个人简历 Dan Flynn(Daniel Francis Baker Flynn) University of Zurich Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies Winterthurstrasse 190 CH-8057, Zürich, Switzerland dan.flynn@ieu.uzh.ch • http://flynnd.org 苏黎世大学 进化生物学与环境研究所 瑞士,苏黎世 POSITIONS (职位) 2011 Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich. 2011~至今 苏黎世大学 进化生物学与环境研究所 博士后研究人员 EDUCATION (教育经历) PhD Ecology, Evolution, & Environmental Biology, Columbia University, 2011. BA Biology, Oberlin College, 2001. 2011,哥伦比亚大学 生态、进化与环境生物学系 博士学位 2001, 欧柏林大学 生物学学士 FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS (研究基金和奖励) 2007-2009 Fellow National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship Awarded to support doctoral research. 2007-2009 研究生自然科学基金,用于支持博士研究工作 2007 Grantee Columbia University, Institute of Latin American Studies Awarded in support of research on forest succession in Puerto Rico. 2007 哥伦比亚大学拉丁美洲研究所基金,用于支持波多黎哥森林演替的研究 2006 Fellow Oberlin College, Alumni Graduate Fellowship Awarded to support preliminary doctoral research in Inner Mongolia, China. 2006 欧柏林大学毕业生基金,用于支持在中国内蒙古初级博士研究工作, 2002-2003 Fellow Oberlin Shansi Memorial Association. Awarded to outstanding graduates of Oberlin College to support cross-cultural exchange, independent projects, and language education in Asia. 2002-2003 欧柏林-山西友好协会基金,用于欧柏林大学优秀毕业生在亚洲的文化交流与语言教育 2000 Winter Term Fellow University of Arizona, Department of Plant Pathology Awarded to support visiting students performing independent research. 2000 亚利桑那大学植物病理系冬季学期基金,用于支持访问学生进行独立研究 2000 Joshua Levitt Memorial Award Oberlin College, Department of Biology Awarded to top biology majors in recognition of academic excellence. 2000 欧柏林大学生物系Joshua Levitt Memorial Award,用于生物学专业学术技能的培训 TEACHING (执教经历) 2006-2010 Consultant Department of Biology, Barnard College Prepared a web-based tutorial in the statistical software SPSS for undergraduate courses. Adapted introductory biology curriculum with statistics modules. 2006-2010 巴纳德学院生物学顾问 2006-2008 Teaching Assistant Columbia University Statistical Inference in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Introductory Biology Forest Ecology 2006-2008 哥伦比亚大学教学助理 2005-2006 Editor-in-Chief Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal Worked with undergraduate students to establish a new peer-reviewed science journal for undergraduates. Mentored students in manuscript preparation. 2005-2006 哥伦比亚大学研究生科学杂志主编 2001 MacGregor-Oresman Curriculum Assistant Department of Biology, Oberlin College Aided in the design and development of a new course, Biology and Society. 2001 欧柏林大学课程教学助理 RESEARCH POSITIONS (研究职位) 2005 Research Assistant Rowland Institute at Harvard Aided Dr. Kristin Lewis on research on the chemical ecology of parasitic plant and host plant associations. Planned and conducted experiments using short-lived radioisotopes at Brookhaven National Laboratory. 2005 哈佛Rowland研究所研究助理 2003-2005 Visiting Researcher Peking University, Beijing, China Collaborated on research on plant community and ecosytem ecology in the Department of Ecology with Dr. Jin-Sheng He and Dr. Jingyun Fang. 2003-2005 北京大学访问学者 2001-2003 Research Assistant Harvard University Supported plant ecology and global climate change research in the lab of Dr. Fakhri Bazzaz. Managed greenhouse, experimental garden, and CO2 enrichment experiments. 2001-2003 哈佛大学研究助理 2000 Research Assistant University Of Virginia Assisted Dr. Laura Galloway in population genetic research in natural plant populations at the Mountain Lake Biological Station. 2001-2003 佐治亚大学研究助理 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (专业工作) Reviewer (审稿人) Biological Conservation,Biotropica,Caribbean Journal of Science,Ecology,Ecology Letters, Journal of Animal Ecology,Journal of Arid Environments,Journal of Plant Ecology,Oecologia,Oikos,New Phytologist, Perspectives on Plant Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics,PLoS One Member Ecological Society of America PUBLICATIONS (发表论文情况) * Denotes equal authorship In press Brown KA, DFB Flynn, NK Abram, JC Ingram, SE Johnson, P Wright. Assessing natural resource use by forest-reliant communities using utilitarian functional diversity and functional redundancy. PLoS One. Goldstein J, DFB Flynn. Integrating active learning and quantitative skills into undergraduate introductory biology curricula. American Biology Teacher. XT Lü, GT Freschet, DFB Flynn, XG Han. Plasticity in leaf and stem nutrient resorption proficiency potentially reinforces plant-soil feedbacks and micro-scale heterogeneity in a semi-arid grassland. Journal of Ecology. 2011 Flynn, DFB, N Mirotchnick, M Jain, MI Palmer, S Naeem. 2011. Functional and phylogenetic diversity as predictors of biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships. Ecology 92: 1573-1581. R Remans*, DFB Flynn*, F DeClerck, W Diru, J Fanzo, K Gaynor, I Lambrecht, J Mudiope, PK Mutuo, P Nkhoma, D Siriri, C Sullivan, CA Palm. 2011. Assessing nutritional diversity of cropping systems in African villages. PLoS One 6: e21235. Lin BB*, DFB Flynn*, DE Bunker, M Uriarte, S Naeem. 2011. The effect of agricultural diversity and crop choice on functional capacity change in Great Plains grassland conversions. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 609-618. 2010 Flynn, DFB, M Uriarte, T Crk, JB Pascarella, JK Zimmerman, TM Aide, MAC Ortiz. 2010. Hurricane disturbance alters secondary forest recovery in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 42: 149- 157. He, J-S, X Wang, B Schmid, DFB Flynn, XF Li, PB Reich, and J Fang. Taxonomic identity, phylogeny, climate and soil fertility as drivers of leaf traits across Chinese grassland biomes. Journal of Plant Research 123: 551-561. 2009 Flynn, DFB, M Gogol-Prokurat, T Nogeire, N Molinari, B Trautman Richers, BB Lin, N Simpson, MM Mayfield and F DeClerck. 2009. Loss of functional diversity under land use intensification across multiple taxa. Ecology Letters 12: 22-33. He JS, X Wang, DFB Flynn, L Wang, B Schmid, J Fang. 2009. Taxonomic, phylogenetic and environmental tradeoffs between leaf productivity and persistence. Ecology 90: 2779-2791. Philpott, SM, O Soong, JH Lowenstein, AL Pulido, DT Lopez, DFB Flynn, F DeClerck. 2009. Functional richness and ecosystem services: Bird predation on arthropods in tropical agroecosystems. Ecological Applications 19: 158-1867. Crk T, M Uriarte, F Corsi, D Flynn. 2009. Forest recovery in a tropical landscape: What is the relative importance of biophysical, socioeconomic, and landscape variables? Landscape Ecology 24: 629-642. Uriarte, M, C Yackulic, T Cooper, DFB Flynn, M Cortes, T Crk, G Cullman, M McGinty, J Sircely. 2009. Expansion of sugarcane production in São Paulo, Brazil: Implications for fire occurrence and respiratory health. Agriculture, Ecosytems, & Environment 132: 48-56. Brown KA, JC Ingram, DFB Flynn, RJ Razafindrazaka, VH Jeannoda. 2009. Protected areas safeguard tree and shrub communities from degradation and invasion: a case study in eastern Madagascar. Environmental Management 44: 136-148. Solan, M, JA Godbold, A Symstad, DFB Flynn, D Bunker. 2009. Biodiversity-ecosystem function research and biodiversity futures: early bird catches the worm or a day late and a dollar short? In D Bunker, S Naeem, M Loreau, A Hector, Eds. The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity: Solutions and Scenarios. Oxford University Press. Petchey, OL, E O'Gorman, DFB Flynn. 2009. A functional guide to functional diversity measures. In D Bunker, S Naeem, M Loreau, A Hector, Eds. The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity: Solutions and Scenarios. Oxford University Press. 2008 Flynn, DFB, B Schmid, JS He, K Wolfe-Bellin, FA Bazzaz. 2008. Hierarchical reliability in experimental plant assemblages. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 59:65. He JS, L Wang, DFB Flynn, W Ma, X Wang, J Fang. 2008. Leaf nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry across Chinese grassland biomes. Oecologia 1: 301-310. 2006 Flynn, DFB, EA Sudderth, FA Bazzaz. 2006. Effects of aphid herbivory on biomass and leaflevel physiology of Solanum dulcamara under elevated temperature and CO2. Environmental and Experimental Botany 56: 10-18. He, JS, JY Fang, ZH Wang, DL Guo, DFB Flynn, Z Geng. 2006. Stoichiometry and large-scale patterns of leaf carbon and nitrogen in the grassland biomes of China. Oecologia 149: 115-122. 2005 He, JS, DFB Flynn, K Wolfe-Bellin, JY Fang, FA Bazzaz. 2005. CO2 and nitrogen, but not density, alter size and C/N ratio of Phytolacca americana seeds. Functional Ecology 19: 437-444. Zuo, WY, JS He, M Han, CJ Ji, DFB Flynn, JY Fang. 2005. Responses of plant stomata to elevated CO2 and temperature: observations from 10 plant species grown in temperature and CO2 gradients. Acta Ecologica Sinica 25: 565-574. (In Chinese with English abstract). Presentations and invited talks (会议与邀请报告) 2010 Ecological Society of America - Annual Meeting 2010 美国生态学会年会 2009 University of Zurich - By invitation of Bernhard Schmid 2009 苏黎世大学,受Bernhard Schmid邀请 2009 Stanford University - By invitation of Tadeshi Fukami 2009 斯坦福大学,受Tadeshi Fukami邀请 2009 Ecological Society of America - Annual Meeting 2009 美国生态学会年会 2007 Ecological Society of America - Annual Meeting (Co-author) 2007 美国生态学会年会 2005 University of Vermont - Sino-USA Symposium on Ecosystem Complexity and Ecosystem Services (Poster) 2005 佛蒙特大学 Sino-USA专题:生态系统复杂性与生态系统服务功能 2003 Beijing Normal University - Conference on Plant Biology 2003 北京师范大学 植物生态学会议