Table S1. Animal heat budget model parameters parameter units value εbody, skin longwave infrared emissivity - 1.0 αbody, skin solar absorptivity - 0.9 ρbody, flesh density kg m3 1000 kbody, flesh thermal conductivity W m-1 °C-1 0.5 Cbody, flesh specific heat capacity J kg-1 °K-1 4185 Fbody,sky, configuration factor body to sky - 0.4 Fbody,sub, configuration factor body to substrate - 0.4 A, lizard surface area cm2 10.4713𝑊𝑤 0.688 where Ww is wet weight in g Asil, silhouette area normal to the sun cm2 3.798𝑊𝑤 0.683 where Ww is wet weight in g Fsub, fraction of surface area contacting the substrate - 0.1 Fwet, fraction of surface area that is wet - 0.0 𝐹𝑂2 , oxygen extraction efficiency - 0.2 Δresp, temperature difference between expired and °C 0.1 inspired air Table S2. Microclimate model parameters. Note that for soil thermal properties, the presence of ‘organic’ cap was assumed for the top 5 cm of the substrate. parameter units value source δsub, roughness height of the substrate m 0.002 assumed εsub, substrate longwave infrared emissivity - 0.96 assumed αsub, substrate solar absorptivity - 0.90 assumed ρsub, substrate density kg m-3 2560 (Campbell & Norm ksub, substrate thermal conductivity W m-1 °C-1 2.5 (0.2 top 5cm) (Campbell & Norm csub, substrate specific heat capacity J kg-1 K-1 870 (1920 top 5cm) (Campbell & Norm As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such materials are peer-reviewed and may be re-organized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset. Technical support issues arising from supporting information (other than missing files) should be addressed to the authors.