Math C Team - Turn of River Middle School

Seventh Grade Mathematics
Course Syllabus
Jillian Combis – C-Team
Course Description:
In mathematics this year, students will work on improving their problem solving
skills. Learning to solve problems is the primary reason for studying
mathematics. The students will have opportunities to recognize and apply
deductive and inductive reasoning. They will compute with and without a
calculator. They will express mathematical ideas in writing, speaking, making
models, drawing diagrams, and preparing graphs.
Scope and Sequence
Throughout the course of the year, seventh graders will learn the following
eight units, which are aligned with the Common Core State Standards:
Accentuate the Negative: Integers and Rational Numbers
Shapes and Designs: Two Dimensional Geometry
Filling and Wrapping: Three Dimensional Measurement
Stretching and Shrinking: Understanding Similarity
Comparing and Scaling: Ratios, Rates, Percents and Proportions
Moving Straight Ahead: Linear Relationships
What Do You Expect: Probability and Expected Value
Samples and Populations: Making Comparisons and Predictions
The topics will be covered using various Connected Mathematics 2
textbooks, as well as teacher-generated materials. For each unit, students
will also complete assignments that will aid in reviewing for the upcoming
Common Core Testing.
Projects and Activities
There will be several smaller projects during the year that will span several
days. Major projects could include the Tetrahedron project, pi project, and a
probability project.
Required books and Materials
Textbooks used: Connected Mathematics 3(CMP3) textbooks, published by
Pearson-Prentice Hall
Students are expected to come to class every day with agenda book, math
binder with looseleaf paper, composition book or notebook, textbook,
calculator, and several sharpened pencils.
Behavioral and Academic Expectations
Students are expected to complete all assignments and to follow classroom
rules and procedures. Students need to work individually, in pairs, and in
Grading Policy
Students will be graded on effort and class participation, class work, group
work, homework, math notebook, quiz and tests.
10% Homework
10% Class Participation
20% Math Notebook
20% Classwork/Investigation Completion
20% Quizzes
20% Tests/Projects
Office Hours
Students need to make an appointment to meet during school, or after
school when available.
Teacher contact information
C-Team: Jillian Combis
Turn of River Middle School
117 Vine Road
Stamford, CT
7th Grade Mathematics
1. Arrive to class on time. We start working immediately and excessive
tardiness will affect your classwork grade.
2. We will always start class with a Do Now. The problem or instructions
will be on the board or front table. Since other students may already
be working, please come in quietly, find your seat, and begin working.
The Do Now counts as part of your classwork grade.
3. While you are working on the Do Now, you should take your homework
out to be checked. (Homework is 10% of your grade.)
4. When I am teaching up at the board, I expect you to give me your full
attention, to ask questions when you do not understand something,
and to participate in discussions and answer questions. There should
be no side conversations during this time, because they are distracting
to me and other students. (Class participation is 10% of your grade.)
No one is to leave the room at this time.
5. Raise your hand to answer questions. I do not accept call-outs, unless I
make it clear that I am looking for a group response.
6. During pair or group work, I encourage you to discuss problems, work
together, and communicate about mathematics. I expect you to
learn from one another. If you are stuck or confused, ask your
classmates before you ask me. During pair or group work, please be
mindful of your noise level.
7. When I signal for the summary time, which is the end of our lesson,
everyone must be quiet and attentive.
1. Supplies: You must come prepared for class every day. This means
you *must* always have with you: a sharpened pencil, your math
binder, composition book and your textbook. You *should* also have
with you: extra pencils, erasers, and a handheld pencil sharpener.
2. Sharpening pencils: You may sharpen pencils before class begins.
Once the class is seated and working, there is to be no use of the
sharpener, unless given permission by the teacher.
3. Absences/Make-up work: If you are absent, you will have as many
days as your absence to make up any missed work. (Example: if you
were absent two days, you will have two days to make up your work.)
If you are absent for more than three days, you must see me about the
assignments and classwork you have missed.
4. Homework: You are to complete your homework by the due date.
Homework will be accepted late, but lose points each day, and will
not earn you any points after 5 days.
5. Binder/Math Notebook: All classwork and homework must be easily
found in your binder. ALWAYS SHOW YOUR WORK!! I do not give credit
for work that has only an answer, with no supporting work or
6. Test Corrections: After tests are returned, you can make corrections to
any problems where you did not earn full credit. These corrections
must be written on line (or graph) paper, show all work, be completely
correct, and handed in with the original test. Corrections earn you half
of the points back on your test.
Be respectful of teachers and classmates.
Raise your hand.
Use all materials available to you in class with care.
Ask permission to leave the room.
Get to class on time.
Do your best!!
In Seventh Grade Mathematics, we follow all school and classroom rules. If
necessary, you will be reminded of correct behavior with a lunch detention, call
home, and/or after school detention.
Please read these pages over with a parent or guardian and have each of you
sign on the following page. This will be your first Homework Assignment.
We look forward to working with you this year!!!
Mrs. Combis
Student Name ___________________________________ Date __________ # __1__
Syllabus and Expectations
I have read the course syllabus and class expectations with a parent or
I understand the rules and consequences of my actions in this class, both
positive and negative, and also understand what is expected of me.
Student Signature _____________________________________________
Parent Signature ______________________________________________
Parent Name_________________________________________________
Phone Number _______________________________________________
Email Address (if applicable) __________________________________