For Office Use only Photograph BAC-A.A.No.________ Alumni Association Membership Form (Only B.A.C. Quetta Graduates/Post-Graduates is eligible) Your details 1. Please complete the appropriate sections PERSONAL DETAILS 3(a) IF YOU WERE A STUDENT Specialization/Course Studied: Title (e.g. Mr/ Ms/ Dr) Name: Family Name (if different when at College) Date of Birth: Gender: Male Female Department/Centre/Institute/College: Nationality: Address: Post code: Ph: Res. Off. Mobile No. Year started: Year ended: Email Address: 2. CAREER DETAILS Current Employer / Organization: 3(b) IF YOU ARE/WERE A MEMBER OF TEACHING/ ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Job title Job title: Address Terminal Degree Postcode Work Tel: Work Fax Experience Stay Connected If you would like to receive information from B.A.C. Quetta, please tick the relevant box (and make sure you provide your email address in the section above). Alumni Membership Card E-zines Events If you would like to have access to College website, please attach two identical, passport-sized photographs of yourself with your name clearly written on the back. The Alumni Membership Card will act as you ID when you visit in future. Please tick the box if you WOULD like to receive card Please Return Completed Application From By post: The Director Q.E.C., Administration Block, Balochistan Agriculture College, Balelei, Quetta. Singed: ……………………………………………………………………………… dated ……………………………………………….