/she was absent to submit make up work. (For example, if a student were absent two days, he/she would have two days to turn in assignments). Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor. If a student does not show proof of an excused absence from the attendance office, the student will not be able to complete make up work or turn in any work that was due on the day the student was absent. Make up work is available for students who have excused absences only. Student must take care of his/her make up work within 2 days of absence. If a student is going to be absent for a school related function, it is the responsibility of that student to turn in any assignments before leaving for the function. Otherwise, the assignment may be considered late and receive penalties. As your English teachers, we will make ourselves readily available to any student who needs additional explanation or help getting started on assignments. If a student contacts Mr. Cornwell or Ms. Miller, we will make ourselves available for tutorials as soon as possible. ENGLISH 11- CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION I have read course information, notebook requirements, academic integrity consent form, and assignment policies for 11TH grade Contemporary Composition. My signature below indicates that I understand the requirements and policies for this course and agree to adhere to them throughout the school year. Because this is a college level preparatory course, I am aware of the high expectations and my enrollment in the class indicates that I am prepared to meet those expectations. I understand the academic integrity consent statement and agree to its conditions throughout the school year. Furthermore, I understand the assignment policies and agree to abide by them. Student Name:___________________________________Signature:_____________________________ Parent Name:________________________________Signature:________________________________ What is the best phone number to reach you? ________________________________________ If you have an email address: _____________________________________________________ Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.