Step by Step Instructions - Tupelo Public School District

Dear Parents,
This is additional information for your child if you have chosen for them to participate in the Carver
Reading Fair on Friday, January 14.
PARENT INVOVLMENT: Tuesday, December 15 @ 3:15 p.m., Mrs. Powell will meet with any
parents that have questions or need help with the reading fair in the Media Center. To see
examples and learn more information, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Tupelo website 2. scroll down to Carver under the school tab 3. click on Parents 4. click on
Reading Fair
Please label on the back of the board as follows:
Division: (Put your choice here)
Division Choices (choose 1):
* Category: Individual Fiction - means I will do my Reading Fair project by myself.
___Division A (Kindergarten)
___Division B (Grade 1)
*Category: Group/Family -means I will do a Reading Fair project with family or friend(s).
___Division K (Grades PreK-2)
The book for the fair MUST be fiction (a made up story).
These things must be included:
1. Title: Name of the book. Make sure the title is underlined or use italics if typing. AND
Author: The person who wrote the words or text in a book.
****Use the title page to identify the bibliographic information.
2. Illustrator: The person who contributed the pictures.
3. Publisher: The Company that printed and distributed the book. AND Copyright Date: The
year the book was published. Look for the © symbol in front of the date.
4. Setting
There are 2 parts to a book’s setting.
You must include both!
When did the story happen? Be specific!
Where did the story take place? If the story takes place in more than one location, choose only
the most important place.
5. Author's Purpose
*Why did the author write the story?
The author wrote the book to___________________________________________________.
6. Tone/Mood
How does the author want you to feel when you read the story? (e.g., Sad, happy, scared,
The author wants the reader to feel __________________________________________
7. Main Characters
Do not list more than three characters. Write a short description of each character. Use
adjectives to describe the characters. Do not tell the story in this step. Characters listed below
must be mentioned in the summary.
Name: __________ and Short description: ______
8. Conflict
What is the main problem in the story? Choose only one problem.
9: Solution/Resolution
How is the problem solved?
10: Plot Summary
Summarize what happened in the story. Be sure to include each main character you listed in
THEN: Design Your Tri-fold Board
Congratulations! The hard part is over; now, the fun begins! Use a standard tri-fold project
board that unfolds to be 36” high x 48” wide. The sides fold in to make the board stand by itself.
After you fold the sides in, the final project cannot exceed 36”W x 14”D x 36”H.
Carefully type or write the story elements. Be creative. For example, if your person is a football player,
you might choose a font like “Impact”. Props add interest but must fit in the middle of the display. No
items can protrude from the back or top of the tri-fold board. Props can be battery-operated, but you
cannot use electrical outlets and extension cords. Items cannot be alive, valuable, or dangerous. You do
not have to display
On the day of the fair, your child may dress as a character from the book or bring any props to go along
with the story – IT IS NOT REQUIRED. The student will stand by his/her board and explain the story
to the judges. Mrs. Powell will be with the students; this is not a time for parents to be present. All
parents are invited to come see all of the boards at 2:00 on Friday, January 15.
The judges will ask your students a few questions some examples are:
1. What is your favorite part in the story? Why?
2. What part of the board did you complete?
3. How did you choose the book you used for your project?
4. Would you recommend this book to another student? Why?
Students will be sharing their projects with classmates during the week following Reading Fair. All
projects will be sent home on January 22 or 25.
Winners of the Carver Reading Fair will participate in the District Reading Fair on January 22.