File - Xuemei Huang, Chinese Teacher

PROJECT: Chinese VS American High schools
Assigned date: 05Nov14 (RRHS); 06Nov14 (CRHS)
Progress check date: 13Nov14 (RRHS); 14Nov14 (CRHS)
Due date: 19Nov14 (RRHS); 20Nov14 (CRHS)
While watching the movie “Young Style - 青春派”, you may have noticed that
Chinese and American High schools share some common elements, but also
many differences. Your task is to compare and contrast American and
Chinese high school education. Research and identify common and
different areas between Chinese and American High schools.
(Young Style:
This is INDEPENDENT (solo) work – no partners
Make a Booklet (8-12 pages, 8"x11") or a Poster (approx. 24"x36")
Use PICTURES (from any source: online icons, photos, drawings, your
own drawings, etc.) - you can create your own art!
Comparisons may include facts, philosophy, systems and methods, teaching
and learning styles, and similar. Include both “big picture” and detail
Here is a list to get you started, but not only use this list. I expect (and will
grade on) your ability to be original and a deep thinker; try online searching
some of these terms to find pictures to illustrate your ideas:
School schedules: school year, hours, etc.
Teacher’s role and methods
Parental involvement
Extracurricular activities, school-sponsored and other
Perceived pressures on students
Exams - Gao Kao versus SAT
School transportation: school bus or…?
Elective course availability
School dress codes
Lunch and Cafeteria
School and Grade levels
Strengths and weakness of each education system
Think and discover something else not in the list…
Rubric – Project Grading Criteria
You can choose a single theme, a general overview using facts to compare
and contrast. You will briefly (2-5 minutes) present to your class.
Chinese 1: Each project needs to include at least 3 differences and 3
common elements. Each element needs a picture with a key word or
short phrase (Chinese characters, Pinyin, or English)
Chinese 2 & PAP 2: Each project needs to include at least 5
differences and 5 common elements. Each element needs a picture
with a key word or short phrase in Chinese characters with pinyin.
You can explain in English when you present.
Chinese PAP 3: Each project needs to include at least 6 differences
and 6 common elements. Each element needs a picture with a key
word or short phrase in Chinese characters. Try to explain in Chinese
accompanied with English when you present.
Chinese AP: Each project needs to include at least 8 differences and 8
common elements. Each element needs a picture with a key phrase or
short sentence in Chinese characters. Try to explain mostly in Chinese
accompanied with few English words when you present.
Scoring & Grading Rubric
Ideas and concepts – 40 points
Clarity: how well do you communicate your idea(s) – 30 points
Neatness and visual appeal - 15 points
Presentation - 15 points
On Progress Check day, you need to have at least 40% of your work
done. Otherwise, you will lose 10 points from your project grade.
Due-day will be your presentation day, and EVERYONE presents!