Workshop Description & Supply List

Free Motion Freedom Class
Presenter: Sally Terry
Internationally Recognized Domestic & Longarm Quilter
Get Free Motion Freedom no matter what level of machine quilter you consider yourself
to be. Both workshop days will be packed with inspiring creative ways to machine quilt.
Day 1 will give you the latest techniques and Day 2 will help you develop your new
found skills. You may be right feathered or left feathered, right designed or left
designed. Learn which patterns work best for you. As you learn the free motion
techniques we will apply them to stencils, block and border patterns, and feathering.
You will be amazed just how easy it is, with a few simple moves, to have your quilts sing
with beauty and graceful flowing patterns. Whether you machine quilt with a sit down
traditional machine or a stand up machine the techniques apply to both. Come, be
inspired, and fall in love with machine quilting. Sally provides an information filled
handout for later use as a reference.
Day 1—Morning: Free Motion Fancies With Wiggle Room
Whether you are just starting out or you are comfortable with machine quilting and want to try new
trending patterns and designs, this morning class will give you a great a way to interpret the patterns
so even the most complicated stencils and patterns will look smooth, consistent and practiced...even
if they are not. Then we will learn where to focus your eyes for your specific machine to make each
shape pretty. Get a simple trick for moving your fabric (or machine) to smooth out your threadpaths
and hide the bobbles and wobbles. Next discover how to count for consistent size designs from
leaves, to circles to feathers. In the first 30 minutes you will understand how you can stitch the most
intricate complicated patterns, beautifully. Finally you will learn how to build in the "wiggle room" so
you never have to be perfect.
Day 1— Afternoon: Feathering Stencils and Patterns with Free Motion Freedom
Using stencils and following patterns give you a bit more design control but can be difficult to make
look perfect. We will practice how to follow patterns and get lots of tips on how to add "wiggle room"
to any design so your results are beautiful. Learn where to start and stop your designs and how to
easily hide bobbles and wobbles. Next we will apply this to feathers and make them look perfect
without the tediousness of mirrored images, especially in centers of designs and corner turns. Bring
any feather stencils you may have to class and we will practice using the free motion techniques for
more machine quilting freedom. Plus get a real understanding of how to layout your feather patterns
so you never have to be perfect, once again building in your "wiggle room". Find out which feather
style works best for you. Lastly we will discover which of the 4 feather style quilts up to use in different
areas such as stencils, fills, and more; no matter what type of quilting machine you use. This
afternoon will be full of how-to patterns and designs.
Day 2—Morning: Fills, Frills and Feathers Fancies
Feathers can fill many awkward spaces beautifully. We will layout a large basic star block pattern and
explore the different feather fill patterns to quilt in and around the star including a feather sashing.
Learn how to start and stop your feathers, travel between spaces and even use a stand-alone feather
medallion. Bring any pieced project that you may be wanting feathering design ideas.
Day 2—Afternoon: Feather Borders with Free Motion Freedom
Do your feathers and other designs fly straight as an arrow right down your borders? We will learn to
curve and curl and twirl your feathers to fill the space without ever having to be perfect. This
technique also works beautifully when you need to cover larger areas or the entire quilt top. If you
have a border stencil or printed pattern with a curved spine be sure to bring it, even if it has
something other than feathers in the design. Discover how to incorporate other shapes with your
feathers to go with the overall feel of your quilt project. After taking this class your quilts will take on a
new more polished finished appearance. Get ready for the compliments from your family and friends.
Free Motion Freedom Class
Presenter: Sally Terry
Supply List
Sewing Machine and Manual, extension cord, machine power cord and foot pedal, top stitch or
utility needles, free motion foot
36" x 36" quilt sandwich (top fabric, lower loft batting, backing fabric), pre-basted with thread
using a neutral non-printed fabric such as unbleached muslin. THIS IS FOR DAY 1, YOU
recommended for each day.
1 full spool of well running thread to match quilt sandwich fabric and several pre-wound
Machine Quilting gloves for better grip
Feather block stencil - Day 1
Feather border stencil, printed feather pattern preferably with corner turn included - Day 2
Thread cutting scissors, Paper cutting scissors
18" ruler
Fabric markers - non-permanent for light and dark fabric
8"x10" thin cardboard-cereal box weight
Favorite drawing pencil, eraser, sharpener
Straight pins
Paper bag for trash
Chair cushion for added height creating better hand-eye coordination