1 Determining Evolutionary Relationships between Eight Different Fish Species by Comparison of Muscles Proteins by Electrophoresis Theodora Triphon University of the Pacific March 22, 2011 2 Blue Dr. Lisa Wrischnik 2 Abstract: In this experiment, proteins from the muscle tissue of eight fish species was extracted and underwent SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate proteins based on their size. The proteins were then stained and the resulting banding patterns were analyzed to see the similarities in concentration and protein size. The species analyzed were cod, salmon, halibut, catfish, shark, calamari, swordfish, and shrimp. Species with the most similar banding patterns and protein weights are most closely related. The hypothesis is that swordfish is more related to halibut than the other six species analyzed. If halibut’s and swordfish’s protein banding patterns are the most similar, then they are the most related and share a most common recent ancestor. Using a kaleidoscope standard, an equation between the distances proteins traveled across the polyacrylamide gel and the weight of the specific proteins was obtained. The equation was used to find the weights of proteins of various species, and the similarities and differences of the protein fingerprints were used to analyze the evolutionary relatedness of the species. It was found that swordfish and halibut were closely related, as they shared several protein bands and the darkness of these bands were similar, proving they had similar or identical proteins in relatively equal concentrations. From these results, swordfish and halibut are more closely related to each other than most of the other species analyzed. Introduction: While there are millions of diverse species, all organisms share a common ancestor. Because of this ancestry, all life on Earth is related, as all organisms have DNA and similar mechanisms for metabolism and reproduction. Studies have shown that a great deal of DNA sequence similarity exists among the genes of all modern-day organisms. Since DNA provides instructions for protein making, this means that many of the proteins in organisms are similar or identical. Mutations of the DNA will cause different proteins to be made, so different species have different proteins or different concentrations of proteins. Therefore, it can be concluded that organisms that are most closely related would have similar proteins and quantities of proteins in specific tissue types. Proteins make up the phenotype of an organism, and are also enzymes that interact in various chemical reactions in all over the body. Proteins also provide structure, especially in muscle tissue. The two major proteins that make up muscle fibers are actin and myosin, and are ubiquitous in all animals (Bio-Rad). These are proteins that are identical in several species. Molecular systematics such as protein comparison can be more evolutionarily informative than classifying organisms based on their morphology (Campbell and Reece). Proteins from different species can be compared, though the individuals may have different proteins as they have all evolved separately from a common ancestor. The similarities between the proteomes of the different organisms can be analyzed to see how related certain species are (Bio-Rad) Protein size and quantity of each protein present in a muscle sample from a particular animal, gel electrophoresis is used. Electrophoresis is a technique that separates molecules based upon charge, size and shape. It can be used to create protein band patterns of the organisms, and they can be compared to see which species are more related than others. The proteins are denatured and given a negative charge by the detergent SDS, and are pulled across polyacrylamide gel by a positive charge. The heaviest proteins will move slowly across the gel due to its size, and the smaller proteins will move farther across the gel. The gel is then stained so that specific types of proteins that have been separated and compared. Electrophoresis of muscle proteins and the protein banding patterns formed was used to 3 evaluate the question of how evolutionarily related are shark, shrimp, calamari, swordfish, cod, salmon, catfish, and halibut. After observing the phylogenetic tree in the Bio-Rad Protein Fingerprinting lab, the hypothesis is that swordfish is more related to halibut over the other six species analyzed. If the protein fingerprint of swordfish is most similar to the protein fingerprint of halibut, then the two species are closely related and share a recent common ancestor. The experiment comes from a modified Bio-Rad 2002 Protein Fingerprinting: Comparison of Fish Muscle Proteins by Electrophoresis. Methods and Materials: High-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to compare the proteins in the muscle tissues of the different fish. First, the proteins were extracted from the sample tissues of each organism. Eight flip-top microtubes were labeled the names of the fish samples to be analyzed. 250 𝝁L of Laemmli Sample Buffer was added to each labeled tube in order to give each protein a negative charge. A small piece, around one gram, of each muscle sample from each organism was added to each labeled microtube. The microtube was flicked fifteen times to fully expose the tissue to the sample buffer. The samples were incubated at room temperature for five minutes at room temperature in order to extract the proteins. The solutions from each microtube were poured into screwcap tubes, and then they, along with an actin and myosin standard, were heated at 95°C for five minutes to denature the proteins in order for them to be used in electrophoresis. After the proteins had been extracted, given a negative charge, and denatured, they were ready to be placed in the gel wells. The comb and tape along the bottom of the Ready Gel cassette were removed, and it was placed on one side of the electrode assembly and a buffer dam on the other side. The Ready gel cassette was sealed in place. Figure 1: Order of samples in the Ready The space between the two gel cassettes was filled Gel cassette. with buffer so that the inner short plates were covered. Lane Volume Sample Buffer was also added into the lower buffer chamber. A 1 10𝝁L Kaleidoscope yellow sample loading guide was placed on top of the prestained electrode assembly, and helped direct the pipette tip to standard the correct position for loading each sample in a well. Each 2 10𝝁L Halibut sample was assigned to a well, and standards were placed 3 10𝝁L Cod on the ends of the wells. The order of the samples in the Ready Gel cassette is shown in Figure 1. 10 𝝁L of each 4 10𝝁L Salmon protein sample was added to its designated gel well. After 5 10𝝁L Catfish removing the sample loading guide, placing the lid on the 6 10𝝁L Shark tank, inserting the leads into the power supply, the gels were run at 250 V for twenty minutes. 7 10𝝁L Calamari When the gels were finished running, the power supply 8 10𝝁L Shrimp was turned off and the electrode assembly and clamping 9 10𝝁L Swordfish frame were removed. The buffer was poured out, and the gel cassettes were removed. Gloves were used when 10 10𝝁L Actin/Myosin handling the gel to avoid contamination, and the tape was Standard cut along the sides of the gel cassette. The gel plates were carefully pried apart and the gel was removed then added to Silver Blue stain for five minutes. Also, a fixation step was added, where a fixing solution of 10% acetic acid, 50% ethanol, and 4 40% water acetic acid and ethanol was added to the gel so that the proteins would bind in the gel. The gel was removed and ready for analysis. Results: Figure 2: 15% polyacrylamide Ready Gel electrophoresed at 250V for 20 minutes, stained with Blue Silver stain and destained in water. The purpose of this lab was to determine the relationships between the proteins of the eight fish through analysis of protein banding. Figure 2 shows the banding patterns of each organism as well as the kaleidoscope standards and the actin/myosin standard. If in each organism’s fingerprint there is the same protein, they all have that protein. Darkness of stains indicates the concentrations of the various proteins, and organisms with a thick dark stain have a high concentration of a certain protein. This was done to see how evolutionarily related the organisms are. The kaleidoscope standard is helpful because its proteins have a known mass, so after measuring each protein’s migration, it is possible to make a graph. This graph is shown in Figure 3. The R² value proves that the correlation between migration and protein size is positive. From the equation of the graph, any protein’s mass can be determined by measuring its migration across the gel. Once the migration was found, it was inputted into the equation, which then gave the mass of each protein. Figures 4 and 5 shows the various proteins of each species and their migrations. Figure 6 shows the proteins which each species shares with all the others. Halibut and Swordfish shared four proteins, whereas they each shared less with the other species analyzed. 5 Mass of protein (kD) 1000 Distance of Migration v. Mass of protein y = 365.34e-0.052x R² = 0.9126 100 Series3 10 y = 252.27e-0.045x R² = 0.8688 Kaleidoscope Standard Actin Myosin Standard 1 0 50 100 Distance Protein Migrated (mm) Distinct bands of the fingerprints of each species was measured and through the equation formulated from of theKaleidoscope, kaleidoscopeActin protein theStandards mass of each wasof found, as shown Figure 3: Mass andgraph, Myosin (kD) protein v. Distance Migration of in Figures 4 and 5. The similarities of theStandards bands were counted. As seen in Figure 6, halibut and (mm) swordfish shared four protein bands. Halibut mm kD Cod mm kD Salmon mm kD Catfish mm kD 43 28.39696 42 29.26177417 42 29.26177 42.5 28.82612 46 25.95287 46 25.95286762 49 23.71914 46 25.95287 49 23.71914 49 23.71913651 52 21.67766 49 23.71914 51 22.33784 53 21.03698861 63 15.58459 52 21.67766 53 21.03699 59 17.57157205 76 10.55165 56.5 18.94012 56 19.22636 63 15.58458761 0 103.16 64 15.12399 61 16.54828 23 0 103.16 77 10.23981 76 10.55165 51.7426 Figure 4: Mass and distance traveled by individual proteins of halibut, cod, salmon, and catfish. Shark Squid Shrimp Swordfish mm kD mm kD mm kD mm kD 41 30.15293 43 28.39696 42.5 28.82612 42 29.26177 46 25.95287 49 23.71914 47 25.18584 48 24.44149 52 21.67766 52 21.67766 50 23.01813 53 21.03699 58 18.10671 57 18.65814 55 19.81189 63 15.58459 60 17.05225 63.5 15.35256 64 15.12399 67 13.82229 63 15.58459 66 14.24324 67 13.82229 71.5 12.07676 65 14.67701 75 10.873 103.16 23 51.7426 67.5 13.6165 77.5 10.08736 103.16 0 Figure 5: Mass and distance traveled by individual proteins of Shark, Squid, Shrimp, and Swordfish 6 Cod Salmon Catfish Shark Squid Shrimp Swordfish Halibut Cod 5 2 1 2 2 0 3 3 Salmon 2 7 2 2 2 0 0 2 Catfish 1 2 8 1 2 0 1 3 Shark 2 2 1 9 1 1 1 2 Squid 2 2 2 1 8 0 1 1 Shrimp 0 0 0 1 0 6 1 0 Swordfish 4 0 1 1 1 1 6 4 Halibut 4 2 3 2 1 0 4 Figure 6: Number of Band Proteins shared between Species 7 Discussion and Conclusion: Electrophoresis of muscle proteins was used to answer the question of how evolutionarily related are shark, shrimp, calamari, swordfish, cod, salmon, catfish, and halibut. The hypothesis was that swordfish is more related to halibut over the other six species analyzed. If the protein fingerprint of swordfish is most similar to the protein fingerprint of halibut, than the two species are closely related and share a recent common ancestor. I conclude from the figures above that halibut is the closest relative of swordfish among the sample organisms. This assumption is made upon first inspecting figure 2. The fingerprints of swordfish and halibut are very similar, with only a few exclusive proteins of each species. Also, the darkness of each band differs because each species may have different concentrations of the same proteins, but both species have relatively similar band prominence. The darkness of the individual bands is very similar, such as the similar color of the myosin heavy chains. However, halibut has a darker stain for actin, proving maybe that it is different than halibut because actin is more important to its function. After finding the mass of several proteins of each species, the numbers of band proteins shared between species were listed in figure five to see if halibut and swordfish were the closest related to each other. The results in figure five shows that halibut shared four proteins with swordfish, proving that they are more closely related than halibut is with other fish. This proves that swordfish and halibut most likely share a common ancestor. The actin/myosin standard was used to test the accuracy of the bandings. The bandings did not match the true values, so this could cause errors with other readings between closely related species. Errors during the experiment could have included improper staining of the gels, or not complete fixation of proteins to the gel. The gel is distorted on the right side, and this could lead to complicated measurement. Errors during the results could have been from improper measurement of the migration of kaleidoscope proteins, which would cause the entire graph and equation to be incorrect. This error could lead to incorrect measurement of protein mass. Also, incorrect measurements of protein migrations of the different species could cause many errors. It would cause an incorrect measurement of kilodaltons, and it could cause errors in comparing proteins, as some may be matching but incorrectly measured so they cannot be 7 acknowledged as the same protein. A way to avoid some of these errors would be to run several identical gels, and see if there is a flaw with the materials or method. For the future, this sort of experiment can be used to validate existing phylogenetic trees, as other organisms relationships’ can be tested in the same way. This type of experiment can be extended beyond fish, and even to humans for medical research, as well as studying hominids and how closely related their proteins were to ours. In conclusion, examination of the darkness of bands, the overall appearance of the protein fingerprints, and calculating the mass of various proteins proves that halibut and swordfish are the most closely related to each other among the eight species in the experiment. References: Bio-Rad. “Comparison of Fish Muscle Proteins by Electrophoresis” in Protein Fingerprinting. 2002. pp.1-11 Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece. "Chapter 25 Phylogeny and Systematics." Biology. 8th ed. Print. "Fish Protein Fingerprinting on Polyacrylamide Gel." Web. 14 Mar. 2011. <http://www.carolina.com/text/teacherresources/instructions/biotech/fish_protein_fingerp rinting.pdf>.