Thursday 10 th October

Our second school-wide Walkathon is on Friday, 11th October!
If you haven’t already done so, MARK YOUR CALENDAR and
don’t miss the big day.
This is our second Walkathon, an exciting event in the St.
Joseph’s fundraising calendar.
Parents, carers, friends and family members -- all are
encouraged to come along and join the St Joseph’s children in
this fundraising event to support the school. It is not a race and
the course is suitable for all ages and abilities.
The pledge drive is for two weeks only, starting Thursday 26th
September and ending Thursday 10th October.
Sponsorship pledge forms will be sent home in your child’s
school bag. Extra copies of the sponsorship forms can be printed
from the school’s website.
All sponsorship forms and collected sponsorship money or
cheque should be returned to school, via school bags, in clearly
marked envelopes with your child’s name, class and total
amount, by Thursday 10th October and final sponsorship money
no later than Friday 18th October. If it is convenient for your child
to collect funds (either cash or cheque) at the same time as
obtaining a pledge, by all means do so but please note the
collection and date on the pledge form.
In order to tally up the donations that have been raised at each
point and allow the children to take part to the Walkathon class
competition, we have set up three collection and tally dates:
Thursday, 3rd October
Tuesday, 8th October
Thursday, 10th October
Please encourage the children to bring in the sponsorship forms
on the dates above. Forms will be returned to you the next day
so you can carry on collecting sponsorship.
Please note that pledges that are eligible for Gift Aid increase the
value by another 25%! Payroll giving and Corporate Matching
programs are also a way to increase the value of a donation. To
find out more about these programmes, please look at the school
For the first time, this year, sponsors can donate via Virgin
Giving, an easy and efficient way to sponsor the children
All the sponsors have to do to make a donation is to click on the
link below
or follow the link “Walkathon” on the school website, select the
class you wish to sponsor, leave comments with the donation
(‘Good luck Billy!’….) or simply include the first and last name of
the child in order to track the sponsorship.
If you would like to sponsor more than one child, please be sure
to split the donation accordingly and make the donation via the
appropriate class.
If children have any online donors, encourage them to record the
pledge details on their printed form.
Sponsorship pledges will be tracked on a per class basis.
The goal for each class this year is to reach £2,000 and any class
that reaches the pledge target of £1500 will be rewarded with a
“Fun Day” at the school… meaning out of uniform, no homework,
and a few other surprises! This goal represents an average of
£30-40 per child (depending on class size).
A special prize will be awarded to the class that raises the most
Interim results of who is leading the class competitions will be
announced at school assembly on Friday, 4th October and
Wednesday 9th October.
All of the sponsorship forms and all final sponsorship money must
be returned to school, via school bags, no later than Thursday
18th October for the final collection and tally up. Only funds that
have been collected by this date will be counted for the class
competition. [Company donation and gift aid elections will be
excluded from the class competitions tally up].
Key Stage 1 and 2 children will be walking from the school to
Regent's Park, continuing along on a marked course within the
park, and returning to the school on foot. There will be a break in
the park prior to the return to the school. Click here to see a map.
Foundation Stage children (Nursery and Reception classes) will
be transported by bus to/from Regent’s Park, and will walk a
marked course within the park.
Marshalls have been assigned to accompany each class along
the entire walk to ensure the safety of all pupils. The list of
marshals is still being confirmed but will be posted here shortly.
Key Stage 2, (Y3 - Y6): The course in Regent’s Park is 3km, with
4.5km return journey from St. Joseph’s to the Park. Total
distance of 7.5km. Click here to see a map.
Key Stage 1, (Y1 - Y3): The course in Regent’s Park is 1.5km,
with 4.5km return journey from St. Joseph’s to the Park. Total
distance of 6km. Click here to see a map.
Foundation Stage, (Nursery & Reception): The course in
Regent’s Park has a total distance of 1.5km.
Children will leave the school at approximately 12:00, and be
back on school premises by 3:00. A ‘picnic’ lunch will be served
slightly earlier to accommodate this schedule.
Please note that lunch will be provided on the day for the half-day
Nursery pupils at a charge of £1.80 per child payable at the
School Office.
The timings are phased with the intention that the Foundation
Stage finishes first, followed by KS1 then KS2 – we hope that
younger ones can help cheer on their older siblings!
To see the planned schedule, click here. Please be aware that
there may be slight variations in timings.
All children should wear their PE uniform and their own trainers
(no uniform shoes or plimsoles). Please send your child to
school with a waterproof jacket should the day be rainy; or
wearing sunscreen and a hat if it is sunny.
All children will be provided with a safety vest and a number
As a grand finale we will have a ‘Tea Party’ in the school hall and
playground after the event.
The party will take place from 3:00 – 5:00. All are encouraged to
attend; light refreshments and tasty treats will be available.
The party will disrupt normal pick-up procedures. If you will need
to collect your child at the usual time, please do let the Walkathon
committee know in advance by filling the form distributed in the
school bags.
Nancy (Reception), Lydia (Year 1), Mia (Year 2), Kirsty (Year 3),
Philippe (Year 4), Finley (Year 5), Georgia (Year 6) for designing
the 2013 Walkaton logos. Overall winner: Daniel (Year 4)
We are delighted that Chesterton Humberts are partnering with
us and providing financial and marketing support. By covering the
costs of this event, all funds raised will benefit St. Joseph’s.
[A warm thank you goes to …... Thank you for supporting our
school.] to be updated
A number of parents have kindly volunteered to marshal the
children during the walk. For a list of marshals for each class
please click here.
Please keep in mind that all parents are welcome to walk with the
children and make the most of this fun school event.
If you would like to be involved, or have any questions regarding
the Walkathon, please contact Tiziana Giannico.