Pro-ECVET Pro-ECVET – 2013-1-FR1-LEO05-48961 1st European Class, Montluçon, France 29th January – 1st February 2014 Meeting report Participants: Eszter CSEPE, P1, Wisamar, Germany Reka TÖRÖK, P2, 1CEBA, Hungary Orsolya ENGLERT, P2, 1CEBA, Hungary Gyoparka TAMASI, P2, 1CEBA, Hungary Nonita PAPADOPOULOU, P3, P.A.P. Corp. Greece Pavlos DIMITROPOULOS, P3, P.A.P. Corp, Greece Mark TURNER, P4, Leeds City College, UK Rachel MINSHULL, P4, Leeds City College, UK Marie-Noëlle DUFOUR, P0, AFORMAC, France Michel COUVE, P0, AFORMAC, France Estelle DEILHOU, P0, AFORMAC, France Thursday 30.01.2014 1. Communication AFORMAC checks if we have to use the ECVET logo on the project outputs. The website will contain: one page about the ECVET actuality in Europe, one page for the newsletters, one page for the presentation of the partners, one page for the presentation of the project. Newsletter : one for Leipzig and for the 1st European class together. It will be translated in all the languages. Each partner updates its database used in MOBI’VET and sends it to P.A.P. CORP. Eszter elaborates one. 2. Brainstorming to find the name of the qualification : final choice : Vocational Mobility Instructor (ENG) Coordinateur de la mobilité professionnelle (FR) Koordinator der beruflichen Mobilität (DE) Szakmai mobilitás szervező (HU) Συντονιστής Κινητικότητας Επαγγελματική&s igmaf; Κατάρτισης (GR) Pro-ECVET, Montluçon - France, 29th January – 1st February 2014 – v1 Pro-ECVET Break 3. Discussions about the template Eszter and Michel made a first proposition of template. For the content of the modules should let the participants working on case studies as soon as possible, but theory must also be included. We should find some bridges among the modules. We keep from the template proposition made by Eszter: the introduction, the evaluation and the glossary. We should add: a space to explain the link between the different modules, a space to explain the methodology used in each unit. The training handbook contains everything the trainer needs in order to train: content, resources, method, etc. Level of the qualification: we first need to identify the awarding body. Lunch break The new proposition of logo has been validated. Some further changes should be made and sent by Nonita and Pavlos. Work on the modules Deadlines for the modules: - - Mid April : send first draft to AFORMAC Then we exchange the modules between each other, so that organisations which have an expert on a specific subject can complete the module. We have one month for this. The modifications should be sent to AFORMAC before mid-May. End of June: the modules are ready for the Leeds meeting. In the introduction of each modul we should explain the context related to this modul. Nonita sends to Estelle a document about the intercultural preparation. Wisamar usually uses a form to define the objectives of the work placement and the activities. Pro-ECVET, Montluçon - France, 29th January – 1st February 2014 – v1 Pro-ECVET The participants to the training should be people who already know the mobility element. And we should provide some links for those who want to improve it. Information about interculturality: cf. website of the university of Dublin: interculturality in the work placement.. For the module information and communication the points that should be seen: - Bibliography Website Documentary Web conferences – ability of using social media Ability of teaching social media Newsletters Each partner country should make his valorization plan. Estelle sends a draft of presentation for the website to Nonita. Module assessment: Train the trainers about selection method they can use. Give the trainers ideas to supervise the mobility (attendance sheet on work placement, etc.) Evaluate the language level of the participants before and after the mobility. Friday 31st January 2014 Presentation of the French ECVET Experts : M. Patrick BET and M. MARANDE. There are 8 ECVET experts in France. They all have specificity: - Ministry of Education National Association for Vocational Training in the field of Automobile Handwork National Commission for Vocational Qualification Plastics Commerce and Industry Chamber Ministry of Youth and Sport Ministry of Agriculture Pro-ECVET, Montluçon - France, 29th January – 1st February 2014 – v1 Pro-ECVET Each national framework matches with the strategy of each member state. It is the result of the culture and history of the countries. The qualification should be the starting point of the device. For one job, the starting point is the qualification: what allows me to note that this person is able to … -> observable behavior. A qualification is the recognition of the validation of learning outcomes lifelong. We should first define the profile of the trainers we want to participate to the training and which activities the person will do. Who will do the job? How do we provide this person the indications to do this job? What are the pre-requirements? We should clearly define the indications which allow noting that the activities are well done. We now don’t focus on the person but on the activities and the job. 1- Profil 2- Activities 3- Assessment CNCP = = Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle : French Commission for Vocational Qualification. RNCP = = Répertoire National des Qualifications Professionnelles = French Standard for Vocational Qualifications. In French the qualifications have to be approved by the CNCP and are registered on the RNCP. CNCP requires some elements which might not be the same in the other states. How to register on RNCP ? - Define the job Describe the activities Find the closest ROME form (Form which describe the job, and which is defined by the French Job Center.) Describe the professional context Describe the labour market context In France there are 4 conditions to be recognized by the CNCP: - To have a qualification, which refers to a job. The proof of the efficiency of the qualification Structured standard of the vocational activities + qualification standard (attested competences, assessment modalities, assessment criterias) Device for the validation of the gained experience. The French framework has 5 levels linked to the French labour market. Pro-ECVET, Montluçon - France, 29th January – 1st February 2014 – v1 Pro-ECVET Pro-ECVET is in the context of Erasmus + : link between learning outcomes and the RNCP, because we are talking about the professional approach. We can build together a common profile and a common curricula, but we have to define the goal at long or short term. In France it takes about one year to have an answer from CNCP. Each partner looks for the possibility to register the qualification and get information about what are the specific requirements for this qualification. We should first define the job, then the activities and then the competences. AFORMAC sends a job profile proposition within 1 month. Working program - - AFORMAC will have another meeting with the French ECEVT experts in order to have support for the writing of the qualification handbook. Eszter sends a first draft of transfer process within two weeks. Two weeks deadline for each partner to have further information about the qualification and awarding body they identified: possibility, name, last, price of registration, etc. For Leeds City College it could be under NOCN. For 1CEBA it could under the ‘’pedagogical Vocational Training for teachers.’’ Nonita sends the info about EA (European Accreditation) and we give feedbacks. Check if Carolyn started to write a newsletter. If yes, we develop it with information about the 1st European class. Estelle checks how to proceed to have 7 newsletters by the end of pro-ECVET. Estelle sends within 2 weeks the text for the 1st newsletter to Nonita and Pavlos, who will make the layout. Each partner sends the databases to Nonita and Pavlos within one month. Estelle sends to 1CEBA the guidelines for the evaluation project specification, within 2 weeks. Eszter sends an example of action plan to Reka. Pro-ECVET, Montluçon - France, 29th January – 1st February 2014 – v1