San Antonio, TX The San Antonio, TX, Grade-Level Reading Campaign is recognized as a Pacesetter for making measurable progress on student readiness outcomes. In San Antonio for the 2013-14 school year, approximately 2,265 children served by Head Start and Pre-K 4 SA were determined to be school ready. The local Campaign used a diverse combination of strategies to achieve its readiness outcomes, including home visiting and other programs that offer messages, tools and supports to help parents and caregivers succeed in promoting early language and literacy and healthy on-track child development; universal comprehensive health, social emotional, and developmental screening with follow-up; intervention and supports; community-wide efforts to create language-rich and book-rich environments for children before they start school to help them build vocabulary; and a set of policy supports, resources and programs to improve availability of and access to high-quality early care and learning opportunities for children across a variety of programs and settings. The San Antonio GLR Campaign reaches over 51,000 low-income children across 15 local school districts. The Campaign regularly tracks the percent of children from low-income families in accredited child-care settings, including publicly funded programs, Head Start and home-based providers as a key measure of its overall impact on student outcomes. Reflecting on the community’s progress since it joined the Campaign in 2012, local GLR Lead, Melody Woosley, Director, Department of Human Services, City of San Antonio, commented, “The City of San Antonio and our partners have built a strong local network of stakeholders dedicated to collaborating to make measurable gains in early childhood education and care which serve as a foundation for long-term academic success. This recognition is a direct reflection of the collective investment that our community has made to achieve this goal.” The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading proudly recognizes the shared ownership for the progress in San Antonio among the following members of the local sponsoring coalition: City of San Antonio Pre-K4 San Antonio San Antonio Public Libraries United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County P16Plus Council of Greater Bexar County Local School Districts Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio University of Texas at San Antonio City Year San Antonio Family Service Association AVANCE – San Antonio