1 Study-Site: Costa Rica Stakeholder Table (preliminary) Name of person or organization Activities Stakeholder Group Level of interest – Scope of activities Level of interest – Nature of activities Future goals/vision of the individual or organization Existing or potential conflicts with other stakeholders/ individuals Relative priority which the project should give stakeholder interests Contact details Additional comments (high, medium, or low influence /importance) Basin Comission ProTérraba (Comisión de Cuenca) Advising, coordination and planning for development initiatives in the Grande de Térraba River Basin. Local organization High High Sustanable land-use practices implemented within the basin. May have actors who sustainable the use resources conflicts with do not develop practices for of natural High Adrián Arias (President) 2770-9136 Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecomunications – Diquis Subregion Management, conservation and sustainable development of the country´s environmental and natural resources. Government (state/provincial) High High Find a solution for conflict involving occupation of land within the wetland. Wetland managers should establish the legal status of the current occupants of informal settlements (ie: whether they will be evicted from the wetland, or if use permits will be granted). High Jaime González 2786-7161 Ensure the production of energy for the Brunca Region, includes infraestruture, maintainance and administration of new and existing hydroelectic operations. Government (state/provincial) High High Construct a new dam for hydroelectric project in the area. The ICE must negotiate compensations with communities that will be affected by the construction of the dam. The project must also clearly identifly the environmental impacts of the new construction and create a plan to mitigate and/or avoid negative consequences of construction and operation. High Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET) – Subregion Diquis Hydroelectric Project El Diquís, Costarrican Electrical Institute (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, ICE, Proyecto Hidroeléctrico El Diquís - PH Diquís) The MINAET cannot administer occupied lands or areas where settlements have been established. 2 Osa Municipality, Terrestrial Marine Zone (Municipalidad de Osa, Zona Marítimo Terrestre - ZMT) PINDECO (Pineapple Development Corporation) Indigenous Development Association (Asociación de Desarrollo Indígena) Guarantees the transparency, efficiency, responsibility, effectiveness, quality in its management of public resources, with commitment to the interests and needs of residents, offering services directed toward sustainable human and environmental development. Production and export of pineapples as a subsidiary of the Del Monte Corporation Local Government High High Creation and successful aplication of a set of local regulations for concessions and construction in the Térraba-Sierpe wetlands and in the Fila Costeña (Coastal Mountain Ridge). Potencial conflicts with landowners, unauthorized occupants, MINAET, etc. Medium Private Company (local) Medium high High Expanded area for pineapple plantations and increased production. Local communities have protested the company´s health and environmental policies, citing low compliance with enviornmental, health and sanitary regulations. High Civil society organizations (local) Medium high Medium Obtain designated indigenous territory through purchase of lands in the area. Conflict over potential negative impacts and community compensation in the ICE´s hydroelectric project in Diquis. Medium Negotiate Diquis hydroelectric project (Location, construction, compensation and/or relocation of the indigenous community.) Isabel Chávez Head of Terrestrial Marine Zone Office. Jacinto Fernández (President) 8894-3728 The pineapple industry has been an economic engine for development of the Brunca Region, because is one of the most important sources of employement in the area. However, the jobs offered are often of low quality. The use of pesticides and other practices also present significant (negative) environmental impacts that must be considered. Landless indigenous community 3 Boruca Indigenous Development Association (Asociación de Desarrollo Indígena Boruca) Civil society organizations (local) Medium high Medium Aradikes Civil society organizations (local) Medium high Medium They bring together indigenous associations and advise on cultural issues and land-use/ rights. Front for the Fight Against Contamination Caused by PINDECO (Frente de lucha en contra de la contaminación de PINDECO) Civil society organizations (local) High Medium high Fight against social and environmental problems on the pineapple plantations. Execute investigation projects in the area, that will contribute to development in the region. National University – Brunca Region campus (Universidad Nacional – Sede Regional Brunca) Formation of profesionals, research and investigation in strategic scientific and cultural areas for regional, national and international development. Dissemination of significant results. Educational and research institution Medium high Medium Dr. Jorge Lobo Researcher Civil society organizations (local) Medium high High Obtain protected rights for traditional use of natural resources in the Térraba -Sierpe wetlands. Possible conflicts with non-indigenous landowners and occupants in coastal areas. Conflicts with MINAET regarding the use of resources. High Medium They are against unrregulated expansion for PINDECO plantations. Fabio González (Expresident) 2741-8081 Jimmy González (President) 2730-2345 2730-2367 Gil González Jacinto Ortiz Medium Workers on the pineapple plantations are having health problems, due to innapropriate use of agrochemicals. Residents have also reported the company for contaminating natrual resources. Medium High Dr. Jorge Lobo 2511-5958 jlobo@biologia. ucr.ac.cr Dr. Lobo is a biologist of the University of Costa Rica, who has conducted several investigations to determine levels of environmental damage within the Coastal Ridge (Fila Costeña mountains). 4 Boruca Artisans Committee (Comité de Artesanías Boruca) Local organization Medium high Medium Entrepreneurs who make a living by the traditional use of natural resources in the Térraba -Sierpe wetlands. Potential conflicts with occupants and owners on the coast. Conflicts with MINAET over the use of resources. High Isabel Rivera Non-indigenous land owners in the Territory of China Kicha (Propietario no indígena en el Territorio de China Kichá) Local organization Medium high High Resolving the status of land in the territory of China Kicha. Posible conflicts with local communities regarding the redistribution of land Low Wilbert Tabash 8849-1735 Non-indigenous owners in Indigenous Territory of China Kicha have legal problems due to the uncertainty of their property rights within tribal areas. They have been excluded from negotiations regarding the Diquís hydroelectric project because the ICE has only convened indigenous groups. Settlements inside the Térraba Sierpe Wetlands. (Asentamientos dentro del Humedal Térraba Sierpe) Local organization High High Resolving the situation of settlements within the wetland area. Clear rights and permits for land-use from MINAET High Danilo 2788-1280 (Ajuntaderas) The occupants of the wetlands have considerable uncertainty regarding land tenure and use Agrarian Development Institute, Subregions of San Isidro, Río Claro, Coto Brus, Osa and Laurel. (Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario – IDA). Subregionals: San Isidro, Río Claro, Coto Brus, Osa, Laurel. Everardo Cortés (Hacienda Sierpe) Supports the self-management and development of rural communities. Government (state/provincial) High High Ensure the residents of the region land for settlement and agricultural activities. May have conflicts with other organizations regarding the use of natural resources within the settlements, and regarding the purchase and asignation of new lands for groups in need. Subregional San Isidro, Pérez Zeledón 2771-8100 2771-8666 brunca@ida.go. cr