Weekly Lesson Plans 09/24-09/28 Monday NGSS: SC.912.L.17.7 CCSS: Writing Standard for Literacy in Science #7 Essential Question: How are biomes characterized and how does that influence the number and variety of organisms that survive there? Objective: I will be able to characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define fresh water systems, marine systems, and terrestrial systems. Agenda: RTW Continue Biome Research Project Materials: Biome Project Handout, computers Notes: Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday, Article due Thursday. Tuesday NGSS: SC.912.L.17.7 CCSS: Writing Standard for Literacy in Science #7 Essential Question: How are biomes characterized and how does that influence the number and variety of organisms that survive there? Objective: I will be able to characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define fresh water systems, marine systems, and terrestrial systems. Agenda: RTW Start presenting Biome Research Project Materials: Biome Project Handout, computers Notes: Vocabulary Quiz Wednesday, Article due Thursday. Wednesday NGSS: SC.912.L.17.7 CCSS: Writing Standard for Literacy in Science #7 Essential Question: How are biomes characterized and how does that influence the number and variety of organisms that survive there? Objective: I will be able to characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define fresh water systems, marine systems, and terrestrial systems. Agenda: RTW Finish Presenting Biome Research Project Materials: Biome Project Handout, computers Notes: Article due Thursday. Thursday NGSS: SC.912.L.17.7 CCSS: Writing Standard for Literacy in Science #7 Essential Question: How are biomes characterized and how does that influence the number and variety of organisms that survive there? Objective: I will be able to characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define fresh water systems, marine systems, and terrestrial systems. Agenda: RTW Start Biome in a Bag Lab Materials: Biome in a bag Handout, outdoors Notes: Article due tomorrow. Friday NGSS: SC.912.L.17.7 CCSS: Writing Standard for Literacy in Science #7 Essential Question: How are biomes characterized and how does that influence the number and variety of organisms that survive there? Objective: I will be able to characterize the biotic and abiotic components that define fresh water systems, marine systems, and terrestrial systems. Agenda: RTW Finish Biome in a Bag Lab Materials: Biome in a bag Handout, outdoors