Agenda – 9th October 2014 Supporting Kinship Care across Scotland’s Changing Landscape Dundas Castle, South Queensferry, EH30 .................................................................................. 9.30 am Registration and coffee 10.00am Welcome & Opening by Minister of Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell MSP 10.10am Mentor UK – Value of kinship care support 10.30 am Permanence Team – Progress & developments 10:40am Scottish Government “looked after” team – New Kinship Care Order 11:15am 11:30am Coffee break Kinship care Panel - What Works 11:45am Workshops – sharing of practice About the Seminar Mentor has been working for the last 6 years with Kinship carers across Scotland. Through research and consultation we have produced the National Kinship Resource Guide, delivered hands on support to build resilience and improve family relationships and we are currently developing training resources. This seminar will provide an opportunity to look at future developments of kinship care within the CYP Act, share good practice across the 32 local authorities, look at finance and educational support as well as training & collaborative opportunities About Mentor Mentor is a registered UK Charity that focuses on the prevention of drug misuse in its efforts to promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people and to reduce damage to their lives. 12:15pm Feedback 12:30pm Lunch 1:15pm Finance workshop – Citizens Advice Scotland & CPAG Scottish Charity No SC041210 1:40pm Mentor – training & interventions 1:50pm Training for kinship care workshop 2:15pm Feedback 111 Oxgangs Road North Edinburgh EH14 1ED Tel: 0131 334 8512 2:20pm Education Scotland - meeting children’s needs in school 2:40pm Round up of discussions i.e. kinship order 3:10pm 3:30pm Mentor UK – what next? Close