Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones 1 Table A. Summary of studies included in the review of the effects of tall structure on birds. See text for specific inclusion criteria. + indicates positive response, − indicates negative response, 0 indicates no response, C indicates potential confounded. Breeding Movement Habitat use Abundance activity Study Type Oil wells Grouse X Anderson 1969 Windbreak Grouse X Brubaker and Brubaker Telephone Birds of prey X lines Passerines X Oil and gas Grouse Aldridge and Boyce + − Structure(s) 0 C + − 0 C + − 0 C + − 0 2007 2003 Carpenter et al. 2010 X X wells Commons et al. 1999 Pinyon– Grouse X juniper trees DeLucas et al. 2004 DeLucas et al. 2005 Devereux et al. 2008 Wind Birds of prey turbines Passerines X X X X Waders–waterfowl X X Wind Birds of prey X turbines Passerines X X Wind Passerines X X X X X X X X X X C Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones 2 Breeding Movement Habitat use Abundance activity Study Structure(s) Type turbines Other non- + − 0 C X + − X 0 C + − 0 C + X − 0 C X passerines Doherty et al. 2008 Gas wells Grouse Douglas et al. 2011 Wind Grouse X X X turbines Dunkin et al. 2009 Oil wells, Grouse X power lines Erickson et al. 2004 Wind Passerines X turbines Gilbert and Chalfoun 2011 Hagen et al. 2011 Oil and gas Passerines X X wells Oil and gas Grouse X wells, buildings Harju et al. 2010 Oil and gas Grouse X wells Hemmera 2009 Wind turbines Birds of prey X X Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones 3 Breeding Movement Habitat use Abundance activity Study Holloran et al. 2010 Structure(s) Type Oil and gas Grouse + − 0 C + − 0 C + − 0 C + − 0 C X development Hull and Muir 2013 Wind Birds of prey X turbines Johnson et al. 2000 Johnson et al. 2010 Wind Birds of prey X turbines Passerines X Waders–waterfowl X Power lines, Grouse X Gas wells Grouse X Wind Birds of prey X turbines Passerines X Power lines Birds of prey X X Passerines X X oils and gas wells, communicati on towers Kaiser 2006 Kerlinger 2002 Knight and Kawashima 1993 Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones 4 Breeding Movement Habitat use Abundance activity Study Larsen and Madsen 2000 Structure(s) Type Wind Waders–waterfowl + − 0 C + − 0 C + − 0 C + − 0 X turbines, power lines Leddy et al. 1999 Wind Passerines X X turbines Meek et al. 1993 Wind Passerines X turbines Waders–waterfowl X Other non- X passerines Pearce-Higgins et al. 2009 Wind Birds of Prey turbines X X X Passerines X X Waders/Waterfowl X X Other non- X passerines Pearce-Higgins et al. 2012 Pitman et al. 2005 Wind Grouse X turbines Wellheads, buildings, power lines Grouse X X C Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones 5 Breeding Movement Habitat use Abundance activity Study Pruett et al. 2009 Sandercock et al. 2013 Structure(s) Type Power lines Grouse Wind Grouse + − 0 C + − 0 X C + − X X X 0 C + − X X 0 C X X turbines Schmidt et al. 2003 Wind Birds of prey X turbines Passerines X Waders–waterfowl Walker et al. 2005 Wind X X X X X Birds of prey X turbines Walker et al. 2007 Gas wells Grouse X and infrastructure Wisdom et al. 2010 Cellular towers, power lines Grouse X Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones Aldridge, C. L., and M. S. Boyce. 2007. Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: habitat-based approach for endangered greater sage-grouse. Ecological Applications 17:508–526. Anderson, R. K. 1969. Prairie chicken responses to changing booming-ground cover type and height. Journal of Wildlife Management 33:636–643. Brubaker, D. L., and K. L. Brubaker. 2003. Raptor and Chihuahuan raven nesting on decommissioned telephone-line poles in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Raptor Research 37:135–146. Carpenter, J., C. Aldridge, and M.S. Boyce. 2010. Sage-grouse habitat selection during winter in Alberta. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1806–1814. Commons, M. L., R. K. Baydack, and C. E. Braun. 1999. Sage grouse response to pinyon–juniper management. Proceedings of ecology and management of pinyon–juniper communities within the Interior West, 15–18 Sep 1997, Provo, Utah, USA. De Lucas, M., G. F. E. Janss, and M. Ferrer. 2004. The effects of a wind farm on birds in a migration point: the Strait of Gibraltar. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:395–407. De Lucas, M., G. F. E. Janss, and M. Ferrer. 2005. A bird and small mammal BACI and IG design studies in a wind farm in Malpica (Spain). Biodiversity and Conservation 14:3289–3303. Devereux, C. L., M. J. H. Denny, and M. J. Whittingham. 2008. Minimal effects of wind turbines on the distribution of wintering farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 45:1689–1694. Doherty, K. E., D. E. Naugle, B. L. Walker, and J. M. Graham. 2008. Greater sage-grouse winter habitat selection and energy development. Journal of Wildlife Management 27:187–195. Douglas, D. J. T., P. E. Bellamy, and J. W. Pearce-Higgins. 2011. Changes in the abundance and distribution of upland breeding birds at an operational wind farm. Bird Study 58:37–43. Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones Dunkin, S. W., F. S. Guthery, S. J. Demaso, A. D. Peoples, and E. S. Parry. 2009. Influence of anthropogenic structures on northern bobwhite space use in western Oklahoma. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:253–259. Erickson, W. P., J. Jeffrey, K. Kronner, and K. Bay. 2004. Stateline wind project wildlife monitoring final report, July 2001–December 2003. Technical report peer-reviewed by and submitted to FPL Energy, the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council, and the Stateline Technical Advisory Committee. Walla, Washington and Pendleton, Oregon. Gilbert, M. M., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2011. Energy development affects populations of sagebrush songbirds in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:816–824. Hagen, C. A., J. C. Pitman, T. M. Loughin, B. K. Sandercock, R. J. Robel, and R. D. Applegate. 2011. Impacts of anthropogenic features on habitat use by lesser prairie-chickens. Studies in Avian Biology 39:63–75. Harju, S. M., M. R. Dzialak, R. C. Taylor, L. D. Hayden-Wing, and J. B. Winstead. 2010. Thresholds and time lags in effects of energy development on greater sage-grouse populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:437–448. Hemmera. 2010. Raptor and migratory bird and bat monitoring and follow-up report 2009 and recommendations for 2010. Prepared for Bear Mountain Wind Limited Partnership. Vancouver, British Columbia. Holloran, M. J., R. C. Kaiser, and W. A. Hubert. 2010. Yearling greater sage-grouse response to energy development in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:65–72. Hull, C. L., and S. C. Muir. 2013. Behavior and turbine avoidance rates of eagles at two wind farms in Tasmania, Australia. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:49–58. Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones Johnson, G. D., W. P. Erickson, M. D. Strickland, M. F. Shepherd, and D. A. Shepherd. 2000. Avian monitoring studies at the Buffalo Ridge, Minnesota wind resource area: results of a 4-year study. Prepared for Northern States Power Company. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Johnson, D. J., M. J. Holloran, J. W. Connelly, S. E. Hanser, C. L. Amundson, and S. T. Knick. 2010. Influences of environmental and anthropogenic features on greater sage-grouse populations, 1997–2007. Studies in Avian Biology 38:407–450. Kaiser, R. C. 2006. Recruitment by greater sage-grouse in association with natural gas development in western Wyoming. Thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA. Kerlinger, P. 2002. An assessment of the impacts of Green Mountain Power Corporation’s Wind Power Facility on breeding and migrating birds in Searsburg, Vermont (July 1996–July 1998). Prepared for the Vermont Department of Public Service. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Knight, R. L., and J. Y. Kawashima. 1993. Responses of raven and red-tailed hawk populations to linear right-of-ways. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:266–271. Larsen, J. K., and J. Madsen. 2000. Effects of wind turbines and other physical elements on field utilization by pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus): a landscape perspective. Landscape Ecology 15:755–764. Leddy, K. L., K. F. Higgins, and D. E. Naugle. 1999. Effects of wind turbines on upland nesting birds in Conservation Reserve Program grasslands. Wilson Bulletin 111:100–104. Meek, E. R., J. B. Ribbands, W. G. Christer, P. R. Davy, and I. Higginson. 1993. The effects of aerogenerators on moorland bird populations in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. Bird Study 40:140– 143. Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones Pearce-Higgins, J. W., L. Stephan, A. Douse, and R. H. W. Langston. 2012. Greater impacts of wind farms on bird populations during construction than subsequent operation: results of a multi-site and multi-species analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:386–394. Pearce-Higgins, J. W., L. Stephen, R. H. W. Langston, I. P. Bainbridge, and R. Bullman. 2009. The distribution of breeding birds around upland wind farms. Journal of Applied Ecology 46:1323– 1331. Pitman, J. C., C. A. Hagen, R. J. Robel, T. M. Loughin, and R. D. Applegate. 2005. Location and success of lesser prairie-chicken nests in relation to vegetation and human disturbance. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1259–1269. Pruett, C. L., M. A. Patten, and D. H. Wolfe. 2009. Avoidance behaviour by prairie grouse: implications for development of wind energy. Conservation Biology 23:1253–1259. Sandercock, B. K., S. M.Wisely, L. B. McNew, A. J. Gregory, V. L. Winder, and L. M. Hunt. 2013. Environmental impacts of wind power development on the population biology of greater prairiechickens. Final Technical Report prepared for the Department of Energy. Manhattan, Kansas. Schmidt, E., A. J. Piaggio, C. E. Bock, and D. M. Armstrong. 2003. National Wind Technology Center Site Environmental Assessment: bird and bat use and fatalities – final report (23 April 2001–31 December 2002). Walker, D., M. McGrady, A. McCluskie, M. Madders, and D. R. A. McLeod. 2005. Resident golden eagle ranging behaviour before and after construction of a wind farm in Argyll. Scottish Birds 25:24–40. Walker, B. L., D. E. Naugle, and K. E. Doherty. 2007. Greater sage-grouse population response to energy development and habitat loss. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2644–2654. Supporting Information - Isolating the Effects of Tall Structures on Birds Walters, K., K. Kosciuch, and J. Jones Wisdom, M. J., C. W. Meinke, S. T. Knick, and M. A. Schroeder. 2010. Factors associated with extirpation of sage-grouse. Studies in Avian Biology 38:451–472.