Erie-Catt Teacher Center Coursework Grade: Module # ___K ____1 Type of Assessment o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Topic Quiz Enhanced Mid-Module Assessment Enhanced End-of-Module Assessment Benchmark/Trimester/Quarter Assessment Other Topic Quiz Enhanced Mid-Module Assessment Enhanced End-of-Module Assessment Benchmark/Trimester/Quarter Assessment Other Topic Quiz Enhanced Mid-Module Assessment Enhanced End-of-Module Assessment Benchmark/Trimester/Quarter Assessment Other Math Module Assessment Design 1 _____2 _____3 Teacher Name _____4 Peer Reviewer Completed Work Received by the Instructor (date) Erie-Catt Teacher Center Coursework: Math Module Assessment Design 1 November 9, 2015-December 7, 2015 Instructor contact: November 9th: All Participants meet for our initial meeting. Math Module assessment question website resources are introduced. Teachers meet with their grade level group to discuss assessment needs. Which assessment tools would be helpful to gather data for your instruction and/or as assessment of learning? -Topic Quiz -Enhanced Mid-Module Assessment -Enhanced End-of-Module Assessment -Benchmark/Trimester/Quarter Assessment -Other The grade level group determines who will focus on which assessments (or will you meet and work as a group/pair). The grade level determines who will peer-review the assessment if it is completed by one person. The grade level marks their assessments on the grade level chart and submits the chart to the instructor. Goal of course: During Math Module Assessment Design 1, teachers will create assessments for two math modules for classroom use at their grade level. Each assessment will have an accompanying chart listing each question number and the standard that is assessed. Course Structure: Today’s meeting, individual work/partner assessment work, peer reviewer to consult, peer reviewer to review work, submit work to the instructor, complete a course survey Course Length: 15 hour course includes today’s meeting, your assessment planning (identifying assessment needs, determining length of assessment, determining question types (multiple choice, extended response/application), creating assessments, peer reviewing of assessments, making any updates after peer review, and submitting work November 9th-November 30th: Teachers work with their grade level group to determine assessment needs, select assessments, determine question types, identify standards and questions, and create assessments. Teachers utilize online and print resources. By November 30th: teachers complete their assessments and share them with their peer reviewer. (Online sharing or other method mutually agreed upon by teachers) Peer reviewers attach post-it notes on any pages where they would suggest changes. By December 4th: peer reviewers return papers to the original writer. Writers make any adjustments. By December 7th: teachers e-mail the completed assessments to the instructor or send hard copies. By December 7th: teachers fill out a course survey and let the instructor know that it has been completed. (ECTC homepage---Forms---Fall Survey password is always ectc) You will then receive a certificate from the Teacher Center for course completion. This link is also on the course webpage. New: Your certificate will be mailed to you from ECTC. Each participant will need to submit the certificate to their school district. Helpful websites: (eureka) (parent letters) Common Core Math Vocabulary Websites Viewing Completed Work: Assessments will be e-mailed to course participants. If copyright laws and website terms of agreement allow website posting, assessments will be posted on the website for this course. Resources and tasks for today: Participants determine which assessments will be created and fill out the chart listing who will be responsible for each assessment. Exchange contact information with your peer reviewer and determine when you’d like to meet/how you’d like to exchange completed papers. Finally: Make sure you have signed in and visited the Prize table! Reminder: Participants who teach in the East Aurora School District must submit a timesheet to the instructor (with coursework) by December 7th. This timesheet will be forwarded to the curriculum office. This form should accompany any assessment that does not already have a chart listing the standard assessed for each assessment question. Module _________ Type of Assessment _________________________________________ Question # Standard