POLICY NO. 6145 (a) MANTECA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT EXTRACURRICULAR/COCURRICULAR ACTIVITES, K-12 The Governing Board recognizes that extracurricular and co-curricular activities enrich the educational and social development and experiences of students. The District shall encourage and support student participation in extra/co-curricular activities. Extracurricular activities are those programs that have all the following characteristics: a) The program is supervised or financed by the School District. b) Students participating in the program represent the School District. c) Students exercise some degree of freedom in either the selection, planning, or control of the program. d) The program includes both preparation for performance and performance before an audience or spectators. Extracurricular activities are not part of the regular school curriculum, are not graded, do not offer credit, and do not take place during classroom time. Co-curricular activities are programs that may be associated with the curriculum in a regular classroom. Any teacher graded or required program or activity for a course that satisfies the entrance requirements for admission to the California State University or the University of California is not an extracurricular or co-curricular activity as defined by this policy. Academic Eligibility Requirements In order to encourage and promote academic excellence, all students participating in extra/cocurricular activities shall demonstrate satisfactory minimum progress in meeting the requirements of graduation by undertaking the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the District. In order to be eligible for participation in extra/co-curricular activities, a student in grade 4 through 12 shall have earned a minimum of 2.0 or “C” grade point average during the preceding grading period with no more than one (1) “F” grade. The grade point average and determination of eligibility shall be based on quarter grades (9-12) and trimester grades (4-8). At the discretion of the School Principal, students participating in activities which extend beyond one quarter who become academically eligible in the following quarter may rejoin the activity if they meet all other eligibility requirements. POLICY NO. 6145 (b) MANTECA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT In the event a student finds the he/she is academically ineligible to participate in extra/co-curricular activities in the first quarter/trimester of the upcoming year, he/she may request, when applicable, that current summer school grades be added to the grades received in the spring quarter/trimester and that the total spring quarter/trimester and summer school grades be used to determine eligibility for the first quarter/trimester of the upcoming school year. Probationary Period (7th and 9th grade) Students entering grade seven and grade nine shall have a probationary period of one (1) grading period. Supervision Extra/co-curricular activities shall be under the general supervision of school authorities and certificated employees whenever they are conducted under the name of the School District. The Superintendent or designee shall develop regulations which provide for: a) determining which activities and programs are affected by the eligibility requirements of this policy, and b) determining citizenship eligibility. Annual Review The Board shall annually review this policy and implementing regulations. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 200-262 Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex. 35160.5 District policy rules and regulations; requirements; matters subject to regulation. 48930-48938 Student organizations. 49020 Athletic programs; Legislative intent 49021 Equal opportunity for male and female students 49022 Apportionment of funds for male and female students 49023 Expenditure of public funds; prohibited sex discrimination ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 5 350 Fees no permitted 5531 Supervision of extracurricular activities of public Hartzell v Connell, 84 Daily Journal D.A.R. 1417 (April 20, 1984) Date Established: Date Revised: May 13, 1985 November 15, 2011