Engaging Young Alum

Keep this in mind while developing young alumni programs:
◦Young alumni do not respond to traditional alumni chapter events (like large dinners with a campus speaker).
◦Know your target audience (you may not have very many young alumni in your area — or they may be everywhere!)
◦Keep activities informal (happy hours, recreational, etc.)
◦Make sure event costs are minimal (events costing $20 or less are better)
◦Young alumni are still paying off student loans and college debt — money is an object!
◦Make an event truly a young alumni event to target them — hosted by a young alumnus/alumna
◦Providing child care options for some events
◦Ensure there is representation of young alumni on your chapter board
◦Young alumni use technology
◦Keep other chapter communications targeted to all audiences (young alumni may need an explanation of what is
involved with an event)
◦They are more inclined to support the institution with their time and service rather than through large financial
◦If young alumni are uncomfortable they don't complain — they evaporate!
◦When planning activities and events, clearly define the value of the event
◦Young Alumni typically travel around holidays and do not take extended vacations
◦Do not rely on mass communications to draw in young alumni
◦Do not underestimate the capabilities of young alumni!
How to draw them in and keep them in
◦Utilize the relocation lists provided by the Association (contact the people on the list and make them feel welcome to
the area)
◦Recruit a young alumnus/alumna to lead your young alumni efforts and serve as a contact for other young alumni.
◦Interpersonal communication and technology are the best ways to communicate with young alumni
◦Young alumni know the value of networking — use that to the chapter's advantage
◦Listen to them! — Conduct some focus groups/online surveys to determine what they want in your area
◦Ensure that chapter events and activities are welcoming to young alumni and that they feel comfortable at events
◦Have greeters for all events who are responsible for making sure young alumni are introduced to others.
◦Most importantly — be creative!
Programming Ideas for Young Alumni
Loyalty & Pride
◦Football Watch Parties
◦Homecoming Spirit (day of activity on homecoming with a watch party)
◦Basketball Watch Parties
◦Have a commencement day picnic to commemorate how many years they have been out of the “Valley”
Career networking and development activities
◦Develop local career mentoring programs that put them in touch with current UA students
◦Professional development seminars
◦Business luncheons with local guest speakers on a variety of topics (business skills, leadership, management, career
advancement, etc.)
◦Host business card exchange parties
◦Happy Hours
◦Wine Tasting or Winery Tour
◦Bar Wars
◦Dinner Theater
◦Camping Trip
◦Pot Luck Dinners
◦Movie/Theater Nights
◦Group trip to local recreation venue (Six Flags, river, etc.)
◦Trips to local sports events (major and minor)
◦Lake outings
◦Floating (canoeing, tubing, etc.)
◦Coordinate a team for community softball/recreational leagues
◦Biking/hiking trips
University & Community Service
◦Alumni Ambassador Program
◦Illiteracy Programs
◦Habitat for Humanity
◦Big Brothers/Big Sisters
◦Playground/Park cleanup and repair
◦Toy drives (Toys for Tots, Angel Trees, etc.)
◦Visit children's hospitals
Communicating with Young Alumni
◦Young alumni do not read letters
◦Keep your chapter's Web site current and fresh (they will look at it!)
◦Have information/resources targeted to Young Alumni
◦Highlight the benefits of involvement in all chapter programs
◦Develop an informal telephone tree and keep it maintained
◦Collect instant messenger ids for young alumni at events and have the chapter's young alumni leader communicate
with them that way (promote events, thank them for coming, general communication).
◦Send young alumni an e-mail immediately following an event (within an hour or two) thanking them for coming and
being a part of the chapter. Promote an upcoming activity of the chapter.
University of Arkansas www.arkansasalumni.org