

UMSC Meeting Agenda

Saturday November 21, 2015

HOST SITE: Rockford (via WebEx)

Brunch @ 11:30 AM; Meeting begins @ 12 PM


Urbana: Ian Magruder; Ted Kim; Grace Kim; Yining Lu; Jonathan Jou; Stephanie Grach;

Dean Jim Hall

Peoria: Jenna Lizzo; Ayesha Hasan; Saleha Mallick; Rachel Moore; Nicole Liberio; Amanda


Rockford: Ijeoma Agu, Sarah Bunch, Ashton Ballinger, Bob Freidel, Sonali Khurana, Tony

Logli, Tim Feldheim, Jon Aubrey, Franklyn Rocha

Chicago: Marcus Gustafsson; Nikolai Arendovich; David Lee; Adrian Hightower; Mason

Marcus; Shuvani Sanyal; Tokunbo Adeniyi; Estella Huang; Victor Macrinici, Prinston

Varghese, Katherine Reifler

Other: Dean Kashima, Dean Curry


Welcome- Sonali Khurana


Guest Speaker- Dean Alex Stagnaro-Green, Rockford a.

Not present due to weather.


Guest Speaker- Dean Ray Curry, College of Medicine a.

Curriculum updates i.

Will give us updates on what is going on and how we will foster student involvement.


There has been much activity in the curriculum over the past few years, especially with elements such as TBLs and M4 curriculum. However, there is now a call for a structured curricular plan. iii.

Regarding changes in Urbana, there is a coherent and detailed plan for the students who will be staying in Urbana to finish their degrees. We will not go into detail on this today.


Dean Curry says we have opportunities for economies of scale across campuses. This involves sharing resources and standardizing objectives, tests, and other curricular elements. v.

The plan now is to essentially start from scratch with curricular transformation and reassess our current educational structure. The timeline:


Basic structure of M1 for Fall 2017 will be decided by Fall 2015


Curricular Outline suitable for CCAI, SCEP, etc. will be decided over a retreat in February 2016. Phases included pre-, core, and postclerkship. The 4 prototypical outlines are described as traditional, accelerated, inverted, and 3-year.


Educational technology systems for curriculum support will be decided in early 2016


June 2016 is the timeline for recruitment materials for 2017 applicants.


The curricular task force conducted a survey and external reviews to develop pros and cons for each curricular model. The report is included in a follow-up for the meeting. b.

Independent Student Analysis for LCME Review—Bob (Rockford) i.

This is a way for students to review the educational climate of the college.

Students will be reviewing the curriculum as it stands, i.e., before changes take effect in 2017.


Q&A with Dean Curry


Approval of Minutes- Rockford Meeting 9/26//2015


Executive Board Report a.

President- Sonali Khurana (Rockford) b.

Vice President- Riana Riffle (Peoria) i.

Open positions are listed on this spreadsheet . c.

Secretary- Bob Freidel (Rockford) i.

None. d.

Treasurer- Nikolai Arendovich (Chicago) i.

Reimbursements will be coming next week. e.

Historian/ Webmaster- Grace Kim (Urbana) i.

As always, send her anything you want on the website!


OSR- Nicole Liberio (Chicago) i.

AAMC OSR meeting updates: Students favor the 1.5+2.5 model

(accelerated), early integration in clinical experiences and diversity in medicine via pipelines programs and top-down models. The state of the match/GME funding was discussed. ii.

Call for proposals due December 1 st

for breakout sessions at the June 2016

OSR meeting. g.

Advisor- Dean Kashima i.

Received IRB approval for the Think Feel Do initiative. ii.

A group of staff, students, faculty, and residents are forming a work group to develop recommendations for action to foster an optimum learning environment at the college.


Site Reports from Regional Student Council Presidents a.

Urbana i.

Apparel sale generated $19,000 in total sales. Delivery date has been set and packages will be delivered by students traveling home from Urbana to

Chicago and Rockford. Gary Bhagat will be picking up Peoria's delivery personally. b.

Rockford i.

Tony: Successful volunteer program. Two new positions in Rockford:

Director of Career Services as part of the Residency Preparedness Initiative;

Director of Engagement (goal is to reach out to Alumni.) Rockford opened a micromarket on Campus which offers a variety of fresh food options in place of vending machines. Rockford is also working with Brovember Incorporated which promotes awareness of Men’s Cancer and supports prostate cancer research. c.

Chicago i.

Marcus: Recent Dialogue with the Deans had two topics: campus safety for students and hours for the Learning Resource Center. Tuition survey was

created and will be addressed later. Charity auction went well. M2 Winter

Ball in the Willis Tower is coming. d.

Peoria i.

Update from Jerome: PMSG is still working to fill committee positions. They are coordinating a meeting with Dean Rush to revise their Constitution as it must account for incoming M1s. e.

MSP- Urbana i.

We recently had a town hall meeting discussing timeline for the rest of current MSPs on this campus. Obviously after next year, since we won't be having any traditional students, we will only have traditional M3-M4 and

MSP students left over starting from fall 2017. Given that the matriculating class has also been decreasing in size over the years and a large portion of

MSPs are graduating in masses, the Urbana campus will be much smaller.

We discussed projected numbers up until the close down of this campus which is projected to be around 2022. In tandem to the Chicago, Peoria,

Rockford campuses moving forward with the new M1 curriculum starting fall

2017, Urbana will continue the old M1 curriculum for the MSPs (and the old

M2-M4 curriculum, which should be the same for the other campuses as well in fall 2017). The M2-M4 classes have always been small, but the M1 class will be significantly smaller. We had discussions regarding what the courses would look like and how it is likely to look drastically different with greater individualized attention from faculty, but with the same course material as it has been. I believe AY18-19 will be the last year the old curriculum M1 classes will be offered and it will be limited to four of the M1 courses, based on the individual discussions/needs of MSP students completing M1 courses at Urbana. A few MSPs, most of whom have not taken any M1 classes yet, have decided to forgo taking the old M1 curriculum and join the new curriculum after completion of their PhD on the UIUC campus at either the

Chicago, Peoria, or Rockford UICOM campuses. Funding will continue to come from independent MSP funding reserves for all MSP students, including those who have decided to complete their medical education at other campuses.


Committee Reports a.


Ashton Ballinger: Dr. Murphy, chair of CCSP, is working with the committee and the Student Affairs Deans to develop reporting forms and procedures to address students who exhibit either exemplary behavior or unprofessional behavior. ii.

There is ongoing discussion as to a new policy that would require students to report recent arrests. Some feel this policy has the potential to disproportionately and adversely affect some members of our student body.

CCSP therefore welcomes the input of the student government and student body as a whole regarding this topic of discussion. Please talk with CCSP representatives if you have feedback. iii.

The next CCSP meeting will be held on Friday, November 20th at 1pm.



Adrian Boswell-Hightower: the mission statement will be revised soon to be more encapsulating. c.



Jenna Lizzo: CCA is working on marketing, outreach, and interview d.

CCSAS committees. They are at pace for acceptance offers. i.

Everything is proceeding as usual. e.

FEC i.

No recent meetings; will update accordingly. f.

OSR i.

Report is included in the Executive Committee report. g.


No updates.


Old business a.



New business a.

Tuition Survey- David Lee i.

“After some discussion amongst students, we've realized one of the divisive points regarding the tuition were whether we had faith that our incremental tuition dollars were being spent on specific medical student educational aims.

The tuition presentation spoke in generalities of uses of the incremental tuition that did not convince many of the students. ii.

“We understand that the bulk of our tuition is difficult to track due to it being aggregated in a lump sum, but perhaps you can share with us an itemized budget of what the incremental tuition dollars have been spent on in at least the past 5 years organized by campus? How much of it is going towards

UGME/curriculum centered initiatives and how much towards OSA/student services centered initiatives? We have students from the other campuses who are asking the same question about the Rockford, Urbana and Peoria campuses. iii.

“I think a singular document with the information above would dispel concerns of whether the incremental tuition is being spent wisely and thus quell the misconception and distrust that arises every year as an aftermath of these meetings.” b.

Health Disparities and Social Justice in M1 Curriculum- Stephanie Grach i.

Stephanie will be meeting with administrators and Deans in Chicago and

Urbana. Her presentation was attached to the e-mail follow-up from this meeting as part of the meeting presentation powerpoint. ii.

The quantity, quality, and character of Health Disparities and Social Justice

Training varies among the 4 campuses. c.

Amendments for the UMSC Constitution—Sonali i.

Amendment #1: Meeting Schedule


Approved ii.

Amendment #2A: Appointment of alternate positions for each CC representative


Tabled for the next meeting iii.

Amendment #2B: Informing alternates directly of an anticipated absence


Tabled for the next meeting iv.

Amendment #3: Removal of the CCR Clause




Closing- Sonali


Book next meeting: Saturday, January 23rd, hosted by Urbana via teleconference.

Agenda, time, and locations TBD.

WEBEX for this meeting: https://com-chicago.webex.com/comchicago/j.php?MTID=md93f3e51a9739ca0f46ebee19a43889d

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