CONTINENTAL DRIFT In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed the hypothesis of Continental Drift, which stated that the continents had moved. Wegener hypothesized that the continents once formed part of a single landmass which he named Pangaea. According to Wegener, about 200 million years ago, Pangaea began breaking up into smaller continents, which drifted to their present locations. Wegener speculated that this motion may have crumpled the crust in places, producing mountain ranges. EVIDENCE FOR CONTINENTAL DRIFT Continents looked like they fit together like a Jigsaw puzzle Identical fossil remains of mesosaurus, a small, extinct land reptile was found in both eastern South America and western Africa. These animals could not have swum across the Atlantic Ocean, therefore, Wegener concluded that South America and western Africa were once joined. Remains of warm weather plants were found in Arctic regions where they could not grow today. The age and type of rocks in the coastal regions of widely separated areas such as western Africa and eastern Brazil, matched closely. Mountain ranges that ended at the coastline of one continent seemed to continue on landmasses across the ocean. For example, the Appalachian mountains in the U.S., are similar in age and structure to mountains in Greenland and northern Europe. If these 3 landmasses are pushed together in a model of Pangaea, the mountains fit together in one continuous chain. Changes in climate patterns. Layers of debris from glaciers were found in southern Africa and South America – areas that today have climates too warm for glaciers. Other fossil evidence, such as the coal deposits in the eastern U.S., Europe, and Siberia, indicated that tropical or subtropical swamps covered much of the Northern Hemisphere. If the continents were once joined and positioned over the South Pole, these climatic differences would be easy to explain. Despite this evidence, many scientists did not believe in Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift because they did not know what force could be causing it. SEAFLOOR SPREADING In 1947, a group of scientist set out to map the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an undersea mountain range with a steep narrow valley running down its center. The MidAtlantic Ridge is one part of an entire system of mid-ocean ridges that go around the earth. The scientists found that the ocean floor was very young compared to the age of continental rocks. Harry Hess suggested that the valley at the center of the ridge was actually a break or rift in the earth’s crust and that molten rock or magma from deep inside the earth was rising up through the rift. Hess thought mid-ocean ridge would be newer than the rock that was farther away from the ridge. If the seafloor was spreading through the formation of new crust, then the continents must also be moving. When the magma cools and solidifies, certain iron-containing minerals within the rock become magnetized. When the rock hardens, the magnetic orientation of the minerals becomes permanent and points north. However, scientists have discovered that throughout the earth’s history, the magnetic field has reversed itself several times. The ocean floor showed alternating bands of normal and reversed magnetism. They discovered that the striped patterns of magnetism on one side of the ridge mirrored the other side exactly. This proved that seafloor spreading does occur. THEORY OF PLATE TECTONICS The hypotheses of continental drift and seafloor spreading led to the broader theory of plate tectonics. Tectonics comes from the Greek word for construction and is the study of the formation of features in the earth’s crust. The earth’s crust consists of two types, oceanic crust and continental crust. Material on the ocean floor forms oceanic crust. Land is made of continental crust. The oceanic and continental crust and the rigid upper mantle make up the lithosphere. It forms the thin outer shell of the earth. Beneath the lithosphere lies the asthenosphere, a layer of plastic-like rock that slowly flows like putty. The lithosphere is broken into separate plates that ride on the denser asthenosphere like rafts on water. Most lithospheric plates are composed of both continental and oceanic crust. So far, about 30 lithospheric plates have been identified. Some plates are moving toward each other, some are moving apart, and some are sliding past each other. There are three types of plate boundaries and they act in different ways. They are divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries and transform fault boundaries. Two plates moving away from each other form a divergent boundary. As the plates move apart, magma, or molten rock from the asthenosphere rises and fills the space between the plates. As the molten rock cools, it hardens onto the edges of the separating plates and creates new oceanic crust. Most divergent boundaries are found on the ocean floor along the mid-ocean ridges. In the center of a mid-ocean ridge is a narrow valley formed as the plates separate. This formation is called a rift valley. Other rift valleys may form where continents are separated by plate movement. As seafloor spreading pulls plates apart at one boundary, those plates collide with other plates at other boundaries. The type of boundary where one plate collides with another is called a convergent boundary. Three types of collisions can occur at convergent boundaries. One type occurs when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. Since the oceanic plate is denser, it is forced under the less dense continental crust. The area where this happens is called a subduction zone. A deep ocean trench generally formas along a subduction zone. As the oceanic plate moves down into a subduction zone, it melts and becomes part of the mantle material, Some of the magma formed rises to the surface through the continental crust and produces volcanic mountains. In the second type of convergent boundary collision, two continental plates come together. Neither plate is subducted because the plates have the same density. The colliding plates are crumpled and uplifted producing large mountain ranges. The Himalayas were formed by this type of collision. The third type of collision along convergent boundaries occurs between oceanic crust and oceanic crust. A deep ocean trench forms when one of these plates is subducted. Part of the subducted plate melts, and the resulting molten rock rises to the surface along the trench to form a chain of volcanic islands. A transform fault boundary forms where two plates are grinding past each other. A major transform fault boundary is the San Andreas fault in California. It is the site of many earthquakes. CAUSES OF PLATE MOTION Many scientists think that the movement of lithospheric plates is due to convection, the transfer of heat through the movement of heated fluid material. Heat from the earth’s core and mantle causes some material in the lower asthenosphere to become hotter and therefore less dense than the material above it. The hotter material rises. When this hot material reaches the base of the lithosphere, it cools. When the molten material cools, it becomes more dense and starts to sink. The cooling material is pushed to the side by new hot material that rises. This cycle is known as a convection current. As this process takes place, the lithospheric plate is carried along with the moving material. VOLCANIC MOUNTAINS Mountains that form when molten rock erupts onto the earth’s surface are called volcanic mountains. They may develop on land or on the ocean floor. The Cascade Range of Washington, Oregon, and northern California is composed of volcanic mountains. Some of the largest volcanic mountains are found along divergent plate boundaries which form the mid-ocean ridges, The mid-ocean ridges are actually huge volcanic mountain chains that run through the centers of the Atlantic, eastern Pacific, and Indian oceans. The peaks of the highest mountains sometimes rise above sea level to form volcanic islands like Iceland. Other large volcanic mountains are formed on the ocean floor over hot spots. Hot spots are pockets of magma beneath the earth’s crust that erupt onto the surface. The Hawaiian Islands are the tips of high volcanic mountains that were formed over a hot spot on the seafloor. A dome mountain forms when molten rock rises through the crust and pushes up the rock layers above it. The result is a circular dome on the earth’s surface.