Two Sides of Me

Two Sides of Me
The BIG idea: For this assignment, you will acknowledge that you have TWO
brains: an academic one (school brain) and a leisure/recreational one (away-fromschool brain). You need to show us how things are prioritized in both sides of your
brain by representing them with fractions or percentages. Then, using your
knowledge of strong adjectives, you will craft sentences that help you explain each
portion of your brain. A visual (clipart, drawing, sticker, photograph, etc.) must
accompany each sentence you write.
The Final Copy: PRACTICE YOUR CREATIVE FREEDOM! I want to see who
YOU are as an individual. The sky’s the limit!
The final product must fit on the large piece of construction paper that I give
Your first and last name must appear on the front of the poster.
Make sure that you have written in COMPLETE sentences and included a visual with each sentence.
Make sure that you have fractions or percentages to represent each part of your brain.
Make sure that it is colorful and neat!
These posters must be completed by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th. You can always hand it in early!
Do a good job on this! These final posters will be on display in our classroom! Have fun, be creative, and most
importantly, BE YOURSELF!
Brainstorming my ACADEMIC brain:
I am a(n) _______________________________________ reader/writer.
(strong adjective)
What percentage or fraction of your academic brain likes language arts? ______________
I am a(n) _______________________________________ mathematician.
(strong adjective)
What percentage or fraction of your academic brain likes math? ______________
I am a(n) _______________________________________ scientist.
(strong adjective)
What percentage or fraction of your academic brain likes science? ______________
I am a(n) _______________________________________ historian.
(strong adjective)
What percentage or fraction of your academic brain likes social studies? ______________
I am a(n) _______________________________________
(strong adjective)
(optional area of study)
What percentage or fraction of your academic brain likes this optional area of study? ______________
Brainstorming my AWAY-FROM-SCHOOL brain:
I am a(n) ____________________________
(strong adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage/fraction of your recreational brain is devoted to this first activity? ______________
I am a(n) ____________________________
(strong adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage/fraction of your recreational brain is devoted to this second activity? ______________
I am a(n) ____________________________
(strong adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage/fraction of your recreational brain is devoted to this third activity? ______________
I am a(n) ____________________________
(strong adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage/fraction of your recreational brain is devoted to this fourth activity? ______________
I am a(n) ____________________________
(strong adjective)
(label or noun for your leisure/recreation)
What percentage/fraction of your recreational brain is devoted to this fifth activity? ______________