SCHOOL NAME SCHOOL RULE : (eg. We are Respectful) EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: (Behavioural expectation) Learn and let others learn CONTEXT: All areas at all times TIME: (How long i.e. 2 weeks) OUTCOMES: PDHPE: IRES 1.11: Identifies how individuals care for each other IRS 1.11: Identifies the ways in which they communicate, co-operate and care for others IRS 2.11: Describes how relationships with a range of people enhance well being IRS 3.11: Describes roles and responsibilities in developing and maintaining positive relationships RELIGION: GRHD ES1.1: Expresses an understanding of God’s love in the world (God’s desire for love to be shared, the expression of God’s love through the caring people in their lives) GRHD S1.1: Explores ways a relationship with God is experienced (God’s presence in others) GRHD S2.1: Identifies and describes God’s activity in the world today (Christian values, the value of life and creation, outline and communicate ways of saying ‘sorry’) GRHD S3.1a: Identifies and expresses ways in which God calls all to share in the work of creating and renewing the Kingdom of God (the responsibility to promote justice and peace in the world.) GRHD S3.1b: Describes how Christian life, nurtured by the Holy Spirit, is a response to God’s love for creation (responsibilities of co-creators and ways to fulfil the role of co-creator) ENGLISH: TES1.1: Communicates with peers and known adults in informal situations and structured activities dealing briefly with familiar topics. TS1.1: Communicates with an increasing range of people for a variety of purposes on both familiar and introduced topics in spontaneous and structured classroom activities. TS2.1: Communicates in informal and formal classroom activities in school and social situations for an increasing range of purposes on a variety of topics across the curriculum. TS3.1: Communicates effectively for a range of purposes and with a variety of audiences to express well-developed, well-organised ideas dealing with more challenging topics. RATIONALE FOR TEACHING THE RULE: (Why are you teaching the rule?) All students have the right to an education. Students also have a responsibility to both their own learning and to allow the learning of others through their actions. WHAT DO WE EXPECT THE STUDENT TO DO: (What behaviour are we expecting the children to model?) - Treat others with respect Be organised and prepared Focus on the task, be on task and engaged in their learning Follow instructions accurately Work independently or cooperatively (task dependent) Use an appropriate noise level related to task set Try their best LIVING OUR FAITH/ THE CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP DISCIPLESHIP CHALLENGE: Jesus challenges us to be responsible learners. GOSPEL PASSAGE: The Mustard Seed (Matt 13:32) “The smallest seeds can grow into the biggest of all plants.” HOW WILL WE TEACH THE EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR? (What will you do to teach the children of expected behaviours?) MODEL (Teacher models expected behaviour) Discuss how things other people do affect us. (eg. If people litter on the beach who is affected and how?) If someone Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay – Education Services is talking at the movies who is affected and how? If someone is in a bad mood who is affected and how? If someone is in a happy mood who is affected and how?) ES1-S1 – Read books such as “Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day” by Judith Viorst. After using some examples of how other people’s behaviour affects us, teacher poses questions “How does what we do at school affect others?” Imagine you missed the instruction for a task given. How would this affect your learning and could it have an impact on those around you? What do YOU need to do to learn and let others learn? Brainstorm a list (pay attention to the teacher, listen to instructions, have yourself and equipment organised, be engaged in the task, make sure you don’t distract people around you, etc) Learning and letting others learn looks like: - Not talking to friends during instruction - Only talking to peers during group work - Staying on task with discussions in group work - Demonstrating self-control (not fidgeting, ignoring others who are being distracting, being responsible when choosing where to sit) - Giving positive feedback to peers - Trying your best, having a go, etc ****Teacher can also refer to “Be prepared to always do your best” lesson plan and visuals**** PRACTISE (Lead the children through the behaviour and allow them time to practise, role play, etc) OPTIONAL: Good Behaviour Game - A great whole class activity which is an approach to the management of classrooms behaviors that rewards children for displaying appropriate on-task behaviors during instructional times. Introduce visual (Appendix 1) ES1-S1 Draw and label what a good learner looks like S2-S3 Use software such as ‘2Animate’ or similar to make a comic strip of good learning behaviour in the classroom OR Children take photos as examples OR Some other way of sharing and acknowledging what good learning looks like. ALL STAGES Create a ‘learn and let others learn checklist’ (see Appendix 2) which can be displayed both in the classroom and on student desks. Teacher refers to the checklist at random times throughout lessons – “Are we learning and letting others learn?” ACKNOWLEDGE (Reinforcement for expected behaviour, corrective feedback for misbehaviour – REMEMBER the 4 Rs of PBL – Remind, Reteach, Redirect and Remove) Teacher focusses on table groups/ cooperative groups to receive points or some other reward for showing good learning behaviours throughout a lesson or task. This becomes a whole class reward system for the 2 weeks. For corrective feedback, teacher offers verbal reminders with prompts back to visuals and checklist. ***Move from continuous to intermittent reinforcement as children gain fluency*** REVIEW/ REFLECTION AT END OF DAY (links to RE, give time at end of day for children to reflect, to give thanks, to self-assess own behaviour) Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay – Education Services What have I learnt today? How have I enabled/helped others to learn? REFLECTION QUESTIONS Do I take every opportunity to learn? How does following instructions benefit myself and others? Why is it important to consider others? HOME LINK How can parents support this behavioural expectation at home? How can I be a good learner at home? Look at my home environment, where do I do my homework? Do I have a good space that is quiet, organised and conducive to learning? If not, can I create a space? RESOURCES Learn and let others learn visual Learn and let others learn checklist EVALUATION: Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay – Education Services APPENDIX 2 LEARN AND LET OTHERS LEARN CHECKLIST Am I on the task I have been set by the teacher? Am I trying my best? Am I working quietly OR talking quietly with my group about our task? Am I sitting in the best spot to learn? YES! I AM A GREAT LEARNER! AND I’M LETTING OTHERS LEARN TOO! Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay – Education Services