College Name كلية االدارة واالقتصاد محاسبة إسكوهي أوانيس اوهانيس بدروسيان Department Full Name as written in Passport e-mail Career Assistant Lecturer Master Thesis Title Year Abstract Lecturer Assistant Professor PhD Professor مفهوم اإلنصاف في المحاسبة وأثره في عمليةاإلبالغ المالي دراسة تحليلية وميدانية ألنموذج ومستخدمي التقارير المالية في العراق 2007 Accounting literature divided into two basic school the first one normative school concern with normative concepts such as ethics & social concepts, and concentrate on value implications statements so determining objectives became its core by determining and interpretation the needs of accounting information users. While positive school concentrate on empirical continuity for accounting being a discipline of formal education with concentrating on neutral presentation of accounting events and its discloser. It become clear that those accounting information users are the essences of both schools, by fulfilling there information needs under value standards in the first school, and by reflecting practical reality for them in neutral way without preferring some users over the others. Accounting is a social science because it is an art needs skills like law and medicine, as well as it is a science verify the credibility of the objective like law and economics. Therefore accounting is a social science in being interacting with the environment and in being part of it via inducing actual study and formulating generalizations about observed phenomena, and relating accounting procedures used to create accounting information with social principles to produce accounting principles such as fairness which support objectivity (principle) through being unbiased (procedure) as well as serving most of financial reports users. This was suggested by D. R. Scott, he is one of the first who call for fairness in 1941: “accounting rules, procedures and techniques must be fair and unbiased and must not serve special purposes”, through this it became “value statement”. Fairness concept started to take its place in accounting literature orderly via professionals and academics studies. The monograph published in 1960 by Arthur Anderson & Co. about fairness mention that “fairness is basic accounting postulate that underlay accounting principles, fairness to all society segments, management, employees, shareholders, creditors, customers, and the public so that it is unified and measured under economic and political environment, conceptual pattern and norms of all segments to reach the target that accounting principles based on this postulate will produce financial accounting for economical rights and stakes legitimately established which it is fair to all segments.” Later Patillo positioned fairness as the basic standard used to evaluate other standards because it is the only standard that implies ethical considerations, when Patillo wanted to relate ideas such as justice, real, and fair with the objectives of financial reporting results which concentrate on the stakes of different parties in economy. According to Cowan that Patillo's opinion represents the American concept for fairness and the British sees fairness as distinguished, obvious, unequivocal, representation of facts. In return others like S. C. Yu & Harold Arnett called for impossibility of making fairness a measure or a framework to accounting principles for different reasons such as the disagreement on a clear concept for fairness idiom by the accountants, and the difference in the meaning of fairness concept among the reacceptances, as well as the difficulty to measure fairness effect. Between supporters and opponents ethical concepts including fairness still have clear effect in accounting, that researcher can not determine their subject, methodology, postulates and experimental means without implying value concepts. This study based on idea aims to clarify the meaning of fairness concept to become easier to include it within accounting standard and rules, and studying the effect of the ethical concept over some of the international and local financial disclosure applications. The most important theoretical conclusion is that fairness considered value concept means unbiased and objectivity in dealing with the company stakeholders specially the externals, via fulfilling useful, reliable, relevance accounting information. Fairness means the same as justice and different from just, because the latter means the abstract application to laws and rules without taking into considerations the circumstances relating to the subject of study.