
Presenting Me!
This assignment’s BIG idea: For this task, you will acknowledge that you have two brains: an academic one and a
leisure/recreational one. You need to show us how things are prioritized in both sides of your brain with this by
quantifying them with percentages or fractions. Then, using your knowledge of strong adjectives, you will craft
sentences that help you explain each portion of your brain; a visual (clipart, drawing, sticker, photograph, etc.) must
accompany each sentence you write.
This assignment’s final form: Your teachers will be showing how they approached this task, but the rule here is practice
your creative freedom because we want to see what that looks like from you as an individual. The final product has to
stand for you, representing who you are at school and who you are away from school. Your final product must fit on the
large piece of construction paper your teacher gives you. Your first name and last initial must appear on the front of the
poster. These posters must be complete and ready for the laminator this Friday. Turn it in on Thursday and you will
receive a Magic Buck.
Do a good job on this! These final posters will adorn our team’s hallway for—at least—the first half of the school year,
letting the other teams know who we are.
Brainstorming my ACADEMIC brain:
I am a(n) _____________________ Reader/Writer.
(25-cent adjective)
What percentage of your academic brain likes Language Arts?________
I am a(n) _____________________ Mathematician.
(25-cent adjective)
What percentage of your academic brain likes Math?___________
I am a(n) _____________________ Scientist.
(25-cent adjective)
What percentage of your academic brain likes Science?________
I am a(n) _____________________ Historian/Citizen.
(25-cent adjective)
What percentage of your academic brain likes Social Studies?___________
I am a(n) _____________________ _____________________.
(25-cent adjective)
(optional 5th academic area of study)
What percentage of your academic brain likes academic area #5?________
I am a _______________________
(25-cent adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage of your recreational brain is devoted to this first activity?________________
I am a _______________________
(25-cent adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage of your recreational brain is devoted to this second activity?________
I am a _______________________
(25-cent adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage of your recreational brain is devoted to this third activity?_______________
I am a _______________________
(25-cent adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage of your recreational brain is devoted to this fourth activity?________
I am a _______________________
(25-cent adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
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What percentage of your recreational brain is devoted to this fifth activity?________________