application form (Office document, 18kB)

11th African Archaeology Research Day (AARD)
Bristol, 21-22 November 2014
Presentation submission
Abstracts will be received by the conference organizing committee from Tuesday the 8th of
July and submission will close at 17.00 on Tuesday 30st of September 2014. Completed
abstracts should be emailed as a word file to
SESSION (please delete as appropriate):
Science in African archaeology / Africa in the wider world/Pleistocene
Africa / Heritage management in Africa / Recent fieldwork and discoveries
/ Technology, conservation and material culture / Climate, landscape and
resource use
PRESENTATION TYPE (please delete as appropriate):
KEY FACT: please write a maximum of three lines in the box below telling us WHY your
abstract should be selected – this is your chance to highlight why delegates will want or need
to find out about your research! It will not appear in the abstract booklet.
Insert the title of your paper/panel/poster here:
it should be centred and use 16 point bold Arial
Authors’ names should go here centred in 14 point Arial. The presenting
author should be in bold. Use the form surname, forenames, with a
superscript number1 to indicate affiliation like this:
Smith, Mary Q.2, Roberts, Matthew T.3
1. Affiliations should be given on separate numbered lines. Include name of
institution, town or city, country. Use 12 point text like this:
2. Department of Anthropology, University of Poppleton, UK
3. Archaeology section, Museum of Borsetshire, Felpersham, UK.
An abstract of no more than 200 words should go here. Use 12 point text.
You will make the organisers lives much easier if you use this template. Note that the
margins are 2.54 cm all round, and Arial font is used throughout. You can simply
delete the text in each box and type your own, and the formatting should happen
automatically. If you copy and paste text, please take care to place the elements of
the abstract in the correct boxes and match the formatting of the template. Your
complete abstract should fit comfortably on a single page of A4.
Do not indent paragraphs; they should be separated by whitespace. If you use this
template, a blank space will appear automatically after each paragraph.
Don’t forget to remove all the text for the instructions on this page and replace it with
your own!
We look forward to seeing you in Bristol!
The AARD 2014 Committee
If you wish to acknowledge funders please insert details here in 10 point text. Enter your funding body
or sponsor’s name as well as any institution or individual who supported your research by, for
example, providing supervision (if not a co-author) or access to collections and samples. Otherwise
simply delete this paragraph.