COURSE MASTER SYLLABUS A. Academic Division: Health and Public Service B. Department: Respiratory Care C. Course Number and Title: RESP 1210 Respiratory Care Equipment & Procedures II D. Course Coordinator/Department Chair: Kate Peresie, M.Ed. RRT/ Robert Slabodnick, M.Ed., RRT-NPS E. Credit Hours: Lecture and Lab : F. Prerequisites: RESP 1110, RESP 1290 co-requisite, RESP 1290 co-requisite, RESP 1270 co-requisite G. Syllabus Effective Date: August 2012 H. Textbook(s) Title: Mosby’s Respiratory Care Equipment Author: Cairo, Pilbeam Year: 2009 Edition: 8th ISBN # 978-0-323-05176-7 5 credit hour: 4 lecture 3 lab Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Author: Wilkins, Stoller, Kacmarek Year: 2009 Edition: 9th ISBN # 978-0-323-03657-3 Clinical Practitioner’s Pocket Guide to Respiratory Care Author: Oakes Year: 2008 Edition: 7th ISBN # 978-0-932-887-31-3 Oakes’ Ventilator Management: A Bedside Reference Guide Author: Oakes & Shortall Year: 2005 Edition: 2nd ISBN # 978-0-932-887-24-5 I. Workbook(s) and/or Lab Manual: None J. Course Description: In this course students will learn techniques and procedures for providing advanced respiratory care: airway management (to include oral/nasal airways, intubation, tracheostomy tubes, cuff inflation, and suctioning), noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, capnography, arterial blood gas analysis, and adult mechanical ventilation (to include indications, hazards, initial set-up, modes, monitoring, troubleshooting, and weaning.) An introduction to patient death, dying, and quality of life issues is included. K. Core Learning Outcomes Core Learning Outcomes Communication – Written Communication – Speech Culture and Community Critical Thinking Computer Literacy Computation L. Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met Course Outcomes 4 & 6 – project rubrics in Death and Dying project and mechanical ventilation Journal Article project during the term Course Outcomes 6 – project rubrics in Death and Dying project and mechanical ventilation Journal Article project during the term Course Outcome 4 – project rubrics in Death and Dying project during the term Course Outcomes 1,2 & 3 – case-based exam questions on midterm examination Course Outcome 5 – project rubrics in Death and Dying project and mechanical ventilation Journal Article project during the term Course Outcomes 1 & 3 – size of suction catheter, minute ventilation, volume/flow/time, compliance, airway resistance, minute ventilation to PCO2, P/F math worksheets during the term Course Outcomes and Assessment Methods: Outcomes 1. For airway management and noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: a. Correctly set up, utilize, and troubleshoot the associated equipment (as available). b. Explain how the equipment and procedure works. Assessments – How it is met & When it is met Lab exercises/observations & Lab check-offs, Lab written exams, Math worksheets (size of suction catheter), Written case-based exam questions on midterm examination 2. 3. 4. 5. c. Perform the procedure (as available). d. Recognize and explain the therapeutic objectives, indications, contraindications, and hazards. e. Evaluate a patient scenario (to include patient assessment), select an appropriate therapy, and explain the rationale for the selection. For arterial blood gases and capnography: a. Assess patient data for indications and contraindications. b. Recognize hazards. c. Perform sampling. d. Interpret results and recommend therapy. For adult mechanical ventilation: a. Assess patient data for indications for mechanical ventilation in the adult. b. Set up and adjust an adult mechanical ventilator using modes and parameters that are appropriate for given situations. c. Change ventilator circuits. d. Modify settings and troubleshoot an adult mechanical ventilator as appropriate for given situations. e. Assess patient data for response to mechanical ventilation. f. Assess patient data for discontinuance and choose methods appropriate for given situations. Discuss patient’s, family’s, and student’s own possible responses to a patient’s terminal illness and/or imminent or sudden death as well as the diversity of those responses. Find and use appropriate learning resources. 6. Communicate effectively in writing and in speech. 7. Work effectively in groups. Written case-based exam questions on midterm examinations. Lab exercise/ direct observation, Lab check-offs during the term & Lab exam questions on midterm examinations Lab exercises/observations and Lab check-offs during the term. Written case-based exam questions on midterm examinations. Math worksheets (Minute ventilation, volume/flow/time, compliance, airway resistance, minute ventilation to PCO2, P/F) during the term. Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issues Project Reflection Paper – Rubric during the term Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issues Project -- Rubric during the term Mechanical Ventilation Journal Article Project – Rubric during the term Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issues Project—Rubric during the term Mechanical Ventilation Journal Article Project – Rubric during the term Death and Dying/Quality of Life Issues Project and Mechanical Ventilation Journal Article Project – Rubric during the term. Group Work Assessment Rubric during the term. M. Course Topical Outline: 1. Airway Management a) Oral/nasal airways b) Endotracheal tubes/intubation/cuff management c) Tracheosotmy tubes/speaking valves d) Suctioning 2. Arterial blood gas analysis 3. Capnography 4. Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation 5. Adult Mechanical Ventilation a) Critical Care Ventilators b) Modes c) Indications/Setup d) Monitoring/Troubleshooting/Hazards e) Discontinuance/Weaning 6. Death, Dying, Quality of Life a) Advanced Directives b) Grief/Emotions/Professional Response c) Cultural Differences N. O. Course Assignment: Death, Dying and Quality of Life Project Mechanical Ventilation Journal Article Project Recommended Grading Scale: 100-95 94-92 91-89 88-86 85-83 82-80 A AB+ B BC+ 79-77 76-74 73-71 70-68 67-65 64-Below F:\ncstate.doc\syllabi\course master syllabus template 2010.doc C CD+ D DF