King Saud University College of Dentistry Riyadh Saudi Arabia Phone: 0555022421 E-mail: Faden Asma'a Ahmed Faden Personal Information: - Nationality: Saudi - Place of Birth: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Qualification: PhD. in Oral Medicine 2006 Eastman Dental Institute, University College of London-UK Thesis entitled (Viruses associated with potentially malignant and malignant oral mucosal lesions). Education: Master of Science in Dentistry 1997 King Saud University/ College of Dentistry Certificate in Oral Diagnostic Sciences (Oral Medicine) 1998 King Saud University/ College of Dentistry Bachelor of Dental Science 1982-1989 King Saud University/ College of Dentistry Past/Current tasks: 2009 - Current Representative of the College of Dentistry to the New Female Campus Committee. 2010 - Current Representing College of Dentistry to Join Harvard-Macy Institute program from KSU/Health Colleges. 2010 - Current Joining Research Group (KSU-Yale University) for International Center for Global Infectious Diseases Research (ITC-GIDR). 2010 - Current Selected among group from College of Dentistry to Join the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee for Health Colleges- “Vice-rector of Health Specialties” KSU 2010 Invited as a Moderator - Poster Abstract Session in the Special Care Dentistry Symposium, KFSHRC, Riyadh 19-19 May 2010 2008 Committee for Assessment and accreditation, Malaz Center (member) 2008 Poster committee- The 12th Saudi International Dental Conference, (member) 2008-209 Dental Assistant Diploma Program- Course Director. 2010 Postgraduate Course contributor 597 PDS. 2010 Oral Cancer Study, member Professional experience: Director of Clinics 2009 At Malaz University Campus Resident 1990-1992 King Saud University/ College of Dentistry-Riyadh Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences/ Division of Oral Medicine. Clinical Supervision, Seminars, and journal club 1988-1989 King Saud University/ College of Dentistry Alyamamah Hospital / Riyadh Intern Additional professional activities: Attending 2 days workshop for Academic Leadership Development in: Recruiting, Developing, & Retaining a Faculty for The Twenty-First Century. Organized by MOH and DSD. At Novotel Hotel during 10-11/01-2011. Attending 2 days Program in: Learning through Problem Solving (PBL). At KSU, DSD, during 89/01/2011. Attending 2 days Program in: Search in Databases and Digital Libraries. At KSU, DSD, during 2829/12/2010. Attending 2 days Workshop on (Recent Trends of Interview, Selection and Recruitment), DSD-KSU 4th to 5th December 2010. Attending a 3 days workshop (Teaching How to Teach) in Collaboration with Partners Harvard Medical International - Teaching, Learning and assessment in Health Colleges Program, 30th November- 2nd December 2010. Attending 3 days Workshop on (Influence and Persuading Skills), DSD-KSU. 27th to 29th November 2010. Attending 2 days Workshop on (Multiple Intelligences), DSD-KSU. 30th to 31st October 2010. Participating in 10th biennial conference of EAOM incorporating the World Workshop on Oral Medicine. Central Hall Westminster, London (21st to 25th September) 2010. Participated in King Saud University “Teaching for Learning” Faculty Development at Georgia Institute of technology. July 26-30, 2010; The Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. Attending a workshop at Harvard-Macy / Boston- USA (Harvard Macy Institute Program for Leading innovations in Health Care and education) June 2010. Attending a One Day Conference, titled (Cancer patients in Dentistry) London, UK. 11th June 2010. 2nd Faculty Enhancement Medical Education Workshop on Teaching, Learning and Assessment. 13-18/3/2010, King Saud University, College of Medicine. Meeting Management Skills Workshop, 9-10/3/2010, Deanship of Skills and Development. Course Specification Workshop, DUC. 7th October 2009, Dr Abdullah AlMassary. Deanship of Quality. Lecture on Strategies on Preparing Questions and Examinations, DUC. 4th June 2009, Dr Abdullah AlQatee. Deanship of Skills Development. Planning of effective Teaching Workshop, 24-25th June 2009. Dr Raghad Qaddah. Deanship of Skills and Development. Strategic Planning Workshop, 6-8th June 2009. Deanship of Skills Development. Skills of Effective Communication Workshop, 16-18th June 2009. Mrs. S. AlTooq. Deanship of Skills Development. Skills of Questions Preparation Workshop, 4-6th June 2009. Deanship of Skills Development. Smart Board Course, 10th May 2009. Malaz Female Campus. Deanship of E-learning and Distance Learning. Lecture on University Staff Skills Development, 22nd April 2009. DUC. Deanship of Skills Development. TMJ: Arthroscopy Workshop, 14-15th April 2009. King Faisal University, College of Dentistry. Introductory Workshop (Dental Caries Research Chair), 4th March 2009. DCRC. Teaching Portfolio Workshop, 22-23rd March 2009. Dr Tara Gray. Deanship of Skills Development. JUSUR Workshop, Malaz Female Campus. National Center for E-Learning and Distance Learning. 1st Implant Training Workshop on All Ceramic Restorations & Surgical Training Nobel Biocare. 8th July 2008. 12th Saudi International Dental Meeting, Riyadh 12-14th April 2008. “Oral Ulceration” and “Bisphosphonates and Osteonecrosis of the Jaw”. 21st February 2008. Organized by The Saudi Dental Society. Lecture on Sustainable Management of Health Care Waste, 4th February 2008. AlYamama Hospital. Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia. Strategic Planning Project Workshop “SWOT”, 16th March 2008. KSU. Fundamental Workshop for new University Staff Members, 28-30th October 2007. Deanship of Skills and Development. Oral Cancer (Challenges & Solutions), Eastman Dental Institute, London-UK. October, 2007 10th International Congress on Oral Cancer, Oral Presentation- Creta Maris, Greece , 2005 The London Oral Medicine Group Spring Evening Meeting, Eastman Dental Institute, UCL, 2005 10th Annual Junior Trainee Conference, British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Medical Students Committee-2004 7th Biennial Congress of the European association of Oral Medicine and 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Academy of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine, Berlin, Germany- 2004 Horizons in Oral Medicine and Pathology, Eastman Dental Institute, UCL -2003 Worked as Locum of Oral medicine specialist at King Fahad Hospital, Jeddah-1998 Poster presentation in the 10th Saudi Dental Conference "Shamma-induced Epithelial Changes in Hamsters’ Cheek Pouch- KSU, Riyadh -1998 Attendance of 5th Saudi Dental Conference "Dentistry Towards 2000" MOH, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia -1998 Attendance of 9th Saudi International Dental Conference - KSU, College of Dentistry, Riyadh-1996 Continuing Dental Education Program on "The Use of Lasers in the Oral Cavity", Riyadh, Saudi Arabia1996 Attendance of 8th Saudi International Dental Conference -KSU, College of Dentistry, Riyadh -1994 Attendance of Dental Scientific Committee, Holy Makkah, Saudi Arabia-1992 Attendance of 7th Saudi International Dental Conference -KSU, College of Dentistry, Riyadh -1992 Continuing Dental Education Program on "The Use of Intravenous Diazepam in Minor Oral Surgery" KSU, College of Dentistry -1992 Table Clinic Presentation "Lichen Planus Among Saudi Dental Patients at the College of Dentistry" 7th Saudi International Dental Conference- KSU, College of Dentistry, Riyadh -1992 Attendance of 2nd Saudi Dental Conference on Oral & Dental Health Care - MOH, Jeddah-1989 Attendance of the International Symposium on "Restorative Dentistry" Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital , Saudi Arabia -1988 Patents and publications - Clinical Evaluation of 150 Saudi Patients with Lichen Planus. AlDosari, A.M; Al-Shawaf, M; Nartey, NO; Faden, A. The Saudi Dental Journal, volume 9 Number 2, May-August 1997; 62-65 - Relation of maxillary teeth to the maxillary sinus in normal Saudi Individuals living in Riyadh. Essam Mattar, Lina Hammad, Asmaa Faden and Hesham Khalil Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, 2010, 07 No.2 - Oral presentation in EAOM (Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in potentially malignant and malignant oral mucosal disease) 2004, Faden A,1 Teo CG,2 Moles D,3 Porter SR1 1Oral Medicine and 3Health Services Research, Division of Microbial Diseases, Eastman Dental Institute, UCL; 3 Health Protection Agency, Colindale, London, UK - Oral presentation in ICCAC (Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in potentially malignant and malignant oral mucosal disease) 2005, Faden A,1 Teo CG,2 Moles DR,3 Porter SR1 1Oral Medicine and 3Health Services Research, Division of Microbial Diseases, Eastman Dental Institute, UCL; 3 Health Protection Agency, Colindale, London, UK - Abstract (Oral Oncology), “Viral DNA in potentially malignant and malignant oral mucosal lesions”, 10th International Congress on Oral Cancer, APR 19-24, 2005, Crete, GREECE. Faden A, Moles D, Teo CG and Porter SR. UCL, Eastman Dent Inst Oral Hlth Care Sci, Oral Med Unit, London, England. UCL, Eastman Dent Inst Oral Hlth Care Sci, Hlth Serv Res, London, England. Hlth Protect Agcy, Sexually Transmitted & Blood Borne Virus Lab, London, England. 2005, APRIL, Suppl. In-process: - Book translation: “Oral Medicine and pathology at Glance”. By: Scully C, Almeida O, Bagan J. WileyBlackwell, 2010. - Mutation analysis of different regions of MSX1, lef! And PAX9 genes in Saudi patients with Hypodontia) in progress. - Genetic Characterization of Oral Lichen Planus in Saudi Adult patients. In progress. - Clinic-pathological Correlation of Oral soft Tissue lesions: cases from King Saud university-College of Dentistry. In progress. - A clinical/Demographic Analysis of 60 cases of Oral Squamous cell carcinoma, from King saud university/College of Dentistry. In progress. Membership - Working as the Representative of College of Dentistry to the follow-up committee of the New Female Campus. - Saudi Dental Society - Saudi Cancer Society - European Association of Oral Medicine - International Academy of Oral Oncology (Fellow) - American Academy of Craniofacial Pain References: Professor Crispian Scully Professor Stephen R Porter Professor Abdulla AlDosari Dr Maysara Alshawaf