Methodology report on quantification of sustainability standards impacts on biomass supply Final D 4.2 Delivery of the project funded by prepared by: Berien Elbersen, Alterra Uwe R. Fritsche Oeko-Institut with inputs from Hans Böttcher (IIASA) Wageningen/Darmstadt, March 2012 Alterra/Oeko-Institut i D 4.2: Methodology Contents Page 1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 2 Sustainability Standards for Bioenergy ........................................... 2 3 Methodology to Analyze Impacts of Sustainability Standards on Bioenergy Supply ...................................................... 4 4 Key Results of the Analysis.............................................................. 8 References ............................................................................................ 10 Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 13 Annex: Data Background ................................................................... A-1 Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut ii Biomass Futures: Methodology Preface This paper was prepared within the Biomass Futures project1 and is based on work of Alterra and Oeko-Institut in WP 3 and 4. Inputs we also received from project partners2. It represents Deliverable D 4.2 of the Biomass Futures project, and the authors hope that it will provide orientation and beneficial information to those working towards sustainable bioenergy production and use. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Wageningen/Darmstadt, March 2012 The Authors 1 “Biomass Futures: Biomass role in achieving the Climate Change & Renewables EU policy targets. Demand and Supply dynamics under the perspective of stakeholders” ( funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Commission, DG Energy (IEE 08 653 SI2. 529 241). 2 Partners in this work were especially colleagues from IIASA (Hannes Böttcher, Michael Obersteiner), ECN (Ayla Uslu), and Imperial College (Calliope Panoutsou). Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 1 Biomass Futures: Methodology 1 Introduction The Biomass Futures project ( ) work package 4 aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of sustainability standards for all bioenergy, and respective sustainable biomass supply potentials regarding availability and costs in the 2020- 2030 time horizons. This paper gives an overview on the methodologies used to determine the impacts of sustainability standards (as developed in BiomassFutures) on the bioenergy supply. It relies on work of work package 3 (supply) in which the spatially explicit modeling of bioenergy supply was carried out (Alterra, IIASA 2012; IIASA 2012), and the methodological and data development in other studies on sustainable bioenergy prepared in parallel to the Biomass Futures project (EEA 2012; IFEU, CI, OEKO 2012). In Section 2, the paper briefly describes the background for the sustainability standards and respective criteria and indicators applied in the analysis. Section 3 presents and briefly discusses the methodology developed for analyzing sustainability standards impacts on the bioenergy supply as developed in the Biomass Futures project. In Section 4, a summary of the key results is given. Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply 2 Alterra/Oeko-Institut Biomass Futures: Methodology 2 Sustainability Standards for Bioenergy Since 2007, the landscape of the previously voluntary and manifold sustainability standards for biomass – from cotton and wood to organic food, flowers, coffee and "green biopower" – has changed: both the US and European countries and the EU as a whole developed mandatory standards and criteria for liquid biofuels3. The EU Renewables Energy Directive (RED) adopted in April 2009 (EC 2009) established mandatory sustainability requirements for bioenergy carriers used as transport fuels and for liquid bioenergy carriers in general. In March 2010, the EU Commission (EC) presented a report on the extension of the RED to all bioenergy carriers and proposed that the RED criteria could be voluntarily adopted by the EU Member States to apply to solid and gaseous bioenergy carriers as well (EC 2010). In 2012, the EC will report on developments in that regard, noting that several EU countries began introducing broader sustainability requirements for bioenergy (e.g., BE, DE, NL, UK)4. Taking into account the developments regarding sustainability standards in other countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Mozambique as well as Thailand and the US5,6, among others, and by UN organizations such as FAO and UNEP as well as UNCTAD and the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP)7, the Biomass Futures project provided an overview and developed a set of “RED plus” criteria and indicators for all bioenergy (OEKO 2012). It is important to note that there are yet no binding rules concerning indirect effects on GHG emissions8 and on positive of negative impacts of increased bioenergy production on food security, or its (again: positive or negative) social effects. Thus, the respective criteria and indicators developed by Biomass Futures – which include indirect effects - are a proposal (see Table 1). 3 In parallel to these statutory provisions, RSPO ( and RSB ( are voluntary sustainability standards – which reach beyond the RED – and the European standardization organization CEN as well as the global ISO body are also working on own drafts. 4 On extending the RED to solid bioenergy see 5 EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) 2010: Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2): Program Amendments; Washington DC 6 CARB (California Air Resources 7 GBEP is a partnership of the G8+5 (G8 states plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa) founded at the Gleneagles G8 summit in 2005; its Secretariat is hosted by the FAO in Rome. Meanwhile, more international institutions including FAO, UNEP and UNIDO as well as industrialized and developing countries have joined GBEP. For the bioenergy sustainability indicators developed and agreed by GBEP, see GBEP (2011) More information on GBEP is given at 8 with the noteworthy exception of the mentioned US EPA rulemaking for the RFS-2 and the LCFS in California, see footnotes 5 and 6. Board) 2010: Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply 3 Alterra/Oeko-Institut Table 1 Biomass Futures Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Bioenergy Criterion Sustainable Use Biomass Futures: Methodology Indicator Resource Land Use Efficiency* Biodiversity Secondary Resource Use Efficiency* Metrics GJbio/ha % Conservation of land with significant no-go areas biodiversity values Land management without negative sustainable effects on biodiversity applied Climate Protection practices Life cycle GHG emissions incl. direct 75% land use changes Inclusion of GHG effects from indirect 3.5 t CO2/ha/year land use changes9 Soil Quality Water Use and Quality Airborne Emissions Erosion zero erosion cultivation systems and practices Soil Organic Carbon maintain SOC Soil Nutrient Balance soil maps identifying “go” areas10 Water Availability and Use Efficiency TARWR11 Water Quality N, P and BOD pesticide loadings SO2 equivalents12 g/GJbioenergy Particulate Emissions PM10 g/GJbioenergy Food Security Price and supply of national food €/t, t/a basket Social Use of Land changes in land tenure and access Healthy Livelihoods and Adherence to ILO Principles Labor Conditions + evidence13 evidence Source: compiled from OEKO (2012); * = considering by- and co-products of bioenergy life cycles 9 Data for 2020; until 2030, a revised ILUC factor should be determined which reflects progress regarding international policies to contain or reduce LUC effects 10 See 11 new bioenergy cropping and conversion facilities placed outside of areas with severe water stress 12 calculated for life cycles, should be lower than fossil benchmark 13 Degree of legitimacy of the process related to the transfer (i.e. change in use or property rights) of land for new bioenergy production, and extent to which due process is followed in the determination of the new title Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 4 Biomass Futures: Methodology 3 Methodology to Analyze Impacts of Sustainability Standards on Bioenergy Supply The overall land use and forestry potentials in the EU27 have been analysed in Work Package 3 of Biomass Futures (Alterra, IIASA 2012) and established the baseline (reference) cases for 2020 and 2030. These potentials take into account only the current RED sustainability requirements (i.e. only GHG emissions from life-cycles and direct LUC, some biodiversity constraints) for liquid biofuels and bioliquids. To factor in the “RED plus” criteria developed in Biomass Futures Work Package 4 (OEKO 2012), the reference potentials were re-calculated applying additional constraints which reduce the overall availability of biomass. For this, the estimated land use for domestic biofuel feedstock production on future unused/released land potential (as compared to 2004) that may be used for dedicated biomass cultivation using annual or perennial crops were screened with additional scenario assumptions (see scheme in Figure 2) : High-biodiverse land was “forbidden” (permanent grasslands, HNV farmland as additional “no-go” areas) Life-cycle GHG reduction requirements – taking into account ILUC – were increased Water and soil restrictions due to slope and bioclimatic conditions were applied. Figure 1: Approach for Regionalized Sustainable Bioenergy Potentials Source: Alterra, IIASA (2012) Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply 5 Alterra/Oeko-Institut Biomass Futures: Methodology The criteria used to derive the sustainable potentials are listed in the following table. Table 2: Sustainability Criteria in Biomass Futures Potential Analysis Scenario GHG mitigation GHG mitigation Other sustainability criteria 2020 criteria 2030 constraints 2020 and 2030 Reference Only for biofuels and bioliquids Only for biofuels and bioliquids Only consumed in EU a GHG consumed GHG consumed in EU limitations on the mitigation of 50% in EU a for biofuels and bioliquids as mitigation of 50% as compared use of biomass from biodiverse land compared to fossil fuel is to fossil fuel is required. This or land with high carbon stock. required. excludes This compensation excludes for iLUC- compensation for iLUC-related GHG emissions. related GHG emissions. Sustainability For all bioenergy consumed in For all bioenergy consumed in For all bioenergy consumed in EU the EU the following mitigation the EU the following mitigation limitations on the use of biomass requirements are set: requirements are set: from biodiverse land or land with high Biofuel/bioliquids: mitigation as 70% compared to Biofuel/bioliquids: 80% mitigation as compared to fossil fuel fossil fuel (comparator EU (comparator EU average diesel average and petrol emission 2030) diesel and petrol emissions 2020). Bioelectricity and heat: 80% Bioelectricity and heat: 70% mitigation as compared to fossil mitigation as compared to energy (comparator (comparator specific depending fossil energy country specific depending on 2020 fossil mix) . iLUC related country on 2030 fossil mix) This includes compensation for This includes compensation for carbon stock. iLUC related GHG emissions. GHG emissions. Source: Alterra, IIASA (2012) The most important criteria for the sustainable potentials is the minimum GHG reduction requirement: For biofuels, it should include a compensation for iLUC related emissions, and reach 70% (by 2020) and 80% (by 2030). This was also applied for cultivated biomass used for heat and electricity production. For the estimation of the minimum GHG reduction, the approach developed in the EEA (2012) study was used which includes GHG emissions from iLUC effects and taking into account the type of feedstock and related downstream bioenergy pathways. Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 6 Biomass Futures: Methodology From this, the GHG reduction efficiency was derived in three steps: 1. Direct LUC emissions from the cultivation stage which are strongly linked to input and output levels which differ per EU region (NUTS 2 level) 2. The downstream emissions of the biomass feedstock conversion routes 3. The iLUC GHG emission factor (if previous land use is displaced). For Steps 1 and 2, the following figure shows the overall data flows of the calculation. Figure 2: Data Flows for the Sustainability Analysis of Bioenergy Systems Source: own compilation by Alterra and Oeko-Institut This approach is more spatially disaggregated than the GLOBIOM model used in Biomass Futures to determine global impacts14. 14 See IIASA (2012) for details. GLOBIOM was used in Work Package 3 to analyze the potential global GHG and biodiversity effects of biomass imports, i.e. impacts occurring outside of the EU27. Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 7 Biomass Futures: Methodology The emissions from cultivation and LUC were calculated using the Miterra-Europe model which assesses the impact of measures, policies and land-use changes on environmental indicators at the NUTS-2 and Member State level in the EU27 (Veldhof 2009). A description of the calculation is given elsewhere (Alterra, IIASA 2012; EEA 2012). The emissions of the downstream part of the bioenergy pathways and of the fossil comparators are based on GEMIS15 For Step 3, a simplified approach towards iLUC-related GHG emissions was applied using an “ILUC factor” for the different bioenergy systems which was taken from the EEA (2012) study. With that, an average iLUC GHG factor was calculated to estimate the GHG reduction for each bioenergy pathway. For the sustainable potentials, stricter sustainability criteria apply than in the reference, and these were also applied to solid and gaseous biomass sources. 15 See for details. Data on the life-cycle GHG emissions calculated for Biomass Futures are given in Deliverable D 3.4 (Alterra, IIASA 2012) and the EEA (2012) study. Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 8 Biomass Futures: Methodology 4 Key Results of the Analysis The spatially disaggregated bioenergy potentials which used the sustainability criteria are given in Deliverable 3.3 (Alterra, IIASA 2012), and summarized in the following figure for the EU27 aggregation. Figure 3: Reference and Sustainable Bioenergy Potentials in the EU27 Source: Alterra, IIASA (2012) The results of the cost-supply curves (see Figure 3) can be translated into cost differences between the reference and the sustainable bioenergy potentials, as shown in the following figure. Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut Figure 4: 9 Biomass Futures: Methodology Cost Differences between the Reference and Sustainable Bioenergy Potentials in the EU27 in 2020 Source: Alterra, OEKO (2012) These results indicate that the total sustainable bioenergy potential in the EU27 will be slightly lower, but also less costly: Due to the sustainability restrictions which especially disfavor annual bioenergy crops, the costly options available in the reference potentials are not part of the sustainable potential, thus reducing the total cost. A similar effect exists for the additional roundwood extraction: this would be available in the reference potential – but at a high-cost – and avoided in the sustainability case. Thus, the impact of the sustainability criteria for the European bioenergy potential is twofold: The overall availability of bioenergy is reduced by some 10% until 2030 The average cost is slightly reduced in parallel. It should be noted, though, that the spatially disaggregated results (Member State and NUTS-2 levels) differ significantly so that policy considerations should be based on the refined results given in Deliverable 3.3 (Alterra, IIASA 2012). Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 10 Biomass Futures: Methodology References Alterra 2012: Working paper on results of the bottom- up analysis of sustainability constraints for regionalised biomass potentials; Deliverable 4.3 of the Biomass Futures project: Elbersen B et al.; Wageningen Alterra, IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) 2012: Atlas of EU biomass potentials - Deliverable 3.3: Spatially detailed and quantified overview of EU biomass potential taking into account the main criteria determining biomass availability from different sources; Elbersen B et al.; Wageningen of_technical_and_economic_biomass_potential_FINAL_Feb_2012.pdf Börjesson P, Tufvesson L 2011: Agricultural crop-based biofuels – resource efficiency and environmental performance including direct land use changes; in: Journal of Cleaner Production vol. 19 pp. 108-120 Boettcher H et al. 2012: Setting priorities for land management to mitigate climate change; 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Rome port_21_December.pdf IEA (International Energy Agency) 2012: Technology Roadmap – Bioenergy for electricity and heat; Paris Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 11 Biomass Futures: Methodology IFEU (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research), CI (Copernicus Institute), OEKO (Oeko-Institut - Institute for applied ecology) 2012: Global Assessments and Guidelines for Sustainable Liquid Biofuels Production in Developing Countries; GEF Targeted Research Project executed by UNEP/FAO/UNIDO; Heidelberg/Utrecht/Darmstadt Biofuel%20Project.pdf IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) 2011: Assessing the Land Use Change Consequences of European Biofuel Policies; prepared for EC DG TRADE; Washington DC IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) 2012: Deliverable 3.4: Biomass availability & supply analysis; Böttcher H et al.; Laxenburg tures%20WP3%20Del34_draft_for_stakeholders.pdf JRC-IE (EC Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy) 2010: Indirect Land Use Change from increased biofuels demand - Comparison of models and results for marginal biofuels production from different feedstocks; Edwards R, Mulligan D, Marelli L; Ispra JRC-IE (EC Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy) 2011a: Critical issues in estimating ILUC emission - Outcomes of an expert consultation 9-10 November 2010, Ispra (Italy); Marelli, Luisa/Mulligan, Declan/Edwards, Robert; report JRC 64429/EUR 24816 EN; Ispra JRC-IE (EC Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy) 2011b: Estimate of GHG emissions from global land use change scenarios, Marelli, L. et al.; report JRC 64430/EUR 24817 EN; Ispra NNFCC (UK National Centre for Biorenewable Energy, Fuels and Materials) 2011: Evaluation of Bioliquid Feedstocks & Heat, Elec. & CHP Technologies; report NNFCC 11-016; Heslington OEKO (Oeko-Institut - Institute for Applied Ecology) 2011: Indirect Land Use Change and Biofuels; Fritsche U, Wiegmann K; study prepared for the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; IP/A/ENVI/ST/2010-15; Brussels age=en&file=35128 OEKO (Oeko-Institut - Institute for Applied Ecology) 2012: Sustainable Bioenergy: Key Criteria and Indicators - Deliverable D 4.1 of the Biomass Futures project; Fritsche, U et al.; Darmstadt UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), OEKO (Oeko-Institut - Institute for applied ecology), IEA BioT43 (IEA Bioenergy Task 43) 2011: The Bioenergy Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Alterra/Oeko-Institut 12 Biomass Futures: Methodology and Water Nexus - Full Report; Paris Whittaker C et al. 2011: Energy and greenhouse gas balance of the use of forest residues for bioenergy production in the UK; in: Biomass and Bioenergy vol. 35 no. 11, pp. 4581-4594 Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply 13 Alterra/Oeko-Institut Biomass Futures: Methodology Abbreviations BSI Better Sugarcane Initiative CBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity CI Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University EC European Commission EEA European Environment Agency EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change FSC Forest Stewardship Council GBEP Global Bioenergy Partnership GHG greenhouse gas(es) IEA International Energy Agency iLUC indirect land use changes IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IWMI International Water Management Institute LUC land use changes PEFC Pan-European Forest Certification RED EU Directive for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources REDD Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation RSB Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil RTFO Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation RTRS Roundtable on Responsible Soy SEI Stockholm Environment Institute UK United Kingdom UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNEP-WCMC United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre WBGU German Advisory Council on Global Change WWF World-Wide Fund for Nature Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply Annex: Data Background Table 3 Data for land use from electricity generation in the EU, year 2030 land use m2/GJel 0,29 0,10 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,03 0,26 2,7 1,9 1,2 electricity from el-mix EU27 lignite coal nuclear natural gas hydro wind onshore solar-PV solar-CSP geothermal biogas-maize ICE 106 SRC cogen 112 bio-SNG SRC cogen bio-SNG SRC CC 164 128 Note Excluding transmission and distribution Lignite in Germany, new steam-turbine powerplant import coal (surface mining), new steam-turbine powerplant German supply mix, steam-turbine powerplant EU supply mix incl. imports, new combined-cycle powerplant 100 MW el run-of-river plant 10 x 2 MW el onshore wind park 1 kW el (peak) system, full land use 80 MW el concentrating solar power system in Southern Spain 1 MW el ORC system Biogas from maize in internal combustion engine cogeneration plant (energy allocation) Woodchips from short-rotation coppice in steam-turbine cogeneration plant (energy allocation) Biomethane from short-rotation coppice in gas-turbine cogeneration plant (energy allocation) Biomethane from SRC in CC powerplant Source: own computation with GEMIS 4.8; ORC= organic rankine cycle; ICE = internal combustion engine; SRC = short-rotation coppice; CC = combined-cycle Table 4 Data on land productivity for bioenergy systems, year 2030 feedstock (EU production) bioenergy output land productivity GJbio/ha rapeseed 1G biodiesel 87 short-rotation coppice 2G biodiesel (BtL) 116 switchgrass 2G biodiesel (BtL) 75 wheat (grain) 1G EtOH 128 switchgrass 2G EtOH 80 short-rotation coppice pellets 183 switchgrass pellets 198 short-rotation coppice biomethane 126 sugarcane 1G EtOH 207 palm 1G biodiesel 154 for comparison: non-EU production Source: own computation with GEMIS 4.8; calculated using energy allocation for by- and co-products; 1G = 1st generation; 2G = 2nd generation; BtL = biomass-to-liquid; EtOH = ethanol Sustainable Bioenergy: Key Criteria and Indicators - Annex Alterra/Oeko-Institut 2 Biomass Futures: Methodology Biomass Futures D 4.2: Methodology report on quantification of impacts of sustainability standards on biomass supply