File - International Preschools

IPS Summary of French Lessons September 2nd-September 30th
With Mme. Nathalie
2k – Songs and movement with music. Ball catching games
with repetition of French phrases ; j’attrape la balle, je roule la
balle, 1,2,3, je lance la balle.
Learning colors through play; giant colored slinky, colored ball.
Play activity relating to construction unit: building la
maisonette de l’escargot (the snail’s house) using large ecofriendly colored lego blocks.
Colors and numbers 1-3.
We always end any task with “Bravo”!
Songs: Les Petits Poissons, Frère Jacques, Petit Escargot, Sur le
Pont d’Avignon. All from the album 60 Comptines et Jeux de
Doigts – by Jean-François Alexandre.
3k – Songs, movement , coloring.
Coloring activity – Mon Robot (noticing and coloring the
shapes that make up the robot)…le carré, le rectangle, le
triangle, le cercle.
Color recognition through games.
Play activity relating to construction unit: building la
maisonette de l’escargot (the snail’s house) using large ecofriendly lego colored blocks.
Songs: Petit Escargot, Pomme de Reinette, J’ai deux mains. 60
Comptines et Jeux de Doigts – by François Alexandre.
4k – Songs, movement, fine motor activities.
Reinforcing colors and numbers 1-5. Use of color cards and
color book.
Craft/art activity; Ma Maison (My House) – coloring and
noticing shapes that make up the house. What shapes make up
le robot? Coloring, cutting, and ripping around shapes.
Play activity relating to construction unit: building animals by
snapping parts together (la tête, les jambes, le corps).
“Une main, deux mains, une pomme, deux pommes” (with
Songs: Pomme de Reinette, J’ai deux mains. 60 Comptines et
Jeux de Doigts – by Jean-François Alexandre.
5k and K - Songs, movement, oral repetitions, drawing,
cutting, gluing. Beginning recognition of written words.
Colors (color cards, and color book) and numbers 1-10.
Construct your own robot project. Use of colored shapes.
Placing together and gluing the parts of the robot. Labeling the
parts of the robot’s body…la tête, les bras, les jambes, les
pieds, les mains, les yeux, les oreilles, la bouche.
Play activity relating to construction unit: building a tower
(une tour) with paper cups.
Songs: J’ai Faim, J’ai Soif, and Arc- en -Ciel – sing and gesture. By
Alain Le Lait – Albums Soyons Amis and Parapluie.