
UMSC Meeting Agenda
Saturday September 26, 2015
HOST SITE: Chicago
Breakfast @ 9:30 AM; Meeting begins @ 10 AM
Meeting Highlights
 Curricular transformation and standardizations across sites is in process. There are many
students involved via the College Committee on Instruction and Appraisal (CCIA) and three CCIA
Task forces (Curricular Transformation, Program Evaluation, and Assessment.) Reach out to your
student government representatives and provide your curricular feedback!
 M1s will begin in Rockford and Peoria starting Fall 2017.
 We’re unsure if state funding for the medical school will change this year. Dean Van Neck will
tentatively present the budget and tuition updates to student government and other interested
students on the evening on 10/28. Stay posted for meeting details.
 UMSC’s primary goal this year it to promote the collective interests of students across all sites
and foster unity.
 UMSC Student Government Positions on College Committees will open for application soonkeep an eye out!
 The 2015 UICOM Leadership Retreat was a success and UMSC will be hosting a bigger, better
2016 Retreat! Get excited!
 A college-wide document listing specialties and other resources by UICOM site is being created
so that students across all campuses have open access to the faculty, activities, and other
resources at other sites.
 An admissions video highlighting each UICOM site was professionally created and will be
released for the next application cycle.
 The College Committee on Admissions is standardizing the admissions process across all sites.
 Fun Site Updates: Urbana MSPs Students held a successful retreat with their Alumni at the
beautiful Allerton Park near Champaign. Chicago held a successful UICOM Homecoming on
September 18-20th. On October 2nd, Rockford will host a Boardwalk Casino Night Fundraiser,
with an expected turnout over 325! Peoria hosted a boot-stompin’ Barn Dance a few weeks ago…
and did it under budget!
Alessandra Hirsch
Amanda Mulcrone
Bo Marcus Gustafsson
Bob Freidel
Bob Freidel
David Lee
Estella Huang
Grace Kim
Jean Lee
Jon Hammarstedt
Jon Jou
Katherine Reifler
Lucy Mailing
Matthew Durst
Matthew Dybas
Mohamed Shaif Yusufishag
Nikolai Arendovich
Nikolai Arendovich
Prinston Varghese
Rachel Moore
Ryan Dahlberg
Sean Munoz
Sonali Khurana
Stephanie Grach
Tony Logli
Victor Macrinici
Yining Lu
Riana Riffle (WebEx)
Dean Kashima
Dean Azar
Welcome- Sonali Khurana
Guest Speaker- Dean Dimitri Azar, Chicago
a. Dean Azar requested feedback from students and course directors. He emphasized the
importance of student involvement in curricular transformation.
b. Traditionally Urbana M1s will be moved to Rockford and Peoria in 2017.
c. Hoping to standardize curriculum across numbers but still allow a variety of learning
methods to fit students’ preferences.
d. Updates:
i. Curricular transformation is coming.
ii. Each program is LCME accredited for 10 years.
iii. Urbana, Chicago, and Rockford have been remodeled.
iv. Match results for UICOM were high and board exam scores have increased.
v. The future of medicine required effective care across the continuum.
e. Question from David Lee, CMSC President
i. Q: Who makes the staffing decisions at the UPR sites?
ii. A: The regional Deans.
f. Question from Matt Durst, CCA representative, Chicago
i. Q: How will we tap into our Alumni network, given the decrease in state
ii. A: Something like, “That’s what we’re trying to do.”
g. Other notes:
i. Need to create channels of feedback from students  course directors 
Dean Azar.
ii. As we move M1s out of Urbana, we need to avoid a Silo effect.
iii. Avoid “change for the sake of change.”
Approval of Minutes- Rockford Meeting 3/28/2015
a. Approved in record time!
Executive Board Report
a. President- Sonali Khurana (Rockford)
i. Overview of UMSC: See Sonali’s ppt.
ii. Big goal this year: Promote the collective interests of students across all sites
and foster unity. If you have ideas or want to be a leader on this project,
please talk to Sonali Khurana (President) and Bob Freidel (Secretary).
b. Vice President- Riana Riffle (Peoria)
i. Riana will soon reach out to us regarding CC positions.
c. Secretary- Bob Freidel (Rockford)
i. Who’s who? Please help fill out the People spreadsheet!
ii. Later, I’ll discuss the UICOM Leadership Retreat
d. Treasurer- Nikolai Arendovich (Chicago)
i. Soon, we will be able to reimburse people for traveling!
ii. He’s the guy to talk to about reimbursement!
e. Historian/ Webmaster- Grace Kim (Urbana)
i. The website is working!
ii. Please send Grace updates and minutes from other meetings
f. OSR- Bo Gustafsson (Chicago)
i. ?? --- ??
g. Advisor- Dean Kashima
i. Dean Kashima is helping to put together a college-wide document with all
specialties listed, by site, so that UICOM students across all campuses have
open access to the faculty, activities, and other resources.
ii. We are starting a pilot project involving students from each campus/class to
use a new website model (waiting for IRB approval). This tool should help us
all perform at our best.
iii. The GQ: A survey that all seniors are supposed to fill out for benchmarking,
accreditation, and improvement purposes. The AAMC thinks that waiting
until the 4th year to do the survey is too late… They are now involving M2s
(Y2Q). This information is critical.
Site Reports from Regional Student Council Presidents
a. Urbana
i. Elections.
ii. Want more information for M1s. kept in the loop
iii. Interest in intercampus activities
iv. Branding
v. Cross-campus visits
b. Rockford
i. Dean responsive to student needs
ii. Volleyball/basketball/athletic facility. student life upgrades. Coffee shop.
Prepare for new students coming in 2017.
iii. Utilize space for cadaver.
iv. Digital cadaver lab talk? But figured need actual cadavers.
v. Boardwalk casino bash. Local restaurant. Fundraiser. Community invited.
325 ppl going. Student running casino like games. Lot of student volunteers.
1. For residency.
vi. White ceremony coming up…
vii. ALS walk was successful!
c. Chicago
i. Homecoming, September 18-20, Jennifer Plakut (Director of Alumni
Relations) jplakut@uic.edu
ii. Social events are going well
iii. SET members have been appointed, as have CMSC committee members
iv. CMSC is undergoing government restructuring. There will be new branches
(Student Curricular Board, SCB for one.) SET will not communicate with
student government very much. Changes likely to happen mid-year.
Constitutional changes will be proposed at the next meeting.
d. Peoria
i. The Barn Dance was AWESOME and under budget!
ii. Jump Center (a simulation center) is being used more, particularly by the M2
iii. A lot of talk about the future M1 class. Potentially buying another building or
constructing a new one.
iv. Concern: Applicant interviews. Some students get assigned to Peoria and
Rockford they know nothing about those sites. Jean recommended we have
the admissions advisors visit each campus so they can speak about Peoria and
Rockford. Jean stated there are passionate students at Peoria who would
certainly be willing to come to Chicago and speak about the campus.
e. MSP- Urbana
i. Had the MSP retreat with Alumni at Allerton Park near Champaign. They got
to meet alumni.
Committee Reports
a. Open positions will be filled by Riana and Bob in the near future!
i. CCSP is creating a policy which will help students who need resources,
especially if they are having a challenging time balancing their medical
curriculum. Listed on the website, “Student Academic Policies and
ii. A policy will be added which states that students who are arrested need to
inform the Student Affairs Office. Part of this is creating a culture where
students feel comfortable talking and working with their Deans.
i. No updates.
d. CCA
i. Matt Durst, Chicago: Interviewing is happening at each campus. Long term
projects: Helping to digitize the admissions decision process.
ii. They are also working to standardize the admissions process between
iii. Recommendation to match applicants with current students from the same
alma mater.
iv. Admissions video (more updates below, section IX, b.)
i. Merit Scholarship is going up!
f. CCR
i. Removed last year.
g. FEC
i. No updates.
h. OSR
i. See executive updates section
HPSC Update- Nikolai
i. We do NOT have any HPSC representatives to UMSC yet.
ii. HPSC: meetings are in Chicago. It may be best to have a representative from
Amendments for the UMSC Constitution—Sonali and Bob
a. We will present amendment recommendations at UMSC meetings. The amendment
will be voted on at the following meeting.
b. Amendment recommendation:
i. Re-wording of meeting dates.
ii. Discussed some issue with Urbana hosting.
iii. This was confusing so I’m not going to record it here.
Old business
a. First Annual Cross-Campus Student Leadership Retreat- Survey Results
i. See the PowerPoint sent in the meeting follow-ups email from Bob.
b. Admissions Video
i. An attempt to make an admissions video a few years ago was made but there
was no consistency in the videos. So, this year, a group collected information
from students about each campus and videographers recorded at each campus.
It is a project that will need to be updated every year and we will need
feedback from students.
New business
a. UI-COM Branding- Sonali
i. More updates from Dean Van Neck at the next meeting- 10/28/2015
b. Appointments for College Committee Student Reps- Riana
i. Positions that will be filled will come in an email from Bob!
Closing- Sonali
a. If any updates are missing, please contact Bob.
WEBEX for this meeting: https://com-chicago.webex.com/comchicago/j.php?MTID=mcc4b6273f6431e7ff9e85280b8164c2b