Organisation and Educational Development (OED) Registration Advancing Teaching: Lancaster Accreditation Scheme (ATLAS) ATLAS Professional Experience Pathways are part-time, in-service professional development designed to support colleagues with a diverse range of teaching and learning support responsibilities and academic duties. Full details about the programme, including attendance requirements and FAQs, are available on the OED website: Please complete all the sections of this form as fully as you can at this point, expanding boxes as needed. We acknowledge this is a long form and appreciate your completing it. The information is used to help us fairly allocate places on the programme, and to help ensure that the most appropriate development pathways are selected appropriate to individual needs and experience. When completed please email it to: SURNAME / FAMILY NAME TITLE (Mr, Ms, Dr, etc) OTHER NAMES (IN FULL) MALE FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE (Including Postcode) DEPARTMENT NATIONALITY TELEPHONE/MOBILE WORK TELEPHONE LANCASTER UNIVERISTY EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE INDICATE ANY PHYSICAL OR OTHER DISABILITIES WHICH MAY NECESSITATE SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS OR FACILITIES PLEASE INDICATE ANY SPECIFIC DIETARY REQUIREMENTS 1 Qualifications and Courses Please provide a brief outline of all relevant qualifications DATES FROM TO FT / PT INSTITUTION ATTENDED DEGREE / QUALIFICATION OBTAINED OR PENDING CLASS OF DEGREE / GPA Employment in HE Please provide a brief outline, in chronological order, of employment within the HE sector prior to and including your appointment at Lancaster DATES FROM TO FT / PT INSTITUTION ROLE e.g. Lecturer, Teaching Fellow, Research Associate etc Current teaching / learning support role and responsibilities Please give as full details as far as you are currently able at this stage – this information is used by tutors to help tailor the programme to participants’ needs where appropriate MODULE TITLE & LEVEL e.g. Introduction to Astrophysics Yr 1, 20 Credits CONTACT HOURS IN TOTAL e.g. 20 Hrs TEACHING TERM i.e. Michaelmas / Lent / Summer MAIN MODES OF TEACHING e.g. Lecture, Seminar, Workshop, Online, Lab, PhD Supervision, etc APPROX. CLASS SIZE Summary of prior teaching / learning support experience – please describe as fully as possible: TITLE, LEVEL AND CREDITS CONTACT COURSE DESIGN HOURS IN RESPONSBILITIES (may be TOTAL individually or as part of a team) MAIN MODES OF TEACHING e.g. Lecture, Seminar, Workshop, Online, Lab, PhD Supervision, etc # YEARS CLASS YOU SIZE TAUGHT ON THIS COURSE 2 Other current or prior Teaching-related administrative responsibilities DATES FROM TO TEACHING RELATED RESPONSIBLITIES e.g. Module leader, PhD Supervisor, Admissions Tutor, Exams Officer, Teaching Committee rep, Part 1 Director etc Please describe fully your professional development as an HE teacher to date COURSES / EVENTS ABOUT TEACHING UNDERTAKEN OR ATTENDED (Please give dates, length, subject matter and any relevant professional accreditation gained as a result – e.g. HEA Fellowship) TEACHING DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN (institution level or as part of a national / disciplinary initiative) SELF-INITIATED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (e.g. using feedback from students, membership of teaching networks, conferences, reading relevant literature, membership of teaching related committees, piloting innovative teaching methods) INVOLVEMENT IN PEER REVIEW OF TEACHING (e.g. peer observation, team teaching, course planning and review meetings) SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING AND LEARNING (this may include publications related to teaching in your discipline) ANY OTHER FORMS OF RELATED OR RELEVANT ACADEMIC / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Areas for development PLEASE EXPLAIN ANY ASPECTS OF YOUR EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED TO DEVELOP VIA ATLAS 3 Does undertaking some or all of the PGCAP programme / or achieving Professional Recognition for teaching form part of your probationary agreement? Yes, it is part of my probationary agreement If yes, what is the probationary requirement? No By when are you expected to have completed? HEA Fellowship status you intend to work towards Associate Fellow Fellow Senior Fellow Principal Fellow* *Principal Fellowship is not offered via ATLAS, however we may be able to support your application. Please contact for further information Preferred start (Welcome workshops run throughout the year, typically in September, February and April. We will try to accommodate your preference as much as possible, but note that places for welcome workshops are limited so please indicate all possibilities where you have flexibility. Thank you.) September February April Any I certify that I have completed this registration form myself, and that the information I have given is correct Signed Date What next? If you are a new member of staff, ATLAS may form part of your probationary agreement. If so, confirmation from the Head of Department that s/he supports your registration for this programme is required. Please ask them to complete the letter of agreement on the next page of this registration form. Electronic signature or an email from the HoD containing the letter of agreement is acceptable. This agreement includes guaranteeing that you will be available to attend relevant sessions, and that the HoD is fully aware of the time commitment and will ensure that other departmental duties do not prevent you from completing this programme in a reasonable time. When we have processed your registration we will send you confirmation of your place, relevant workshop dates and further joining information. You are advised to discuss your application with your HoD anyway in order to make them aware of your intention to participate in the scheme as a part of your development activity. Please contact with any further enquiries and questions. 4 Departmental Letter of Agreement Information for Heads of Department ATLAS is offered as a flexible experienced-based pathway to achieving professional recognition for teaching, accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA). It replaces the route previously known as PGCAP Experienced route. PGCAP remains the principal pathway of development for new staff with under three years of experience teaching in HE. ATLAS is designed to suit the initial and continuing educational development needs of a range of experienced colleagues involved in teaching and supporting learning in HE. Academic colleagues joining the scheme can opt for pathways leading to Fellow or Senior Fellow of the HEA, with new staff usually aiming for Fellow status. Development is framed by support from tutors, peers and a professional mentor, along with engagement in a choice of development activities and resources. Colleagues will typically take six months before reaching a position in which they will be able to submit, at which point they are assessed on a final critical review of their educational practice. Pathways operate flexibly, with multiple workshop dates and submission opportunities for participants. Detailed information about the scheme pathways, dates and the time commitment involved in the process can be located from HoD Confirmation As HoD, I have discussed the ATLAS programme with the applicant and am happy for them to attend and complete the process in the coming year. Please confirm the following: I am aware of the time commitment and the dates and times of attendance, and will ensure availability to attend the timetabled sessions. This colleague is mandated to undertake this programme as part of their probationary agreement, and this requirement has been explicitly factored into the workload allocation. I acknowledge that successful completion of the professional accreditation requires some studying and writing over and beyond the attendance. This time commitment has been negotiated between us. I confirm that the applicant will have a sufficient range of teaching and related academic duties during the year to complete the course. Any further comments or questions: Head of Department Signature……………………………………………………………………………… 5