
Bridge Name: Alamillo bridge
Vital Statistics:
Location: Seville
Completion Date: 1992
Length: 820' (250 m)
Type: Cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge, Cable-stayed bridge
Purpose: Built for the Universal Exposition of 1992 in Seville, Spain to cross the Guadilquivir River and connect the
island of La Cartuja (where much of the Exposition would be located) with Seville.
Materials: mast and brick deck
Longest Single Span: 200 m
Engineer(s): Santiago Calatrava
The Alamillo Bridge was built because of the Universal Exposition hosted in Seville Spain in 1992. It spans 250 meters
total and connects the city of Seville to the island of La Cartuja. La Cartuja was a relatively undeveloped island, but was
chosen as the site where much of Exppo 92 would take place. The Alamillo Bridge accommodates vehicle as well as
pedestrian traffic, similar to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. The pedestrian traffic uses a pathway above the road
and there is an enclosed stairway to the top of the tower and a lookout for visitors to the bridge!
The Alamillo Bridge is a cantilever spar cable stayed bridge. It uses a large tower or mast and steel cables to
support the bridge deck (roadway). The longest single span of the bridge is 200 meters. The bridge was built less as a
marvel of engineering and more as a visually appealing landmark and focal point for the Universal Expo of 1992. The
bridge uses a tall concrete and steel tower built at a 58 degree angle to offset and balance the weight of the bridge
deck. The steel cables also help to support the bridge, but the tension isn’t nearly as high as other more efficiently
engineered cable stayed bridges.
It not incredible feat of engineer but more than a beautiful and appearing bridge to catches local taking pictures with
it . Like you could relate it as the Brooklyn bridge as a view because they can see the view of the city. So like the
sunshine skyway bridge basic killed people the alamillo bridge has never killed people when it collapsed. The bridge got
its idea by the Brooklyn bridge so it can be the same as in Spain.
Fast Facts:
It was built as the entrance to the
Universal Exposition of 1992 in
Seville Spain .
The bridge is held up by 26
tensioned steel cables and one
Originally they planned to build a
double bridge but the construction
was too expensive so they ended up
with only one bridge.
Firth of Forth Bridge
Vital Statistics:
Location: South Queensferry and North Queensferry, Scotland
Completion Date: 1890
Cost: $15 million
Length: 8,276 feet
Type: Cantilever
Purpose: Railway
Materials: Steel
Longest Single Span: 350 feet (center span)
Engineer(s): Benjamin Baker, John Fowler
Click photo
for larger image.
In the late 1800s, a railway bridge across Scotland's Firth of Tay swayed and collapsed in the wind. Seventy-five
passengers and crew on a passing night train died in the crash. It was the worst bridge disaster in history. So when
engineers proposed bridging the even wider Firth of Forth, the Scottish public demanded a structure that looked like it
could never fall down. They got it.
Chief engineers Sir John Fowler and Benjamin Baker came up with the perfect structural
solution: a cantilever bridge. The Firth of Forth Bridge is made of a pair of cantilever arms,
or beams "sticking out" from two main towers. The beams are supported by
diagonal steel tubes projecting from the top and bottom of the towers. These wellsecured spans actually support the central span. This design makes the Firth of Forth
Bridge one of the strongest -- and most expensive -- ever built.
Click photo
for larger image.
But not everyone liked the design. The poet and artist William Morris declared it "the
supremest specimen of all ugliness." Ugly or not, the Firth of Forth is a safe bridge. Even
today, the highest winds barely shake this enormous structure. This is exactly what the people of Scotland needed
after the Tay Bridge disaster. Unfortunately, a cantilever of this size comes with a hefty price tag. This is why very
few like it have ever been built again.
Here's how this bridge stacks up against some of the longest-spanning bridges in the world. (total length, in feet)
Firth of Forth Bridge 8,276'
Fast Facts:
The Firth of Forth Bridge may not have been a bridge at all -- engineers considered building a tunnel, but
abandoned the idea because it seemed too risky.
The Firth of Forth was the first bridge built primarily of steel.
It took 54,000 tons of steel; 194,000 cubic yards of granite, stone, and concrete; 21,000 tons of cement; and
almost seven million rivets to build the Firth of Forth Bridge.
LYCHELLE’s Example:Sydney Harbor Bridge
Vital Statistics:
Location: Sydney Australia
Completion Date: 19 January 1923
Cost: $25 million
Length: 3,770 feet
Type: Through arch bridge
Purpose: Public transportation
Materials: Steel
Longest Single Span: 1,650 feet
Engineer(s): Brandfeild, Lawrence Ennis, Edward Judge and
Sir Ralph Freeman
The bridge was constructed to allow for direct route from
the North shore to the Sydney central business district- population?? Everyone uses the bridge, from cars, people
walking and people riding their bicycles.
The Sydney Harbor bridge is a through arch bridge. It is made up of two 28-panel
arch trusses at the center of the arch to the ends next to the pylons. At the end
of each side there are two pylons that stand 292ft. Abutments at the base of the
pylons are important to support the loads from the arch and hold its span firmly in
place. The pylons were included to provide a frame for the arch panels, to give
better visual balance to the bridge. Abutments are the point where two structures
or objects meet. The pylons are made out of granite and concrete, it took three
ships to transport the pylons to where the bridge was being made. Because the
bridge is made out of steel and it crosses the ocean, on hot days the bridge can raise up to 18 centimeters.
The bridge cost $25 million because it is expensive not many bridges like it have been made. The bridge is really strong
and there has not been any big problems with it. Overall the Sydney Harbor bridge is a constantly used bridge and an
icon for Australia.
----------Sydney Harbor bridge 3,770’
Fast Facts:
1 You can pay money to go climb the Syndey harbor bridge.
2 Every New Years there is a huge firework show that is on the bridge.
3 It’s the tallest Arch bridge in the world.