Artwork for Ancient Civilizations DEBATE - Organizing your

Artwork for Ancient Civilizations DEBATE - Organizing your Thoughts!
Create a poster to support your choice for the most influential ancient civilization of all time!
Include the following:
 Artistic representation of your chosen civilization … it can be
a symbol, leader, map, national treasure, etc... You choose!
Be creative!
 Make it colorful, impactful, and clearly identify your
civilization of choice! Limit BLANK space on your poster!
 Provide bullet points, words, or key phrases to further
connect your artwork to your choice … For Egypt pyramids, mummies, King Tut, etc… Limit to six “word”
references which really speak to your choice of civilization!
 Be prepared to come to class with supplies to work on your
masterpiece! You will have today to brainstorm and begin,
as well as tomorrow to complete!
 Now, it’s time to DEBATE!
Ancient Civilizations - Debate Rubric
Team members: ___________________________________________________________________________
Subject of Debate: “Egypt was the most influential of the ancient civilizations in terms of advances and
contributions to world history and culture.”
Introduction - Opening statements were well organized. Geography
clearly identified. Opening statements were not read from cards. Team
members addressed remarks to the audience. Both team “Introduction”
members participated equally in opening statement. Students spoke loud
enough to be heard. Time limit honored: 2 minutes! (2)
Argument - was well prepared, supports position. Science &
Technology, Religion, Politics, Society & Culture were addressed within
argument. Points well organized. Both team “Argument” members
participated equally in discussion and addressed remarks to the audience.
Argument was not read from cards. Students spoke loud enough to be
heard. Time limit honored: 4 minutes! (2)
Rebuttal - was specific to arguments made in the opposing team's
opening statement and “argument”. Points well organized. Member
addressed remarks to the audience. Notes taken and used for rebuttal
purposes. Student spoke loud enough to be heard. Time limit honored: 2
minutes! (1)
Closing - - acts as a summary of what your team has presented thus far.
Focus on your own team’s opening and arguments in a closing. Don’t
focus on the other team’s argument/statements. Points well organized.
Member addressed remarks to the audience. Student spoke loud enough
to be heard. Time limit honored: 2 minutes! (1)
Respect was shown throughout the debate for the opposing team.
(No name calling, interruptions, call outs from the audience, etc…)
Points Earned: ______________/25 Points