ONE BOOK ONE TOPIC ENG 204 Section:12 NAME-SURNAME: Burcu Bilgiç NUMBER: 120303006 DEPARTMENT:Electrical-Electronics Engineering “Hard work is only a prison sentence when you lack motivation.” SUCCESS Motivation is a very important factor for people’s lives. Everybody has a different job and they perform their occupations. To succeed in their jobs, they generally work hard. However, if they don’t like their jobs , they don’t have enough motivation, they will feel like taking a prison sentence while they are working. There are many factors which affect people’s motivation. First of all, doing the job you like is a very significant part of your life. Because when you do the job you like , it will affect your character positively. For example, you are happy and you don’t feel tired while you are working. Secondly your hardworking ability is another important factor. I mean, if you don’t work enough, you naturally will fail. And it affects your motivation badly. Even if you do the job you like , you should study hard in order to increase your motivation. In the book “Outliers” which is written by Malcolm Gladwell, it is stated that, hard work is a very important thing to be successful. Even Bill Gates likes his job very much, he also works a lot. And his motivation is always high.On the other hand, if you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t be successful even if you study a lot. Also you feel like as if you are in a prison. Motivation is also affected by people’s life conditions. As you know life doesn’t treat people equally. Your opportinities, families,IQ levels are also very important indicators to have motivation. Let’s consider the opportinities. In the book, there is stated that importance about opportinities. For example, if you grow up in a poor family it is likely that you are a stronger person than others. You know how to struggle with life. And also you are a more realist person than others. However, if you aren’t provided with enough opportinities, your motivation and also your life condition may not be enough to be successful. Secondly, let’s look at the importance of IQ levels’ . If you have higher IQ level than others, your abilities increase automatically . For example, people with high IQ level think more differently than other people. This increases their creativity. Because of thinking differently and understanding science easily, their motivation and also successes increase naturally. To sum up , motivation is a very important factor to be successful and it is affected by a lot of things like doing the job you are interested , IQ level,and other opportunities provided.