Pre/Post Questions Update - Gulf Coast State College

Pretest And Post Test Questions:
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.912.L.16.9: Explain how and why the genetic code is universal and is common
to almost all organisms.
SC 912.L.16.3: Describe the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates
to the transmission and conservation of the genetic information.
1) DNA polymerase from Thermus aquaticus is used in polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. This
technique is used in crime labs to amplify DNA. If the crime lab used Thermus aquaticus DNA
polymerase and a human DNA template, what kind of DNA would be produced?
A) human DNA
B) Thermus aquaticus DNA
C) a mixture of human and Thermus aquaticus DNA
D) human RNA
E) No DNA produced (the reaction is not possible).
Answer: A
Refer to the figure below for questions 2 – 3
2) If base 3 is Adenine, What is base 3' ?
A) adenine
B) guanine
C) cytosine
D) thymine
E) uracil
Answer: D
3) Base 1 is attached to a(n)
A) ribose sugar.
B) deoxyribose sugar.
C) phosphate.
D) amino acid.
E) carbohydrate.
Answer: B
4) The biological macromolecule DNA is composed of
A) one strand of DNA folded and paired to itself.
B) two strands of nucleotides A, G, C, and U.
C) two identical strands of nucleotides.
D) two strands of nucleotides paired G-T and C-A.
E) two strands of nucleotides, paired A-T and C-G.
Answer: E
5) The enzyme which copies DNA to make a complimentary DNA molecule is
A) RNA polymerase.
B) DNA ligase.
C) DNA helicase.
D) transposase.
E) DNA polymerase.
Answer: E
6) During what phase of the cell cycle is DNA replicated?
A) S phase
B) G1 phase
C) interphase
D) G2 phase
E) mitosis
Answer: A
7) If a segment of DNA has 28% cytosine, what percentage of adenine is present in that
A) 22
B) 28
C) 44
D) 56
E) 72
Answer: A
8) Where does DNA replication occur in eukaryotes?
A) cytoplasm
B) ribosome
C) nucleus
D) vacuole
E) rough endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: C
9) Where does DNA replication occur in prokaryotes?
A) cytoplasm
B) ribosome
C) nucleus
D) vacuole
E) rough endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: A
10) What type of bonding occurs between complimentary nitrogenous bases?
A) ionic
B) covalent
C) hydrogen
D) van der Waals
E) peptide
Answer: C
11) The ‘backbone’ of DNA is composed of what two molecules?
A) nitrogenous base – nitrogenous base
B) nitrogenous base – deoxyribose sugar
C) deoxyribose sugar – phosphate
D) ribose sugar – nitrogenous base
E) ribose sugar - phosphate
Answer: C