CEANTAR BARDASACH CHATHAIR CHILL CHAINNIGH MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF KILKENNY CITY MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON 17th APRIL, 2015 AT 2.30 P.M. Mayor, Councillor Andrew McGuinness, Presiding. Present: Councillors: Matt Doran, Michael Doyle, Peter ‘Chap’ Cleere, Breda Gardner, David Kennedy, Patrick McKee, Malcolm Noonan, Patrick O’Neill. Apologies: Joe Malone, David Fitzgerald, Kathleen Funchion. Also Present: Mr. Simon Walton, A/Director of Services, Mr. Brian Tyrell, Senior Executive Officer, Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald, Senior Engineer, Mr. Seamus Foley, Senior Executive Engineer and Ms. Catherine Cooney, Staff Officer. Mayor’s Summons of Meeting: Notice dated 20th March, 2015 convening a Monthly Meeting for this date was read. 1. Confirmation of Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Municipal District of Kilkenny City held on 13th April, 2015, having been previously circulated were tabled for confirmation, it was Proposed by: Seconded by: And Resolved: Cllr. Matt Doran Cllr. Peter ‘Chap’ Cleere “That the minutes as presented to this meeting be and are hereby adopted”. 2. Matters brought forward by direction of the Mayor. CCTV on Bridges/Signage re Suicide Prevention Members requested an update on the issue raised at previous meeting regarding the provision of CCTV on Bridges in the City and the erection of signage advising of contact details for the Samaritans which may help in suicide prevention. Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald informed the meeting that the Council are awaiting the delivery of signage and also advised that following contact with An Garda Siochána the reaction was that the provision of CCTV would be of small benefit and it would be more beneficial to catch the person on the precise moment that the intention occurs. Cleaning of River in Callan In response to a request for an update regarding this matter from Cllr. Matt Doran, Mr. Simon Walton advised that any works are subject to the consent of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Consent had previously been forthcoming from Inland Fisheries Ireland who is the other statutory consultee for such works. Mr. Walton agreed to make contact with the National Parks and Wildlife Service inviting them to meet with the Elected Members to discuss this issue. 3. Fix Date for Annual Meeting of Municipal District of Kilkenny City. Proposed by: Seconded by: And Agreed Cllr. Peter ‘Chap’ Cleere Cllr. Breda Gardner “that the Annual Meeting of the Municipal District of Kilkenny City for 2015 will be held on Monday, 22nd June, 2015, at 7.30 p.m.” 4. Proposals for streetscape/shop front paint scheme for Callan and Graiguenamanagh. Mr. Simon Walton described the proposed scheme to the Members, the purpose of which is to complement the recent Urban Renewal Schemes. He explained that the terms of the scheme will be similar to that operated within the old Kilkenny Borough Council area. Mr. Walton then requested Mr. Brian Tyrrell to further explain the terms of the scheme. Mr. Tyrrell circulated a draft scheme for Graiguenamanagh to the Members as an example and outlined the terms and conditions. Mr. Tyrrell responded to a number of queries raised in relation to: Commencement date for the scheme. Does is only apply to commercial premises? Colour scheme. Inclusion of hand painted signage in the scheme. Extending the scheme to other towns/villages in the Municipal District. Extent of funding. All Members welcomed the introduction of the scheme and it was: Proposed by: Seconded by: And Agreed Cllr. Peter ‘Chap’ Cleere Cllr. David Kennedy “that a streetscape/shopfront paint scheme will be implemented for the towns of Callan and Graiguenamanagh with a budget of €10,000 (€5000 per town) to be provided from the General Municipal District allocation (Callan (€5,000)) and from existing reserves (Graiguenamanagh (€5000)).” 5. International Communities in Bloom Competition 2015. Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald informed the meeting that Kilkenny has been nominated by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government as the Irish representative in the International Communities in Bloom Competition 2015. Mr. Fitzgerald gave a presentation on the implications of being selected for this competition, the judging criteria, establishment of a Project Team, projects completed to date and projects being undertaken in 2015. Mr. Fitzgerald responded to queries raised following his presentation. 6. Arrangements for Municipal Advisory Committee Sub-Groups. Mr. Simon Walton reminded members that the next Municipal Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, 20th May, 2015, and advised that the Sub-Groups proposed at the last meeting should meet prior to 20th May. Cllr. Malcolm Noonan proposed that building heritage be included in Sub-Group No. 4 instead of Sub-Group No. 3. Mr. Walton stated that due to the absence of the Chair of this sub-group from the meeting, this would be agreed subject to agreement of the Chair of Sub-Group No. 3. Mayor, Cllr. Andrew McGuinness advised the meeting that he had to leave and in the absence of the Deputy Mayor requested a nomination from those present to take the chair for the remainder of the meeting following which Cllr. Malcolm Noonan chaired the remainder of the meeting. 7. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Malcolm Noonan received 8th April, 2015. Proposed by: Cllr. Malcolm Noonan Seconded by: Cllr. Patrick McKee And Agreed “that Kilkenny Municipal District Council would initiate a participative process of engagement with all parties; residents, De La Salle Primary School, business, parents and school children that would explore means of reducing traffic impact on the lane particularly during peak school times. Initiatives that could be explored should include park and stride, alternative set down areas, walking bus, cycling and improved signage and lighting on the entire lane and approaches to the lane. This motion recognises the inconvenience placed on local communities by indiscriminate parking and the needs of the school both now and into the future as it expands and increases in size but also the limitations of the area due to residential density and the urban fabric.” In response to the motion and comments made by Members, Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald stated that there are currently a number of measures being taken to alleviate this problem including liaising with nearby supermarkets for consent to the use of their carparks. Mr. Fitzgerald agreed to prepare a report for the Members for their consideration. 8. Notice of Motion in the name Cllr. Patrick McKee received 9th April, 2015. Proposed by: Cllr. Patrick McKee Seconded by: Cllr. Michael Doyle And Agreed “that this Municipal Council calls on Kilkenny Local Authority to seek all permissions and undertake all works which are necessary to reintroduce the rose garden, formerly located immediately outside Graces Castle, commonly known as Kilkenny Court House, adjacent to Parliament Street, Kilkenny City. And further calls on Kilkenny County Council to seek all necessary permissions and undertake all necessary works to open the historic prisoner cells located within Graces Castle to the public. This Municipal Council notes that these works are an important element to enhancing the Medieval Mile experience”. In response to Members regarding the Motion, Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald confirmed that the area in question is in the ownership of the Court Services and he has made contact with the Court Services on a previous occasion regarding the provision of a landscaped area and was advised that due to funding issues the area will not be provided in the immediate future. Mr. Brian Tyrrell informed the Members that while it is recognised that the development of the cells would enhance the visitor’s experience to Kilkenny and the OPW have no issue with the reopening of the cells, under certain conditions, funding for the project has not been identified. 9. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Patrick McKee received 9th April, 2015. Proposed by: Seconded by: And Agreed Cllr. Patrick McKee Cllr. Peter ‘Chap’ Cleere “Kilkenny Municipal Authority undertakes to devise an estate cleaning schedule for Kilkenny City which would place a high priority on the inspection of drains and water runoffs within each estate. This Municipal Council notes that this estate cleaning schedule would ensure that paths and roadways are safe for pedestrians and motor vehicles, and would assist greatly in avoiding temporary flooding in estates across the city at particular times of the year.” Mr. Kieran Fitzgerald advised the Members that there is currently an extensive street cleaning schedule in the City focusing on the City Centre area together with a gully cleaning programme and if an issue occurs in the estates it is responded to. Mr. Simon Walton reminded the Members that they have set aside funds for this issue in the Road Works Scheme. 10. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Malcolm Noonan received 10th April, 2015. Proposed by: Seconded by: And Agreed Cllr. Malcolm Noonan Cllr. Breda Gardner “that the Members of Kilkenny Municipal District Council oppose the imminent closure of the branch Library at Callan, Co. Kilkenny and demand that Kilkenny County Council and the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government address the issues of staff shortages, maternity and sick leave cover under the Workforce Plan and restrictions under public sector recruitment to meet the requirements of a full provision of a library service to all branch libraries. We further demand that in the short term provisions are made to keep Callan branch library open until such a time as outstanding vacant staff grades are filled. This motion recognises the vital community service provided by all of our libraries and that a sustainable long term plan for a state of the art service is both attainable and essential.” In response to the Motion and to queries raised regarding the closure of Callan Library Branch, Mr. Simon Walton confirmed that the library in Callan will not close and arrangements will be put in place staffing wise to provide library services. Mr. Walton agreed to revert back to Cllr. Gardner regarding her query on the relocation of the Thomastown Library. This concluded the business of the meeting Signed: MAYOR Date: