Membrane transport and action potentials Have bilipid membrane for transport. Very hostile to polar substances. Different methods of transport. Particles will diffuse until there is an equal amount on both sides. Equalising the concentration gradient. The diffusion rate is determined by the diffusion coefficient (depended by the viscosity of the surrounding medium, thickness of the membrane and the concentration gradient across the membrane). Big molecules will be slower, also if they have to cross further. If a particle is lipophilic it will cross the bilipid membrane easily. Most of the molecules in our body are polar. No matter how high the rate of diffusion, they cannot cross the bilipid membrane. Still a passive process, but is using proteins embedded inside the membrane to open up a channel for polar molecules to travel through. Still high conc. to low, but there are now transporters to pass through. Occurs in tow ways – channels and carriers. Channels facilitate area that is hydrophobic. They form a hole in the membrane. For smaller things. they only facilitate diffusion, passive and don’t go against concentration gradient. Carrier is for larger molecules and can move against the concentration gradient. Uses energy to bring things into the membrane. Need this to restore what has been spent. Utilises ATP to transport sodium/potassium ions across. P type pumps phosphorylate something to cause a change in shape which can then push ions across the membrane. 4) Secondary Active Transport These transporters use an existing ion gradient (usually Na+ in mammals) to fuel the movement of another solute against its gradient Co-Transport (symport) solutes l transported d in same direction d + Na /glucose Na+/amino acids Neurotransmitter transporters K+/Cl- transporters p Na+/S transporters (cysteinuria) Counter-transport (exchanger, antiport) solutes transported in opposite direction Na+/Ca2+ exchanger Na+/H+ exchanger Simpl Protein - As a consequen interactions, all transport p can be drugs - proza - digito - local Uses the gradient of ions to push materials out eg. sodium/calcium. This is using a gradient that already exists. Fuelling the movement of something Membrane Transporters can contribute to three else against it’s gradient. Usually involves carriers. sorts of membrane transport Symport – when something comes in with something else. Antiport – is when ions exchange places. Diffusion Facilitated Solute can only travel down its chemical or electrochemical gradient Active ct e Transport a spo t Solute can be "pumped" against its chemical or electrochemical gradient using an energy source Sodium Pu is the most Is only selected in active transport. Proteins that equip cells create different characteristics. This is mediation by protein. Different transport. High flux rate – with facilitated diffusion there can be a high flux rate. (high flux rate is when things can be moves fast across a membrane, rather than waiting for concentration gradients. Carrier can be saturated however in facilitated diffusion – only so many things they can move at once. Specificity – is it specific to sodium? Selectivity – discrimination between ions. Does not occur in simple diffusion. Carriers allow you to select for one. Drugs exploit these mechanisms. in gradient irection a) e hree Na /Ca exchanger Na+/H+ exchanger Simple diffusion vs facilitated diffusion ProteinTransporters mediated diffusion (facilitated diffusion): Membrane can contribute to three sorts of membrane transport - high flux rates - saturation Facilitated Diffusion - specificity Solute can only travel down its chemical or - selectivitygradient electrochemical Active ct e Transport a spo t As a consequence of protein - solute Solute can be "pumped" against its chemical or interactions, all protein-mediated electrochemical transport p can be selectively ygradient blocked by yusing an energy source drugs - prozac primary - directly coupled to energy use -secondary digitoxin - indirectly coupled to energy use by a - local anaesthetics membrane gradient; Levy et al., 2006 - can be co-transport (symport) or counter-transport (antiport) AE1-2A.S.Alma.L.Channels Sodium Pump (Na+/K+/ATPase; Na+/K+ pump) is the most well-known well known primary active transporter Ubiquitous Uses up to 50% of body’s energy Establishes and maintains concentration gradients Electrogenic Prevents swelling g Blocked by ouabain and cardiac glycosides (e.g. (e g digitoxin) For each 3 Sodium out, 2 potassium enter. 3 This is against the concentration gradient due to salty extracellular fluid. Needs to use ATP. This stops cells from swelling. Sodium Pum is the most w Complex conformational changes in the transporter protein are involved in active transport Inside One role concen + 2K + 3Na sites prefer Na+ - E1 - Outside Inside - - - Outside - E2 (2K+) Inside E1P (3Na+) Outside Inside sites prefer K+ - based on Fig 16 in Glynn (1993) E2P + 2K + 3Na model: 1) ATP bound, b d binds bi d Na N + 2) phosphoryl & Na+ trapping 3) Na+ released, K+ bound 4) dephosphoryl & K+ trapping 5) ATP binds, K+ released Outside Don’t need to know specific details. Interplay of Multiple Transporters When ATP and sodium bind there is a conformational change. Causes example 1. 1 Epithelial Membranes phosphorylation and sodium is released, then potassium is trapped and then released. Epithelial NaCl and H2O excretion in shark rectal gland Carriers go through changes. Channels are always open or closed. CFTR CFTR: cystic fibrosis transmembrane AE1-2A.S.Alma.L.Channels conductance regulator; a Cl channel based on Fig 1 of Riordan et al., 1994 Na is all outside and K inside. Sodium gradient is used to retain glucose and amino acids and pump out calcium and other things we don’t need. The sodium gradient can be used for energy and to create an electrical gradient. Ex. 2: Mult This slide illustrates h together to mediate th are shown. Which are many different channe Back to Channels - recap what are they? Top view Sid view Side i IIon channels h l are facilitated f ilit t d diffusion proteins that traverse the membranes of all excitable cells. By carefully controlled opening and closing (“gating”) of these selective ion pores, cells across all ll species i are able bl to t produce and transduce electrical signals. signals A more compl p extracellular intracellular Gramicidin A channel "leak" rest est Gating of Ion Channels - changing between non-conducting to conducting conformations Main modes of gating: - extracellular ligand (A) (e.g. neurotransmitter-gated channels at synapses) 1. 2. 3 3. - intracellular ligand (B) (e.g. cyclic nucleotide channels, ATP sensitive ATPiti K+ channels) h l) 4. - voltage (C) (Vdep Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl channels) 5 5. - stretch (cation, Ca2+, Cl-) - background or leak channels (typically K+ or Cl-) AE1-2A.S.Alma.L.Channels You need something to bind to the channel for it to open – this is the extracellular ligand. (like and agonist.) This can also occur intracellularly. Voltage gated – charge change in the cell will open or close the gate. Stretch. Leak channels – always open. Allowing things to diffuse back and forth. Like K. Leaky K channels cause negative resting membrane potential. The Na+/K and a high Normally K+ to cros The efflux respect to The efflux the K+ is trying to d This poin electrical electrical intracellular High sodium concentration outside, Doyle et al., Science 1998; 280: 69-77 high potassium inside. Not enough to make gate an electrical gradient de to chloride ion channels which offsets the difference. "leak" K+ channels result in a negative resting est g membrane e b a e pote potential ta ( (Vm) ) ons els at els) 1. The Na+/K+ pump establishes a high intracellular concentration of K+ +/K+ pump establishes a high intracellular concentration of K+ 1. aThe and highNaextracellular concentration of Na+. + and a high extracellular concentration NaK Because Na is pumped out andofthe pumped in. + 2. Normally only leak channels including K are theseopen, allowsthese some allows some K+ 2. Normally only leak channels includingopen, K+ are + to cross the membrane K to cross the membrane. Lots of potassium wants to get out. 3 The efflux of K+ causes the inside of the cell to become negative with 3. 3. The efflux of K+ causes the inside of the cell to become negative with respect to the outside (because positive charges are leaving the cell) respect to the outside (because positive charges are leaving the cell) 4. The efflux of K+ continues until the electrical force trying to hold onto negative that the inside. theKKis+ positive, is equal to so the outside chemical the forcecell dueistomore the concentration gradient 4. The efflux of K+ continues until the electrical force trying to hold onto the trying to drive it out K+5. equal to the chemical due to theequilibrium, concentration gradient trying to 5 is This point of balance is theforce electrochemical equilibrium where the drive electrical it out force is equal and opposite to the chemical force. The electrical forceof is balance usually described by the membrane potential (Vm) where the 5. This point is the electrochemical equilibrium, electrical force is equal and opposite to the chemical force. The electrical force is usually described by the membrane potential (Vm). 5 Equilibrium Potential / Nernst Potential The membrane potential at which the electrical and chemical driving forces for ion flux across the membrane are exactly equal Electrical force z F EX R T [X]o [X]i at 37°C: = chemical force zFEX = RT ln ([X]o/[X]i) Ex = RT/zF ln ([X]o/[X]i) = valence = Faraday's F d ' constant t t (96,500 (96 500 coulombs l b mole l -11). ) = Nernst potential for ion X = Gas constant (8.314 J deg-1 mole-1) = Absolute temperature (Kelvins, 0 C = 273K) = concentration of ion X outside (molar) = concentration of ion X inside (molar) RT/F ln [[X]] = 26.7 mV ln [[X]] - If rest permea Vm = + K+ - K 3Na+ 2K+ - If the cell is permeable t (typically at rest the mem Will be in a prac. Resting Vm is close to EK but not exactly equal Vm is a weighted av of the mem This can be formula Data points Data fit to the GHK equation with PNa+:PK+ = 0.01 Vm =- P = (µK/a)(RT/F) and µ= for ual K equation 01 ing on ws EK, lity utes. n Aidley. - If resting g cell is only y permeable to K+ then Vm = EK+ (-98 mV) - + + K+ - If resting g cell is only y permeable to Na+ then Vm = ENa+ (+67 mV) - K+ - K+ Na+ - + K+ - - + +67 mV Vm = ENa K+ -98 mV Vm = EK 3Na+ 2K+ - + Na+ + + Na+ + 3Na+ 2K+ Na+ - If the cell is permeable to both, Vm will be somewhere in between (typically at rest the membrane is about 100 times more permeable to K+ than Na+) Na wants to go inside the cell. The only way this won’t happen is when the inside is positive – which K makes it. is an equal and opposite chemical force. VThis m is a weighted average of the driving force and permeability of the membrane to the different ions present p This can be formulated as the Goldman-Hodgkin Katz (GHK) equation: Vm RT = ----F ln + PK (K+)o + PNa N (Na )o + PCl(Cl )i -------------------------------------PK (K+)i + PNa(Na+)i + PCl(Cl-)o P = (µK/a)(RT/F) and µ=mobility; K=partition coefficient; a = thickness of membrane As Cl- doesn’t contribute much to setting Vm, and using relative permeability, this equation can be simplified to: RT (K+)o + (Na+)o Vm = ----- ln ------------------F (K+)i + (Na+)I where = PNa+/PK+ typically = about 0.01 0 01 6