7th Grade 2015-2016 family newsletter

Welcome to the 7th grade! To
the middle school level.
We have our planning period
get the year started off right, we
My main focus for nearly
during 3rd and 4th period this year.
would like to introduce ourselves
20 years has been
9:15-10:52. If you have any
to the parents and students of
middle school science.
concerns you can reach us via
our family. Your students will
My husband and I
have each of us for the entire
chose to live in Union
year in their four core subjects.
and raise our four
daughters. Our oldest
Mrs. Egbers, Science
Hi! I'm Mrs. Egbers. I teach
girls are grown now and
out on their own. Our
phone during those times each
day. We can also set up
conferences at those times as well.
Email is the best way to contact us,
we will try to respond within a day.
Science for our team. You will
third daughter is a junior
find that Science might be a bit
at UK and our youngest is
different as it was in the past. At
a junior at Ryle. We are
GMS, we are following the Next
excitedly expecting our
Generation Science Standards.
first grandchild (a boy!)
Late work policy
(NGSS) You will find that your
who is due any day now.
Our family has adopted a late
We have a dog, Lucy
work policy. Any work turned in
child will not only be responsible
for learning Science Content, but
(although, I don't think
late will be accepted for ½ credit
need to be able to apply what
she realizes she is a dog!)
until the exam is taken over that
they have learned. This year,
and a cat named Mylo
information. Once an exam is
they will be given challenges that
(My Little One)
taken, no late work for that unit will
will require their thinking in
If you need to ever
get in touch with me, the
After I graduated college, I
best way is via email. I
knew I wanted to teach in Boone
look forward to a great
County Schools. You see, I too
school year!
am a product of BC schools. BC
schools has been known as a
Mrs. Barton, Math
highly ranked school system and I
Hi, I am Mrs. Barton,
wanted to be a part of that. I
and I teach math for our
began my teaching career many
team. I will be teaching
years ago at New Haven
two levels of math this
Elementary and then ventured to
year, Algebra 1 and
August 12, 2015
be accepted. They will turn into
permanent zeros.
Fifth Period
During 5th period your child will
have one of our family’s teachers.
This will be an enrichment period
for that subject or an extension of
the material they are learning in
their core class.
Math 7. We will be doing a lot of
Ellie 16, and Abbie 15. We also
Mrs. Casson, Language Arts
technology in math class this
have a 9 year old Yorkie-poodle
I am very excited to be joining
year, especially on Fridays. I will
mix, Duke and 5 year old Shitzu-
the Gray Middle School family!
always have devices to borrow,
poodle mix, Daisy. I love the
Although I grew up in Boone
however, if you have your own
beach, rocking on my front
County, my family and I have
device please bring them on
porch, walking, traveling, and
recently relocated from
Fridays to school.
trying to find time to read a good
Pikeville, a small town in the
book, WATER, Starbucks, Coke, &
mountains of Eastern Kentucky.
Kentucky University and IUPUI
pizza! I also love to draw and go
We lived there for six years. There
(Indiana Univ/Purdue Univ at
to Kings Island! DIAMOND BACK
I taught eighth grade Language
Indianapolis--I played basketball
Arts and coached cheerleading,
I went to college at Eastern
there for one year). I graduated
I have a Masters of Arts in
and my husband coached
with a Marketing degree from
Teaching, in social studies, from
wrestling. We love being involved
EKU and then decided to enter
Northern Kentucky University,
with students and are looking
into education. I earned my
along with my Rank II teaching
forward to making a home here
Masters of Arts in Teaching
certificate. I received my
in Northern Kentucky. We are
degree at NKU. I have been at
Bachelor of Science also from
very busy with our two children,
Gray my whole career, teaching
Northern Kentucky University, in
Carter (4) and Caraline (almost
6th or 7th grade math for the last
Political Science and Criminal
two)! Our family also includes our
12 years.
very lovable boxer, Jack.
I love watching and playing
I have been teaching Ancient
I am a graduate of Eastern
sports and coaching volleyball,
World History at Gray since
Kentucky University, where I
it’s one of my favorite sports. I
August 2003. Prior to my arrival at
earned a Bachelor's in English
also am in charge of the National
Gray, I taught social studies for
and a Bachelor's in Social Work. I
Junior Honor Society here at
grades 5-12 at the Campbell
spent three years as a family
Regional Juvenile Detention
social service worker before
Center from 2001 to 2003.
finding my true calling in
husband Steve for almost three
Needless to say, that was quite
teaching. I received my Master's
years. We welcomed a set of
an experience and I am thankful
in Teaching in 2012. My favorite
twins named Jack and Claire last
for being here at Gray.
educational experience was
I have been married to my
September. They are almost 1
My goal this year is to grow my
studying literature in London,
now, and are so sweet and
students into positive learners. I
England and Dublin, Ireland! I am
precious! We also have two dogs
plan on accomplishing this by
looking forward to building
and a cat. We have a full house!
providing an encouraging
memories with our seventh grade
I look forward to getting to know
atmosphere where respect,
family and want you to know that
you all this year! Let me know if
compassion, and personal
I am in your corner. If I can help in
you have any concerns! The best
reflection are at the heart of
any way or if you just want to
way to contact me is via email.
every class period. While
chat, my door is always open. I
educational growth is important
can't wait to get started!
Mrs. Webb, Social Studies
in middle school, becoming a
My husband Darren and I live
well-rounded, lifelong learner is
in Hebron and have four children
between us: Jacquie 24, Tyler 19,
Mrs. Egbers, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Casson and Mrs. Barton
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Barton, Traci
Mrs. Egbers, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Casson and Mrs. Barton
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