
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
Administration: Dean Kashima, Dean Jim Hall, Dean Linda Rowe, Dean Sara Rusch
Officers: David Gordon (President), Kerry Storms (Vice President), Amy Brown
(Treasurer), Daniel Liechti (Secretary)
Chicago: Tara Kennedy, Dev Patel, Amy Brown, Marcus Gustafsson, Matthew Dybas,
Nikolai Arendovich, Lindsay Schwartz, Larissa Jones
Peoria: Kerry Storms, Riana Riffle, Danny Liechti, Jean Lee, Ran Xiao, Nicole Liberio
Rockford: David Gordon, Tim Feldheim, Anghela Paredes, Mina Tanaka, Maria
Saavada, Bob Horsley, Sonali Khurana, Tony Logli, Franklin Rocha Cabrao
Urbana: Ritika Singh, Erich Lidstone, Bob Freidel, Kristen Koniewicz, Grace Kim
Excused Absence: Jin Lee (Historian/Webmaster), Rollin George, Shreya Kanabar
Welcome- Gordo
a. Welcome
b. Outline of Agenda
Guest Speaker- Dean Rusch – An update from the Peoria campus
a. Medical Students – Increased simulation in the M2 year at the Jump
Trading Center
b. A two-week intern boot camp will be mandatory for the Class of 2015
and beyond. Course will take place in March.
c. First class of psychiatry residents graduates this spring from UICOMP
d. New UICOMP GI fellowship has started this year at OSF St. Francis
Medical Center.
e. UICOMP Cardiology fellowship now in its second year.
f. Dr. Bento Suarez coming to town with plans to develop research on
the campus.
g. Dr. Ray Curry – New senior associate dean for the college, working
closely with Dr. Aiyer, comes from Northwestern.
h. New trends in physician employee model – New “super groups”
somewhat concerning, but we are mitigating this concern through
education. We have seen evidence of this new model in Peoria this
year with the merger of Proctor Hospital and UnityPoint Methodist.
Approval of Minutes of Chicago Meeting – Minutes approved.
Executive Board Report
a. President- Gordo (Rockford)
i. New Healthcare Plan for Chicago students
ii. CCSP analyses – Please review committee meeting report
b. Vice President- Kerry Storms (Peoria)
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
i. College Committees: Please let us know if you will not be able
to make your meetings.
ii. After meetings, please email Kerry a copy of the meeting
minutes. Thank you.
c. Secretary- Danny Liechti (Peoria)
i. Please send me committee reports and attendance prior to
UMSC meetings.
ii. To add/remove anybody from the UMSC, please email me at
d. Treasurer- Amy Brown (Chicago)
i. If October reimbursements have not been received yet, should
be receiving them soon
ii. Peoria and Rockford please send in your receipts via
intercampus mail.
e. Historian/ Webmaster- Jin Lee (Peoria)
i. No updates
f. OSR
i. No updates at this meeting.
g. Advisor- Dean Kashima
i. Dr. Ray Curry has started for new associate Dean of
Educational affairs – it is exciting to have this senior position
now filled
ii. LCME Mid-Cycle Review Team – Is currently reviewing updated
LCME standards and elements in relation to what we do at the
medical school to make sure we are in compliance. Dr. Ray
Curry is replacing Dr. Stagnaro-Green as co-chair with Dean
Kashima. They are now meeting with key faculty to obtain their
input with regard to compliance.
iii. January Board of Trustees meeting – Approved a 0% increase
for undergraduate tuition and medical school tuition rates.
There will be an email announcement from Dean Azar in
regards to education updates, including the tuition rate for the
medical school.
Site Reports (regional SGA presidents)
a. Urbana
i. Save GME – Dean Kashima shared that there are at least three
Chicago students who have been working on this issue via AMA
CMS/ISMS (Christiana Shoushtari, Mason Marcus and Katie
ii. Leadership track – There are now some changes in the track
b. Rockford
i. Ugly Sweater Holiday Party was held before break.
ii. Interprofessional day to take place Jan 28th. M2 students will
meet with other students from other health fields such as,
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
pharmacy and nursing, and discuss the teamwork approach to
improve the healthcare field.
iii. Jennifer Girard and Taylor Stanton, Rockford M4s, received an
American Medical Association Foundation Physicians of
Tomorrow Award. They are among 21 rising fourth-year
medical students selected for the $10,000 national scholarship
recognizing academic achievement.
iv. Mission trips - Some M4 class members will be heading to
India or Peru in February to learn about medicine abroad. As
well, a couple of M3 students will be heading to Haiti on a
OB/Gyn mission trip with some UICOM Rockford Faculty.
v. Dialogue with the Dean Event - a formal event where our dean
of students, Dr. Stagnaro-Green, meets with our student body
for an update on things he is working on to improve the
college, answer questions from the student body, and hear
student concerns. This event is scheduled for March 4th.
vi. Community - Our LMSA held a holiday children's toy drive,
where we bought gifts for 100 local area children
vii. Our student groups Healing Hands and Peds Interest Group are
currently holding a warm clothing drive for the Rockford
Rescue Mission, a local area homeless and crisis shelter.
viii. Ob/Gyn Interest Group (OGIG): collaborating with American
Medical Women’s Association (AMWA), is currently hosting a
donation drive for Carpenter's Place women, a center that
serves the homeless of Rockford.
c. Chicago
i. Dialogue with the Deans took place recently. Dr. Geri Fox led a
discussion about student wellness.
ii. Renovations – Are complete, building now open 7 am – 7 pm.
Students are interested in expanded hours.
1. What 24/7 Study spaces are available at other
2. Most campuses with extended hours study spaces
iii. OSA Advisors Mark – Working with students to make student
handbooks by class..
d. Peoria
i. SGA Upcoming Events
1. Peoria SGA Blog: http://www.uicomp.blogspot.com/
2. Annual Welcome back party was held January 15th
3. Red Cross Blood Drive to be held on February 6th
4. “What’s Next?” Program for M2s to be held on January
5. Dialogue with Dean Azar to be held on February 4th,
6. Step 1 Panel to be held on February 2nd
ii. Campus Upcoming Events
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
1. Advising houses to be introduced for M2 and M3 classes
2. Class of 2015 Graduation Ceremony May 2nd, 1:30pm
e. Urbana – MSP and M1s
i. UMSG launched a Leadership Certificate Program.
ii. Student leaders are ready to disseminate the Engineering
iii. Urbana's FEC rep (Jenny Tumba) worked with the FEC, Deans,
and other students to present global health opportunities to
Urbana students.
iv. Students at Urbana are interested in reevaluating post-exam
feedback options which could involve Chicago's impact.
v. Urbana will be presenting a USMLE prep proposal to the board.
vi. Informing students of the GME crisis so they are educated and
capable of advocating is a top priority.
vii. UMSG reorganized meetings to revolve around 3 top priorities:
1) Listening to and representing the student voice; 2)
Improving medical education at UICOM; 3) Bringing Urbana
together to function as a cohesive unit.
College Committee Reports
a. College Committee on Student Promotions/CCSP (Kerry storms Peoria)
i. Dr Murphy introduced several new policies in draft form. The
committee approved the removal of the 1983 Involuntary
Withdrawal of Students for Psychiatric Reasons and replaced it
with the University wide policy on involuntary withdrawal. We
are still working on a policy for a fitness for duty exam and a
related temporary suspension from clerkships, not a university
ii. Reporting forms for Deficient Behavior and for Exemplary
Behavior – looked at the forms and suggested several
changes/improvements. These will be reviewed at a later date.
iii. Dr. Murphy also a drafted an information sheet for students who
are dismissed. This packet will outline the steps they can take
to grieve the decision and resources. The information is still in
draft form awaiting further input from committee members and
deans. He also has decided to inform the students of the
dismissal on the Monday following the CCSP meeting. This
gives the Chair and Committee time to prepare the materials for
the student.
iv. CCSP also continues to review professionalism violations.
b. College Committee on Instruction and Appraisal (CCIA) – Matt Chia
i. Entrustable Professional Activities - This project is a
standing agenda item for the CCIA. The team in charge of
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
implementing EPAs at UIC is in the process of conducting a
needs assessment to assess the level of knowledge among the
campuses about the EPA projects, and to determine which
areas of the curriculum at all four sites might be well-suited to
start targeting teaching towards EPA competency in our 4th
year graduates.
ii. CCIA Task Forces - Four task forces were established to
evaluate assessment, program evaluation, curricular
transformation, and the roles of the CCIA. These four task
forces include members of the CCIA, with each task force
having student input in the creation of a policy
recommendations document in each of these four areas. This
document was combined into a single document of policy
recommendations that will be sent forward to the College
Executive Committee. As that document progresses to a final
iteration, the individual task forces are on hiatus currently.
iii. New Business
1. The CCIA is reviewing new LCME standards for
education, to ensure that we will be fully in
compliance prior to the next review cycle in 2017/18.
We are awaiting a response from LCME regarding the
response we have sent with regard to the status of
monitoring the Narrative Assessment standard.
2. The Surgery Education Coordinating Committee (ECC)
is working to create a surgical internship
preparedness course that would be unified across all 4
campuses. These are in various stages of completion
across campuses (Peoria already has a course in-place).
3. The Bridging ECC is working on streamlining the
experience between M1 and M2, particularly at the
UPR campuses. This has resulted in unified learning
objectives across all 4 campuses. Further work includes
unifying physical exam and clinical reasoning education
prior to M2 (“boot camps”).
c. College Committee on Admissions (CCA) – Dean Jim Hall
i. No specific updates at this time
ii. UIC continues to recruit a very diverse and well qualified class
of applicants on this years application cycle.
d. College Committee on Student Awards and Scholarships (CCSAS)
i. Difficulty with correspondence
ii. No updates at this time.
e. Foreign Exchange Committee (FEC) (Jenny Tumba – Urbana)
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
i. Urbana – February meeting for the M1 students about
international experiences. During the meeting, students will
receive advice led by experienced mentors MD/PhD.
ii. All FEC members currently working to schedule college-wide
f. College Committee on Research (CCR)
g. OSR
Old business
a. Cross Campus Social
i. Plan is to go to Starved Rock in the spring: late March, April, or
May. Date has not yet been set.
ii. More details to come!!!!
b. Medicine In Engineering Survey
i. Survey – Has not been sent out to each class at each UIC
ii. Plan is to collect the result of this survey for 2 weeks.
New business
a. Gold Humanism vote
i. Chicago – Dr. Miriam Redleaf
ii. Urbana – No nominations
iii. Rockford – No Nominations
iv. Peoria – Dr. Amy Christison
Award Winner: Dr. Amy Christison (voting results 23-3)
b. Campus retreats discussion – UIC Medical Education Assessment and
i. Should there be an in person discussion vs survey this year?
ii. Surveys may be more beneficial at this point to see if we in fact
have anything in common across the campuses that can be
improved. If we don’t have common ground, an in-person
meeting may not actually be warranted. Spend some time now
thinking about the survey sent out in this attachment.
iii. May be difficult to recruit fourth year medical students for the
meeting at this point in the year.
c. Medical Education Meeting SURVEY RESULTS from UMSC Meeting
i. Chicago Campus –
1. Strengths: Diversity in student population and
“experience.” There are a multitude of tracks you can
select as a student to learn in your own style. Students
really populate the entire Chicago area.
2. Things to work on: Workspaces, building renovations
not up to par. Grades and testing policies aren’t well
established and constantly in flux. This can be
frustrating and confusing for students.
ii. Peoria Campus
UMSC Meeting Minutes 1/24/2015
1. Strengths: Community health and outreach programs.
Students see a huge spectrum of medicine (community
primary care to a large academic center).
2. Things to work on: Lack of exposure to certain
subspecialties. M2 curriculum.
iii. Urbana
1. Strengths: Really easy to approach and learn from
clinical faculty, even in subspecialties. Increasing
rapidly over the years in diversity and what specialties
are available to students.
2. Things to work on: Decreased morale due to the small
size of the campus, particularly in the clinical years. M34 population is relatively small, so it is difficult to stay in
touch with fellow students. Lack of common identity,
which causes negative perception towards Chicago.
Lack of residency programs.
iv. Rockford
1. Strengths: Good clinical experience and excellent
student affairs management. One-on-one attending
physician relationships.
2. Things to improve upon: Lack of resources when
compared to Chicago. Lack of specialized residency