Weldon September 2014

Weldon School Community Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 9th, 2014
Attending: Lorna Rushfeldt, Lucille Michel, Terra Fleck, Melissa Rensby, Jane
Moriarty, Roxanne Bonokoski, Nadine Deitz, Sheila Kasick, and guest Amanda
Meeting called to order by Lorna at 7:03 pm.
Lucille made a motion to accept minutes from the May meeting, Melissa
seconded. Motion carried.
Principal’s Report
Welcome back BBQ had a great turn out
AGM October 7 at 7:00
X-country is starting
Would like SCC to consider buying a Smartboard for Kindergarten room
Playground —new equipment has arrived need to set a time for a work bee to install it.
School goals --continue to work on Math ,Early learning and improved graduation rates.
We also want to continue to have more parents and community members involved with our school
September 18 2:30-4:30 meeting calendar Alameda need one member from SCC to attend
Education week plans hoping to organize community members to share how they use Math at their
jobs and also a session on Home logic/
Brain Walk Nov. 27 need volunteers
Financial Report
Total Balance $22 966.00
Playground Equipment $9821.00
Chair Embroidery $33.00
Regens $195.00
Back to School BBQ
To be Yet Deposited:
$100 (?)
$100 from Chair Rentals
Jane questioned whether the SCC could cover the cost for a new Smart Board for
the Kindergarten room, the only room yet without one. It has an estimated cost
of $3500 for the Smart Board, projector and installation. Lucille made the motion,
Terra seconded. All in favour.
Melissa made a motion to buy stamps, Lorna seconded. All in favour.
Committee Reports
Fundraising Report
We will perhaps run the Mom’s Pantry fundraiser after Christmas. Two schools in
Estevan are currently selling it and the customer base may then be low.
It was brought up to sell Regal before Christmas which has something for
everyone and a good little Christmas shopping fundraiser. Regal gives 30% profit
for the school.
We will send out a detailed letter to the parents with the next fundraising
package explaining what we do with the money the SCC raises to make them
more aware what we do for the school and students.
Breakfast Program
We need more volunteers. The idea of a specific schedule for people to follow
(ex. the same people always do the same day of the week) is not taking off.
Our big older toaster does not seem to be working well. Melissa looked into the
cost of a new one which is estimated at $2000. We are going to try to take it
apart and give it a good cleaning, which has probably never been done, to see if it
will rectify the problem. Roxanne is going to see if the hospital has any used ones
to sell.
Terra has previously mentioned that some burners will not work on our stove.
We are going to get a handy man out to see what the issue is, hopefully it just
needs to have new elements.
One dishwasher needs an elusive o-ring that Melissa cannot find anywhere, even
from directly from Whirlpool. Amanda is looking into. Amanda will also look into
getting a plumber out to quote us on the cost of installing the dishwashers
instead of having them moveable.
We are going to make a set daily schedule for breakfasts so the same thing will be
served every day of the week. Ex. oatmeal Mondays, toast Tuesdays, waffles
Wednesday… Fridays will be leftovers and cereal.
Grants Report
Kristy is absent.
Hot Lunches
We plan to have one hot lunch per month. It was proposed we should send out a
survey to the students in what they would be interested in having for hot lunches.
Terra will plan a Hot Lunch for Sept. 25th.
Helpers are, as always, needed.
The Leadership will perhaps still have a Hot Lunch every month as well.
Friday the 12th the school may give out free hotdogs left over from the Welcome
Back BBQ to the students.
Leadership Report
There has not yet been a Leadership meeting this school year.
Playground Committee
The new playground equipment was delivered in August. We need to get it
installed before winter hits. We need the old swings removed, a post-hole auger,
the ground to be levelled, and more sand brought in. Jane has asked the Division
about helping install and has not been given a clear answer. She is going to look
to a company for installation. Amanda said she will ask her husband, Ryan, about
what he can do to help as he may have the necessary equipment.
Discussion of New and Old Business
We talked of having it the same day as Hockey Day at the Rink to bring more out
of town people in that most likely wouldn’t have come to town to attend. Unsure
if we are going to have one this year or not, Lucille said she will plan it if she has
help. It will be discussed again.
Moving Forward
Lorna has proposed that this year she would like us to get more people involved
without having them feel pressured to become an actual SCC member by talking
to more people about the positive aspects of the SCC. They may attend meetings
or not, some may just choose to help out with different activities.
Lorna would like a SCC picture up in the school with our names and jobs listed so
community members will know who to talk to and feel more comfortable than
talking to the entire council.
Meeting Attendance
It is understandable that we may not be able to make it to every meeting though
we should try to have quorum. If you are on a committee and unable to attend a
meeting, you are asked to send in a report prior. Feel free to pass on any
questions or concerns to other members to bring up at a meeting if you can’t
make it.
Goal Setting
Lorna has proposed that this year each committee sets a goal to meet.
First Aid Class
Lorna proposes that the SCC host a First Aid course and pay for all of the teachers
to get their certificate. The course could also be open to the community, but they
would have to pay a fee.
New Members
Amanda Pukas has joined the SCC and said that both Carol and Dan Graf are
interested in joining as well but were unable to attend this evening.
Received Items
There were a few fundraiser packages to be reviewed for consideration. We did
not enjoy the chocolates.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:13 pm
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 9th 7:00 pm