Policy on Disability - St. Mary`s University

Mary Lynne G. Hill, Ph.D.
English & Comm. Arts
Internship in EN, EA, and SE
EA/EN/SE 5390/5391
Spring 2015
St. Mary’s University
January 13-May 8, 2015
Mission Statement of St. Mary’s University
“St. Mary’s University, as a Catholic and Marianist University,
fosters the formation of people in faith and educates leaders for the
common good through community, integrated liberal arts and
professional education, and academic excellence.”
MWF 1:00-3:00
and by appointment
Characteristics of Marianist Universities
The following five elements characterize the Marianist approach to education:
1. educate for formation of faith;
2. provide an excellent education;
3. educate in family spirit;
4. educate for service, justice, and peace;
5. and educate for adaptation and change.
The internship program between St. Mary’s University and local, state, or national professional
organizations allows students to acquire practical professional experience in a variety of organizational venues.
Areas of opportunity include but are not limited to publications, radio and television studios, public relations
departments, communication graphics, and advertising. For academic credit, the course is limited to juniors and
seniors who have completed relevant introductory courses.
 Junior or senior standing,
 minimum 2.5 grade point average overall and within specified upper-division courses in the area of
the internship,
 and completion of the application form.
All internships are subject to approval by the Internship Coordinator or the Department Head. Students must
obtain approval of their internships before they start. Because the internship course encourages students to pursue
professional experience off campus, only approved on campus internships will be permitted (e.g., University
Public Relations and Sports Broadcasting).
Through the completion of the internship course, students will:
 be introduced to and explore professional opportunities within their major fields.
 master necessary skills (e.g., time management) and attitudes (e.g., respect for different work
styles) for success in an employment environment.
 develop practical skills (e.g., teamwork) required for success in the professional world.
 build a professional E-portfolio.
 develop a network of connections that may lead to future employment opportunities.
Students fulfill the EA/EN/SE major outcomes of applying language to generate, organize, and communicate
information effectively by using a variety of written, oral, and electronic media, appropriate to audience and
1. You will spend most of your time at the site of your internship.
2. You will prepare progress reports in which you document your experience at the site of the internship
including any problems you encounter.
3. You will prepare a final presentation to be delivered on April 22, 2015.
4. Your progress reports are due as scheduled on the syllabus.
Submit the following documents before beginning your internship:
1. Signed Internship Application form
2. Signed Internship Agreement form
3. You must complete a minimum of 120 hours of internship practicum during the semester of enrollment. If
your internship is extensive, allowing you to complete a minimum of 240 hours, then you may register for
six hours in succeeding semesters, receiving the first grade at the end of the completion of the first 120
hours, with the second grade at the completion of the next 120 hours.
4. Finalize and respect a work schedule with your site supervisor.
5. Perform well on the job. The internship supervisor can terminate any internship where the intern fails to
perform satisfactorily.
6. Attend regularly scheduled meetings with the Internship Coordinator.
Over the course of the semester, students complete three professional reports critically analyzing their learning
experiences. What should be done in these reports?
1. Describe what you did during this period. If you encounter problems or have any questions, articulate
them and offer strategies for addressing the issues. Do not hesitate to share them with the Internship
2. Discuss what skills and knowledge you have developed during this reporting period.
3. Consider how you can integrate what you have learned in the field with what you have learned (are
learning) in your courses.
4. Identify what you hope to learn or to do in subsequent weeks of your internship, identifying with
whom you need to speak, and what you need to do, to make a successful request.
5. Reports are due on the day scheduled. You may email your reports to: mhill@stmarytx.edu. The
Internship Coordinator will also communicate with your supervisors and may visit your site, if
6. Submit an Electronic Portfolio in Adobe Acrobat Pro, which includes a final presentation, all progress
reports, presentations, brochures, tapes, DVDs, and other materials as appropriate.
7. NOTE: The final presentation is your opportunity to articulate and communicate the breadth and depth
of your activities over the course of the entire period of the internship. Please include any surprises you
may have encountered. For example, perhaps what you may have expected to learn, but did not versus
what you didn’t expect to learn, but did. Identify and explain circumstances that impeded or enhanced
your expected progress.
St. Mary’s University is committed to making reasonable accommodations to assist students with disabilities in
reaching their academic potential. If you have a documented disability, which may impact your performance,
attendance, or grades in this class and are requesting accommodations, then you must first register in person with
Disability Support Services, in the Student Psychological and Testing office (formerly Counseling and Testing
Services) located in the Center for Life Directions building.
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended,
Disability Support Services is the designated office responsible for coordinating all accommodations and services
for students with disabilities.
Grading uses both letter and point systems, based on 100 points for the semester.
The letter grade conversion from A to F will utilize the St. Mary’s University Grade Point conversion.
Save all returned work to include in your final electronic portfolio.
Your internship supervisor will submit evaluations toward the end of the semester.
Supervisor's evaluation(s)
Three Progress Reports
Final Presentation
Electronic Portfolio
45 (15 pts/each)
100 total points
Working Semester Schedule
All meetings to be in CT400 at 1:30 p.m. on the indicated Wednesday afternoon unless otherwise scheduled.
January 14
January 21
February 11
March 4
April 8
April 22
April 27-May 1
May 4
Orientation meeting
E-portfolio workshop in the CIT
Review of initial weeks; PR #1 DUE
Mid-semester review; PR #2 DUE
Visioning for remainder of internship; PR #3 DUE
Final Presentation at the CIT
Study Week
Final E-portfolio due by 5:00 p.m.
The following policies of St. Mary’s University will be honored in this course:
St.MU grading policy: https://www.stmarytx.edu/about/offices/registrar/academic-policies/gradepolicy/
StMU attendance policy: https://www.stmarytx.edu/about/offices/registrar/academic-policies/class-attendance/
StMU Academic Misconduct Policy Pages 11-13 of the St. Mary’s University Hanbook:
Working List of Dates to Keep in Mind:
Martin Luther King holiday
January 19, 2015
Marianist Heritage Day Mass
January 22, 2015
Last Day to Apply for Graduation
January 30, 2015
Ash Wednesday Mass
February 18, 2015
Spring Break
March 9-13, 2015
Homecoming Oyster Bake
March 28, 2015
Easter Break
April 3-6, 2015
Fiesta Oyster Bake
April 17-18, 2015
Study Week
April 27-May 1, 2015
Final Exam Week
May 4-8, 2015