DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Rogers Public Schools is to provide an environment of educational excellence where all belong, all learn, and all succeed. LINGLE MISSION STATEMENT Lingle Middle School is a community where all students are challenged to learn, to succeed, and to prepare for their future. Welcome to Lingle Middle School! It is the goal of the staff and faculty to provide an education, which stresses academics in an orderly, yet positive environment. This student handbook provides information about rules, procedures and responsibilities as well as many other topics. We encourage each student/family to become familiar with this information. This Student Planner is to be with every Lingle student at all times. If lost, another planner must be purchased. It is an essential and effective communication tool between home and school. The cost of the planner is $6.00. Lingle Middle School will be an exciting transition to secondary education. GENERAL INFORMATION (Topics listed in alphabetical order) Assemblies: In assemblies, your conduct will show the pride you have for yourself and your school. Loud talking, whistling, booing, and general bad behavior show a lack of respect for the speaker or performer, yourself, and your school. Offenders will be dismissed from the assembly immediately. Attendance Policy: Lingle Middle School follows the board approved Rogers School District attendance policy. This policy is a part of the Student Information Packet that is given out at the beginning of the school year. Attendance/Absence Procedures: Students who have been absent must bring a note signed by the parent explaining the cause of the absence. The student must give this note to the office on the first day back to school. Clarification: If a student is not in school during school hours, the student is considered absent. All absences from class, except those caused by approved school activities or in-school suspension, will be recorded for each student. For any absence, parents have the responsibility to see that make-up work is completed. Backpacks and heavy/winter Coats: These two items are to be put in lockers prior to the start of the school day. They are NOT to be taken to class during the day. Bus Regulations: Students have the privilege of using the transportation services of the Rogers School District. Rigid standards of discipline must be maintained at all times in order to satisfy safety requirements. Whenever a driver must direct his/her attention away from the road, danger exists. Foremost in our minds is the safety of each passenger. While riding the bus: Except for ordinary conversation, students shall observe quiet conduct on the bus. We hope you have the best year ever! Students shall stay in their seat while the bus is in motion. Students shall not throw waste paper on the floor of the bus. Students shall not have food or drinks on the bus. No part of the body shall be extended through the bus window. Students must be quiet while the bus is stopped for railway crossings. Students shall not leave the bus from the emergency door unless an emergency exists. Discipline and penalties: Transportation privileges may be revoked for violation of the rules or for conduct that is detrimental to the safe operation of the school bus. The driver is in full charge of the bus and the students. Cafeteria: Breakfast and Lunch Program - Lingle Middle School is a proud participant in the National Lunch Program (Public Law 91-248). This program provides free and reduced price lunches for those students who are eligible under federal guidelines. These programs are coordinated through the Food Services office. Applications are available daily in the cafeteria or office. Student Accounts - each student will have their own account established in the cafeteria. Students will be required to make their deposits in the mornings between 7:30 and 7:55 (a deposit is when a student is paying for more than one day or meal at a time). Middle school will be allowed to charge for six consecutive days (including breakfast) after which time meals will be provided on a “pay as you go” basis unless other payment arrangements have been made. Ala Carte items may not be charged. Students will not be allowed to continue to charge meals. All students who wish to make a cash deposit will need to do so by placing their money in a sealed envelope with their ID number and name written legibly on the outside of the envelope to insure that their deposit is credited to their account. Checks will be accepted for meal accounts ONLY! No change will be given at any time! The cafeteria has a limited amount of funds available, so please do not expect the cashier to make change for large bills. Absolutely no refunds will be made available to a student once their deposit has been made. Students who leave the district will need their parent/guardian to fill out a Refund Request Form before refunds can be made (these forms are available in the cafeteria). Student Identification - ALL STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO MEMORIZE THEIR SIX-DIGIT STUDENT ID IN ORDER TO BE IDENTIFIED BY THE CAFETERIA’S COMPUTER. Breakfast - The cost of breakfast will be $1.25. Students who are on the free lunch program will be provided with a free breakfast, students who are on the reduced program will be 30 cents. Second trays for breakfast will cost $1.25*. Students who arrive late by bus will be allowed the opportunity to purchase breakfast as soon as they arrive. These students will be provided with a pass so they will not be counted as tardy. Lunch - the cost of a student lunch in secondary schools at this time is $2.35 (students on the reduced lunch program will pay 40 cents). Adult trays are $2.50* and student second trays will cost $2.50*. The cafeteria will provide students with several choices daily. Behavior - Students are expected to be orderly and to keep noise to a minimum. This will allow students and cafeteria staff to communicate. Please be courteous and patient with the cafeteria staff. All students misbehaving will be reported to the lunchroom monitor or Assistant Principal. All students are expected to clean up after themselves by clearing their table of all trash, and returning their dirty trays and flatware to the dish room window. All trays are to be neatly stacked, flatware placed in the silverware chute, and all trash discarded. *Subject to increase Cell Phones: The use of any personal electronic communication and entertainment device is not allowed during school hours unless such use has been specifically approved by the principal for medical or other compelling reasons. Students should turn off, secure, and conceal from view (in their pockets, purses, backpacks, etc) such personal communication devices. Note: The use of personal communication and entertainment devices will be permitted before and after normal school hours. (See Rogers School Discipline Policy JK, section 11). Lingle Middle School requires all cell phones to be stored in lockers during the school day (7:30-3:00). Cell Phones will be held in the office. The phone may be given to the student at the end of the day, or a parent may be required to pick up the phone, at the assistant principal’s/principal’s discretion. The School is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. Continued violations may result in detention/ISS. Checking Out: If a student leaves school during the day, parents or those designated on the office registration form must sign the student out through the office. Student absence will be documented depending on the amount of time out of school. (See attendance policy). We try to know all of our parents, but those picking up a student may be required to present identification if it is requested. Complaint or Concern: If a student or parent has a concern about a school policy or an employee, the following procedure should be followed in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible: Contact the person or team with whom you have a complaint to discuss the situation. If the problem still exists, contact the principal or assistant principal. Computer/Internet Access: Computer accounts are created for all students in grades 6-12. Internet access is an integral part of the computer design and is a fundamental part of normal classroom resources. Detailed information will go home with all students at the beginning of the year or at time of enrollment. E-mail accounts are a privilege and will be revoked if district policies are violated. Counseling Services: The services of the counselors are available for every student. School related problems in class work, grades, and social adjustments are just some of the areas in which the counselors may help. Parents are encouraged to become acquainted with the counselors and to share with them anything that might help in better understanding their child and his/her individual needs or circumstances. A student may visit the counselors’ office during the day. In order to do this, the student needs to fill out a counselor request from located in the main office. Dress Code: All students are expected to come to school neat, clean, and dressed in good taste. All clothing must provide modesty and decency, and be designed to maintain the dignity of the student, school, or community. Key considerations in dress code should involve safety, dressing appropriately for the school function that is taking place, and dressing in a manner that does not interfere with or distract the learning process. Dyed hair or body piercing that poses a safety hazard or is a classroom distraction is prohibited. Students’ dress will be considered acceptable if they adhere to the following principles: Clothing, accessories, or symbols that are perceived as 'gang' related are not allowed. (Bandannas or other “colors”, Sagging pants, caps, jackets, headbands, hairnets) Tank tops, halter type blouses, spaghetti straps, mesh shirts, and clothes that show bare midriffs and/or cleavage are prohibited. T-shirts may be worn under these items. Clothing advertising tobacco, alcohol, or drugs is not permitted. In addition, clothing displaying obscene language, suggestive language, or suggestive pictures is prohibited. Examples of clothing to exclude from school wear are WWF, South Park, and clothing with crowns. No skin above the mid-thigh. All clothing below the finger-tips including holes in jeans. Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in the building. The waistline of pants, jeans, shorts, etc. must be worn at waist level, rather than hip level or lower. “Sagging” pants will NOT be allowed. Students may wear shorts within the following guidelines: Shorts must be loose fitting Shorts and skirts must be at mid-thigh and below finger tip in length (that is the longest middle finger) Biker (Spandex), boxer, and gym shorts are not allowed Gym shorts are to be worn in PE class and may be worn to school athletic activities where they are deemed appropriate. Pajamas and house shoes are prohibited Skate shoes or roller skate shoes are prohibited Chains will not be allowed Clothing with holes, rips, or tears above the fingertip length is not permitted. Students who wear inappropriate clothing will be sent to the counselors’ office and not allowed to attend class. Parents will be called and asked to bring appropriate clothing. If parents cannot be reached, students will go to ISS for the remainder of the day. Dress nicely, look good and enjoy school. If in doubt, don’t wear it. Food and Beverages at School: Everyone must work together to keep our school attractive. Food or drinks are allowed ONLY in the commons. The administrator must authorize any other location. Students are encouraged to leave energy drinks at home. Grading Scale: Grades will be based on the following scale: A= 90 - 100 D= 60 – 69 B= 80 - 89 F= 59 and below C= 70 - 79 *Grades will be entered as soon as possible, with a 2week maximum time frame, excluding major projects and/or late work. Laser Pointers: These are not allowed on any bus or in school. They will be taken away from any student possessing one. Late Work: Assignments are due on the due date. After this time, assignments may be turned in for a grade of up to 50%, until the end of the unit. Lockers: A locker with a built-in combination lock will be provided and assigned to each student. It is extremely important that the student not divulge his/her combination to anyone. Lockers will not be shared. Money and other valuables should not be left in the lockers. Lockers are clean and free of writing and stickers when issued and are expected to be maintained in proper order. If there is a locker problem, it should be reported to the teacher. Lockers remain under the jurisdiction of the school. Searches of lockers may be conducted at any time there is reasonable cause to do so whether or not students are present. Lost and Found: A “lost and found” is maintained in the school office and by the bus doors. Any student who finds an item should take it to the office. Students who have lost articles should check the “lost and found” in the office, or by the bus doors. Putting first and last name on all personal items will aid in their location should they become lost. Periodically, items left will be donated to charity. Make-up Work: If a student misses a class, he/she is expected to make up the work. It is the student’s responsibility to make up assignments once he/she and the teacher determine which assignments must be completed. When a student has been absent for more than three (3) days, a parent may call the office (6313590) and request the student’s assignments. Please call in the morning by 8:30 a.m., if you are planning on picking up assignments that day. You may pick up assignments in the office after 2:30. Generally, a student will be given the same number of days to complete makeup work as the number of days he/she was absent. Media Center: The media center and its staff are available to students to assist them in selecting and using print and non-print media using the following guidelines: Media center hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Students who do not owe fines and/or do not have overdue books may check out a maximum of two books. Most books may be checked out for a twoweek period with the option to recheck for one additional week. Checkout restrictions apply to some books. Unless otherwise indicated, books are due two weeks from the checkout date. It is the responsibility of the student to return books on time. Overdue notices will be sent to homeroom teachers. Students are responsible for materials checked out to their student identification. Students must pay assigned charges for late, damaged, lost, or destroyed books. Students will lose checkout privileges until charges are paid. A copy of the Policies and Procedures, Rogers Public Schools Library Media Center's handbook provides additional information concerning guidelines and is available in the media center. Medicine at School: All medications must be checked into the office. This includes all prescription and nonprescription medication and vitamins. No student shall have medications in their possession (purse, pocket, or locker). School personnel are not permitted to administer medication at any time without written permission from the child’s parent or guardian. Medication will not be given unless it is in a current prescription container, which has the child’s name, the dose, when it is to be given, and the name of the medication on the label. It will be the student’s responsibility to report to the office at the proper time to receive his/her medication. There is a specific form in the office that must be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian before medication can be given. Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent Teacher conferences are scheduled twice yearly. Appointments will be scheduled for every parent during both fall and springs conferences. If you wish to meet with teachers at other times during the year, please contact your student’s homeroom teacher. Core teachers have a common planning period and can meet with parents during that time. Spring conferences will be Student-Led Portfolio Conferencing. Planners: Planner Codes are a form of communication used by teachers to inform parents of student conduct. Planners must be taken to each class. Planner Codes - ENGLISH FD - Failure to Follow Directions by Adults DB - Disrespectful Behavior MA - Missing Assignments CD - Class Disturbance T - Tardy to Class ND-PE - No Dress (P.E.) LE - Lack of Effort - Good Day SI - Shows Improvement GA - Good Attitude NP - Not Prepared MS - Missing Supplies Códigos de Agenda - SPANISH FD - Falta De Seguir Ordenez Por Adulto CI - Comportamiento Irrespetuoso MA -Trabajo Pendiente CD - Interrumpiendo Clase T -Tarde a clase NU-PE - No Uniforme (P.E.) LE -Falta de esfuerzo -Buen Dia SI -Muestra Mejoramiento GA - Buena Actitud NP - No Preparado NU - No Útiles Prohibited Items at School: The following items should not be brought to school. They will be taken away from the student: Knives, guns, or any dangerous weapons (this includes look-alikes) Beepers, paging devices, Laser pointers White out and paint pens Matches, lighters, tobacco, etc. IPOD Electronic equipment (CD Players, MP3 players etc.), toys, cameras, sports equipment, etc. should be left at home unless authorized for a particular occasion. The school will not be responsible for damaged or loss of items. Program of Study: Students in 6th grade will be enrolled in English, math, reading, science, social studies, PE/music (choir, band or orchestra), and exploratory wheel (art/computer literacy/health/survey of foreign language – nine weeks each) 7th graders will be enrolled in English or pre-AP English, math or pre-algebra, reading, science, social studies, PE, keyboarding, and one elective of choir, band, orchestra, or semester classes consisting of art and family/consumer science. 8th graders will be enrolled in English or pre-AP English, pre-algebra or algebra, science or pre-AP science, social studies, and keyboarding/wellness (PE/health). They will also have two electives which consist of the following year-long electives: band, choir, orchestra, French, Spanish, native Spanish, yearbook, reading improvement, or two semester classes consisting of art, career orientation, web page design, broadcasting, computer applications 1 or family/consumer science. All 8th grade athletics (basketball, cheer, cross country, football, pom, track, volleyball) are after school activities. . School Day: The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. Students will be allowed to go to their locker at 7:50. Students who arrive before this time must be seated in the commons area, sit in the gym bleachers, or go to the library (7:30 to 7:55). School Supplies: Every student is required to purchase the following basic school supplies. The planner is $6.00. Please have all supplies purchased by the first day of class. This is a suggested list for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. (Your student’s team or individual teacher may request additional items) School Planner $6.00 Wide ruled loose-leaf paper #2 wooden pencils Box of Tissues 8 Solid color pocket folders Durable pencil bag Highlighters Colored Pencils (2 packs of basic colors) 2 glue sticks P.E. Clothes* Optional: Binder to hold all 8 pocket folders and planner *Grey shirt and red shorts required for Phys. Ed. These may be purchased at school (Shirt $, Shorts $) or on your own. School Code of Conduct: Lingle Middle School recognizes that effective school discipline can best be achieved and maintained through the cooperative efforts of parents, educators, and students. Everyone has a right to expect a wholesome atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Building Non-negotiables: Follow directions by all adults Show kindness and respect to everyone Be prepared and on time for all classes Move around the building safely & orderly (right shoulder/right wall) Non-Verbal Hand Signal – Raised Hand The following are among behaviors, which are considered improper and unacceptable. The student who chooses to engage in these behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action. Bullying prohibited: Any act intended to cause emotional or physical harm or to threaten, intimidate, or damage reputations or friendships. Bullying includes teasing, taunting, name-calling, rumorspreading, tripping, pushing, hitting, excluding other people, extorting money or other things of value, damaging property, or any other act intended to belittle or intimidate. Disruption and interference with the educational process Damage, destruction, or theft of private or public property Verbal abuse by a student to a fellow student, school employee, or other individual Possession of any weapon, dangerous instrument, or other object that could reasonably be considered a weapon Possession, sale, or use of narcotics, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or other controlled substances or lookalikes Disregard of reasonable directions or commands given by authorized school personnel (Insubordination) Truancy and chronically poor attendance Extortion (demanding money or goods) from other students Actions which might present a danger to self or others Fighting or physical abuse of another student Sexual harassment (unwelcome sexual advances, requests or demands for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature) Repeated tardies Loitering/lingering/hanging out in the halls---get to class! Wearing hats or caps in the building Extreme dress or appearance which is disruptive Rude or disorderly conduct in the lunch room Public displays of affection (kissing, embracing, etc.) Possession of any obscene material or magazines (pornographic, vulgar, indecent, etc.) Gang activity or gang apparel Gum is not allowed The school reserves the right to control behavior which does not support good order and discipline even though such behavior is not directly specified in the preceding written rules of conduct. Consequences for violating the code of conduct include but are not limited to conference with the teacher, an administrator and/or parent, loss of privileges, detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and expulsion. For more detailed information refer to Student Discipline Policy (JDE). Tardies: Tardies are not counted as part of an absence. They will be considered toward a disciplinary action. No later than the fifth day of student absence from any class during a semester, the school will contact the parent by telephone or will send a letter to the parent. At this time, the school will notify the parent of the consequences of continuing to be tardy. Students who are tardy to school must get a tardy slip from the office. Textbooks: Textbooks are furnished at no cost to the students. The student will be liable for loss of textbooks or damage in excess of normal wear. In the event of a lost textbook, the student will be required to pay the total replacement cost of the book before being issued another book. The teacher will assess damage to textbooks in excess of normal wear, and the student will be charged accordingly. Valuables: Students should not bring excessive amounts of money or valuable items to school. If necessary, valuables should be brought to the office upon arrival to school for safekeeping. Valuables should not be left in lockers. The school is not responsible for loss or destruction of personal property or items. Vending Machines: Students may purchase water and soft drinks outside of school hours. Visitors: Parents are encouraged to visit Lingle. Please make arrangements in advance to visit a classroom or confer with a teacher during his/her planning period. All visitors are required to check in at the office upon arrival to school. Visitors going anywhere in the school will need to sign in at the office and will be issued a visitors badge. This badge must be worn while in the building. Visitors not wearing a badge will be asked to go to the office and get one. Withdrawing from School: When it is necessary for a student to withdraw from school, the office should be notified in advance. On the last day that the student will be in attendance, he/she should request a withdrawal slip from the office. The withdrawal slip will be taken by the student to each class throughout the day to obtain grading information and verify that textbooks were returned. All fines and fees must be paid before school records can be released. Yearbook: You will be able to order a yearbook in the fall. There will be a limited amount of yearbooks for sale at the end of the school year. Please secure a copy by ordering one in the fall.