The article should not exceed 4 pages maximum within the calibrated model and must contain, in the following order:
List of authors
Keywords: maximum of 4
Material and Methods (fairly brief)
Results and Discussion
Title: in lower-case letters, Calibri typeface, 20 point, bold, centered
Authors: First name initial. Surname, Calibri typeface, 12 point, centered, small capital letters
Affiliation: Calibri typeface, 12 point, italics, centered
Main Text: in lower-case letters, Times typeface, 10.5 point, justified, single spaced, margins….., no line numbering.
The main text is subdivided into the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Abbreviations
The title for each section (Title 1) should be in lower-case letters, Calibri typeface, 17 point, bold, aligned flush-left, no numbering.
The entire text should be written using the outlined style for the Main Text. The different styles for enumerations, legends for figures and tables, references, etc. are as follows:
Enumeration (Times, 10.5 point, justified, dash)
Enumeration (Times, 10.5 point, justified, dash)
Enumeration (Times, 10.5 point, justified, dash)
Figures: figures and images should be separate from the text in jpeg, tiff or pdf formats.
Figures should be numbered from 1 to X, the figure’s title should be written in lower-case letters,
Calibri typeface, 11 point, centered (Figure 1 Title)
Tables: tables should be numbered from 1 to X, the table’s title should be written in lower-case letters,
Calibri typeface, 11 point, centered (Table 1 Title )
Heading (Calibri, 10.5 point, bold, centered)
Heading (Calibri, 10.5 point, bold, centered)
Heading (Calibri, 10.5 point, bold, centered)
Table text (Calibri, 10 point, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 point, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 point, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 point, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 point, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 point, flush-left)
References: References and works cited should be numbered from 1 to X according to their position in the text.
The list of references should be written in Times typeface, 10 point, justified, in the following manner:
For a review, a periodical, etc.:
Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial. (3 maximum, otherwise add « et al. »), year, title in quotation marks, name of the review in italics, volume number, section number, page numbers.
For a book:
Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial. (3 maximum, otherwise add « et al. »), year, title in italics, publisher.
For a thesis, a dissertation, etc.:
Surname First Name Initial., year, title in italics, type of diploma and name of university.
This document’s style sheet (as follows) is in conformity with the explicit instructions above. It is therefore possible to:
Either, directly use this document applying the different styles indicated above during composition;
Or, write your text normally and then carefully apply the instructions as to typeface and point size which are indicated above.
It is recommended, when possible, to adopt the first solution.
Main text (Times, 10.5 point, justified, single spaced)
The entire text should be written using the outlined style for the Main Text. The different styles for enumerations, legends for figures and tables, references, etc. are as follows:
Enumeration (Times, 10.5 point, justified, dash)
Enumeration (Times, 10.5 point, justified, dash)
Enumeration (Times, 10.5 point, justified, dash)
Figure legend (Calibri, 11 point, centered, numbered from 1 to X)
Figure 1 Figure Title
Images should be separate from the text, in jpeg, tiff or pdf formats
Table legend (Calibri, 11 point, centered, numbered from 1 to X)
Table 1 Table Title
Heading (Calibri, 10.5 pt, bold, centered)
Heading (Calibri, 10.5 pt, bold, centered)
Heading (Calibri, 10.5 pt, bold, centered)
Table text (Calibri, 10 pt, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 pt, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 pt, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 pt, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 pt, flush-left)
Table text (Calibri, 10 pt, flush-left)
Text references (Times, 10 point, justified) to be listed in the following manner:
The list of references should be written in Times typeface, 10 point, justified, in the following manner:
For a review, a periodical, etc.:
Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial. (3 maximum, otherwise add « et al. »), year, title in quotation marks, name of the review in italics, volume number, section number, page numbers.
For a book:
Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial., Surname First Name Initial. (3 maximum, otherwise add « et al. »), year, title in italics, publisher.
For a thesis, a dissertation, etc.:
Surname First Name Initial., year, title in italics, type of diploma and name of university.